Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I can't even explain how excited I am!!
The VERY FIRST set of Care Packages arrived in The Stan!
You can all thank Bethany for supporting your troops!!
(Those of you that are in the process of sending yours- you can just pat yourselves on the back ;)

Two at once? Heck yeah!

Sometimes: I think that I should be in a career by now.
Always: I remember that I am right where I need to be...supporting my soldier.

Sometimes: Not having him here or not being able to talk to him at the exact moment that I want
 to, is hard.
Always: I don't let it show, because he needs me to be strong.

Sometimes: He knows I'm not as strong as the front I am putting up.
Always: He then goes out of his way to surprise me and send me special messages.

Sometimes: The amount of Care Packages that I send him add up $$.
Always: They are SO worth it. Like, I'm pretty sure it's more exciting for me to create and send them, than the thought of my own birthday....

Sometimes: Soldiers think that no one cares about them stateside...
Always: We are showing them that they are wrong, one care package at a time.

Sometimes: I am afraid to ask you all to participate in things, because I'm afraid to not get a response.
Always: You all surprise me with your support, and ESPECIALLY with these Care Packages!

Sometimes: I feel a tidge bit lonely.
Always: You, AMAZING bloggy friends, are the BEST support I could ask for.

My heart is full....

PS. The recapping will be back tomorrow!


cynthia said...

Yay! So exciting! i can't wait to send mine. They should be going out tomorrow. :)

Kristin said...

love seeing these pictures!

Megan Wadsworth said...

If there is one good thing about deployments, it is care packages. I loved adding silly gifts in (they loved cheap plastic Army men to wage war on each others' desks when away & crappy holiday decor) with all the tasty snacks from home... Since we're at the same post, if you ever need anything, please let me know! And I love those pictures!

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

I'm so glad that your hubby got his care packages :)

Anonymous said...

loved this!

Anonymous said...

loved this!

Jenn said...

That is awesome!
Is it too late to participate? I might not be able to get myself (and a package) together until sometime next week...will that still be ok?

P!nky said...

WOOOHOOO, those are so fabulous!!!

You are so strong lady, butif you ever need support, I am RIGHT HERE for ya!


Nikki said...

This is awesome! Seeing the appreciation on their faces is amazing!

Unknown said...

Aww this is so sweet!! He definitely deserves those care packages. That's awesome.

NGato77 said...

I'm with Jenn, is it too late to participate in sending a package? If someone can fill us in that would be great!!!

J and A said...

That is so awesome! Love it. Nice work Bethany! :)

Zara said...

Love love love!
That makes me so happy! I'd love to send one out as well! Email me the details please!

Pamela said...

So sweet!! Makes me tear up!

Dear Boys Love Mom said...

I love that you are sending care packages. Pleas send me the address- I would love to send a package to will or his group.

You always impress me with your sincere heart and amazing strength. I realize we have never had an actual phone conversation, but please feel free to call me anytime. I won't act like I know what you are going through, but I am an awesome listener!! I am so so proud of you. Keep it up lovely!

Hilary said...

Very cool. Awesome pics!

Nobody said...

Ohhh this made my heart happy happy happy. :)

Courtney B said...

Oh my heck, how did I miss the post when you asked for help with the care packages? Lame! And these pictures are SO sweet!
You are the BEST wife! I know it is hard, but you REALLY are strong! I look up to you!!!

Alice said...

That is awesome!! You are a rock star!! Thanks for sharing those pictures!

Kathryn B said...

Yea!!!! That is awesome! I love the pictures too. I always wondered what they did when they received a care package. I agree the $$ adds up when sending care packages, but I would rather be broke than not send them. :)

Sheila@TheFailteHouse said...

Keep sending those packages! I try and send them to my friends over there - they keep saying how much it makes there day! Great photos and captions, by the way!

Rach said...

So precious! I love this! So glad they arrived safely!

♥ ♥ Just a Girl in Love w/ a Soldier ♥ ♥ said...

YAYAYAYAY!!!! I know they love love getting care packages, a little something from home always brightens their day!!!

Tiffany said...

So amazing! I love this.

Nicole said...

You are amazing!

Amanda said...

It makes me so happy to see them so happy!!!

Megan said...

I love how excited they are about them!!! That is so awesome!! You are such a great soldier's wife. I just adore you.

Thanks for linking up!!


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