Saturday, January 28, 2012

Automated Response: VACATION

Ok, so maybe it's just a mini-vacay...but I'll TAKE IT!  The Army wouldn't let us take a real vacation before deployment, so weekend vacations it is!

If I worked in an office and had an automated response right now, it would probably be something along these lines:
(Well, only if I worked with all bloggers...otherwise it would be creepy)

I'll be back soon AND my computer should be back in action around that time, too! I am missing y'all this weekend, and it's only a few days...I can't imagine if I had to be gone for longer!

I feel ridiculously cheesy right now, so I'm gonna go...yeah...

Oh, but go check out my BFF Desiree, while I'm gone.  She completes my life right now.
For real.


Lauren Talon said...

Have a great mini-vacation!! :)

Niken said...

have a nice vacation. i want one too...

Dear Boys Love Mom said...

You are so sweet!! Love you!!!! Happy vacation!!


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