Those of you that have been around for awhile know that I eat pretty healthy.
I don't work out although I should, but blog's like Stephanie's give some great inspiration!
The girl is a fitness model, so you know, she knows what she's talkin' bout.
I'm not gonna lie, I have been a little pig lately, but since I was done with all my competitions and such, I deserved it. It has gotten me to thinking that I should be exercising, because it's not just for "weight loss". It's for overall health and happiness. Did you know I used to work at a gym? Of course you don't, because it wasa million years ago back in 2004. Thinking back on it makes me want to work at a gym again. It was great motivation and such a fun job.
Future career? Think I could do it, Nikki?
The girl is a fitness model, so you know, she knows what she's talkin' bout.
I'm not gonna lie, I have been a little pig lately, but since I was done with all my competitions and such, I deserved it. It has gotten me to thinking that I should be exercising, because it's not just for "weight loss". It's for overall health and happiness. Did you know I used to work at a gym? Of course you don't, because it was
Future career? Think I could do it, Nikki?
So let's let this Monday be the fresh start we need.
Take it away Stephanie!
Here is the plan:
(1) Make a plan! How much weight do you want to lose? REMEMBER to be realistic! It is recommended to lose 1-4 pounds a week (anything more than that can be hazardous of cause health complications).
(2) Set a plan of action! How are YOU going to start working towards reaching your goals? Cutting out that midafternoon carbonated drink or sugary snack? Making healthier meals for you and your family? Drinking more water? Scheduling and completing the workouts for the week? YOU can set your plans into action. Seek the help of a personal trainer, nutritionists, or even ASK ME for advice!! It starts with eating right! The things that you consume should be fuel for your body! Eating the right things will allow your body to start making the right changes once you incorporate a regular workout routine.
(3) Make a reward! What would you like as a reward for your hard work? Yes I know that you are not a dog and should not be rewarded with treats…but we are human…and having a reward gives you something to work towards. Even if it is shopping…a trip…or that black sexy dress you have wanted to buy. The reward has to be something worth working towards. Overall your main reward is looking…feeling…and living a healthier lifestyle which in the end will benefit your overall life! Now that….is the ULTIMATE reward!
So why not start NOW!?
There is no more time to waste. Only YOU can make the change. There is no magic diet…or magic cream…or magic pill that can get you the results that you are wanting. You have to work hard for what YOU want and no one else can do it for you. It starts with exercise, healthy controlled eating, hard work, and patience. Remember results will not show up overnight. It will take about A MONTH for you to start seeing the results of your hard work…and trust me….when you start to see the results that is enough motivation to make you want to work harder to reach your overall goal!
So start today!
This is Stephanie from Infinite Life Fitness. Please feel free to stop by my site for more health information and tips!

Told you she was inspiring.
What is also inspiring is the turnout we have had for the Christmas Swap.
I guess I'm not the only one that's excited for Christmas, and a special thanks to those that are sharing the button. You gals rock my socks. Hope you all had a great weekend!

She is inspiring! And Janna, you could so work at a gym again. That'd be fun! :)
She is totally inspiring and I agree there's no need to wait for a new year when you can start making changes now. Why wait, you never know what tomorrow holds.
Love Stepahnie...thanks for inspiring us all!
She is totally inspiring. I work at a gym, and I would rather start working out now while there is still room than waiting til January when everyone in the city and their grandmother is there.
Great suggestions stephanie! I definitely need more exercise in my life, im just too darn busy!
Ooh ill do it!! Gotta find my sexy!!
Ugh. Now I feel even MORE fatty.
I love that first quote! it is fabulous!
I love how we both don't workout. I loathe the gym. Pilates I can do. But you're both right for health and happiness I need to get myself to the gym...
Oh. The gym. I don't stress out too much about working out, but I try to run or do yoga every now and then. And forget any kind of "cross fit" training though, its definitely not for me! But I love that each day is a fresh start to try something new!
Janna, that's me, too! I eat okay, but I am so bad about exercising. :( I have been a pig lately, too! :( It also helps that Brady has been training for his Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, so I have been cooking pretty healthy lately ;)
And I agree w/ Stephanie, do it now, not for the New Year's Resolution. I am sure most people at the gym see a trend in January... ;)
Great advice!!
so right on! I did exactly this. lost 30 lbs in 6 months. then I got knocked up. haha. I can not wait to get back to my routine 100% again after my baby is born.
you definitely don't need a new years to start shedding some pounds you are only giving yourself an excuse why you dont start today.
Haha, I just started mine, how cool is that :)... ok I'm 3 weeks in...
You my friend can and WILL do anything you put your mind to! I'm in the process of making the switch!
Wow. I def should pick up this activity called working out...
I love working out!! I hate it series and then I have to force myself but soon after I start and finish I'm glad I did. I hate that word diet though. I say just overall eat better!
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