It happened y'all...
We reached 200 followers on Facebook, and do you know what that means?
I have to reveal my "job".
First of all, let me premise this by saying that I'm not sure that the blog world is ready for this.
However, I have no qualms about where I work or bringing home the gravy.
(Will says he brings home the bacon and I bring home the gravy)
The only reason that I have been apprehensive, is that this blog is my:
And I haven't been ready to test the waters and/or threaten my peaceful little blog.
Some amazing bloggers already know and are great supporters, so I hope that you will all take the news well, too. It's not that I will be offended if you don't approve, I just hope that you take your negativity elsewhere if you are so inclined. I don't judge any of you, so don't judge me.
Drum roll please....
But not just any Hooters girl...I got skillz.

No, I don't have to eat beans to go home...
No, our boobs do not have to touch the wall...
No, Hooters does not pay for boob jobs...
Yes, I have a college degree...
Yes, I have a college degree...
Yes, I make tons of money...
Yes, my husband is TOTALLY okay with me working here...
Yes, I will continue to milk this while I still look nineteen.
Do you have fun at your job? Cuz I do:
Do you have fun at your job? Cuz I do:
{This video has 16,000 views on two Youtube channels!}
I definitely feel like I just ripped a band-aid off.
I wasn't looking forward to it, but I'm glad it's over and off my CHEST.
Pun intended.
Thank you in advance for your support, and for those of you that unfollow...I thank you too, because I don't need judgmental people as followers. Just bein' real!
Thank you in advance for your support, and for those of you that unfollow...I thank you too, because I don't need judgmental people as followers. Just bein' real!
man if i had a body as good as yours, i would totally rock it like that also! and way to go for being one of the photographed hooters girls!
Hahahaha oh my god I love you! If only I had the chest to rock a Hooters shirt. If only they weren't nearly A's. No shame lady, go get that gravy!
If I had boobs, I'd work there too. Haha you're my hero.
I've seen Hooters Girls with lil' ones but I just know that shirt wouldn't look good on me !
here's a quote I've grown to love
"If you love what you do, you'll never work another day in your life." - Confucius
If only i have a bod like yours, i would werk it.
If I had the body, I'd quit my job and get me a job at Hooters! You go, girl!:)
I love that you're a HG!! Like love times a million!
aww you shouldn't feel bad about this! anyone who gives you slack is jealous that they don't look like you! :) xoxo
I recently started following your blog and I adore you even more now that I know you are a fellow waitress. I get so irritated with how quickly people assume things about you because you are a waitress. Yes, I am the blonde waitress in a tight t-shirt - but I am also someone's teacher.
You look great! I wish I looked that good in a bikini! Your rockin it gurl!
Thanks for sharing!
there is no shame in being a Hooters girl. You are beautiful. I bet you have plenty of stories, now maybe you can share them? That would be fun.
Have a great week!
No judgment here. The video you posted is brilliant, looks like you have a lot of fun.
No judgment here...make that money, honey! I think it's awesome that you love what you do-not everyone can say that!
Nothin' wrong with being a Hooters girl! You are rocking it & that's all that matters :)
I knew about it before :) and thought it was awesome! I would have totally have came one, if the hubby would let me haha. I even interviewed there about four years ago hehe. You seem like you have so much fun at your job, and look hot doing it. You're so gorgeous, btw!
Go you! You look fantastic! And the video? Hilarious!
WOOT! You're a hottie with a body so work it work it!
You are too cute, girlfriend! Rock that job : )
I'm glad I don't have to artfully word if I ask you publicly if I can come visit you at work now! Cheese sticks and peanut butter pie, YUM!
Way to go lady! Love it <3
work it girl! no judgement here, loved the post & will continue to follow :)
Love it & your pun! ;)
With the introduction, I was waiting for you to say you were a playboy model! There is nothing wrong with working at hooters! You look amazing and it looks like a fun place to work!! Forget the haters, I bet you gain more followers from this post!
Girl WORK it! MAKE THAT MONEY YO! There is nothing wrong with being a Hooters girl! More power to you! I did just see the Undercover Boss episode of for Hooters and I have to say that dick head of a manager that made his girls do a bean eating contest to see who goes home first was a first class douche!
I would love to see you "in action". You are so beautiful and have the perfect body. I think it's awesome! And congratulations on having 200 followers! Awesome!
love it! i was a hooter's girl in college!!! and my now husband was totally fine with it!
eat beans...haha!! that's awesome girly - keep it real :) XO
Congratulations on 200 Facebook followers! :)
I already knew this little tidbit so no judging here ;) I think you're gorg and look amazing in all of those pictures! Can't wait to see you on Thursday!
Congrats! LOVE it! You are by far the hottest girl I "know". I bet you are the best hooters girl out there!
Shut up! I love that you're a Hooters girl! If it brings home the bacon and you get job perks, um duh.
You are gorgeous and if I could do it, I would!
i couldn't help but wonder...
looks like you have a blast! if i had the skills to be a waitress, i'd want to do it at hooters! but i have a horrible memory and people would get mad at me for forgetting orders and refills and such. haha! so, props to you! and that video is awesome!!!
haha I knew, and I'm still here :). I just want to look like you ;)
I had a feeling you were either in the food industry because you talked about shifts and different crazy hours. Hey, I say if you got it flaunt it. There 'aint nothing wrong with that. I loved modeling in my day. It's fun. Not everyone can do it. Why not? Life is potentially too hard and boring to not enjoy it. And yes-i'd say you got skillz! As long as there is trust between hubby and you why should he care? He's probably proud as heck of his hot little wife; who also happens to be an amazing person.
Get it girl! If you love what you do, then go for it.
Girlfriend you are smoking' hot! In such a crappy economy I love that you were smart enough to capitalize on whatcha got! Bring home that gravy sister;)
Good for you girlfriend!!! You look amazing!
I knew it!! :) hahah!! You rock that sexiness sweetie!
I love it!!!! If I had your looks and body I would be right there with you! No judging here!! There is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with where you work or what you do! What's even better is that you enjoy it! Keep on keeping on!!
Psh, that's nothing to hide! Congrats on 200 FB followers and keep kicking butt at life, lady :)
First way to go for reaching 200 followers and second no one should judge you for what you do or were you work and if they do they are just jealous!!! You are smokin good lookin and there's no reason why you should have to hide it. I think its fabulous your a hooters girl and I'm sure you enjoy it and thats all that matters, you have to love what you do. Thanks for sharing and dont worry those people that judge / unfollow or what ever are just jealous!!!
OH MY GOSH. I think I have a girl crush on you. Just kidding. Kind of, lol. No I am totally kidding. I just wish I had that bod!! Get it, girl!! I think it's awesome you are so confident and you are on posters and stuff. My husband has joked about me being a hooters girl but I don't think I could do it. More power to you!!
Oh em gee janna!! Honestly I wojld have thought you were like head pimp master or topless Tuesday's number 1 the way you made it sound! Hahaha. This is so not even bad!! You go girl!! Make your money!!!
Seeing your bod makes me really regret the heaping bowl of pasta I just ate. For lunch. Before my big anniversary dinner tonight.
Good for you. Be proud of who you are!
Good for you! I wish I looked that good! If you can do something you enjoy that's so awesome. And clearly you are awesome because you are literally the poster child for Hooters :)
Girl if you got it flaunt it! I love saying that haha. The only thing that matters is that you are happy with your job! If I had bigger tatas I would totally work at hooters. That is so neat that you do the advertisement for them too! Great pictures :D
CONGRATS ON 200 followers on FB woot woot! You work at I don't see why it should be a big deal. Not like you're standing on a street corner. Work those assets and flaunt that pretty smile to increase those tips. I was a waitress a few years ago and people love someone with a great personality. You should be damn proud of who you are, cause there's plenty of people doing worse things to make a living.
Dang girl. You look GOOD!
YAY!!! so yeah im gonna brag i was one of the bloggers who already knew so proud of you gf! and i love these ads! my fave is the daisy dukes one! just fabulous!! each picture is beautiful! did i ever tell you my favorite wings ever are hooters wings?! im i want some...haha love you!
Get it girl! You look fantastic!
You go girl!! Do what you do! :)
Hollllllerrrr! I flippin' love Hooters. I totally used to live by the original one in Clearwater. Do you have to visit it since it's like the holy grail of Hooters?! ;)
You go girl! Be proud! I give chemotherapy for a living but if I had a body like yours I would do that in a heart beat! As a fellow army wife of a deployed spouse I love reading your blog!
that is a fun job! totally jealous! makes me wanna quite my call center job LOL
showing some luv from found you via the give away at messy dirty hair :)
Love it!! :)
Pun intended! HA! Love it! You go!
I. want. your. body.
: ) After I pop this baby out, of course.
I'm pretty sure I say it all the time... but I'll say it again! You are a freakin' BABE!!
If there ever was a time for me to work at Hooters it would be now. Even though it's not a requirement I'm sure my boobs could totally touch the wall... but wait. So would my gut, ha ha. I want to look hot like you! You are totally my inspiration for getting my bod back for next summer!!
You are hilarious, what a fun job!
More power to you hunny! Came over from MessyDirtyHair. Love the blog, so glad I found it!
Are you happy doing it? Because that's all that matter. You're a kind and wonderful person and I love you and I will never unfollow you ;)
Glad you finally revealed the truth ; )
Good for you girl!! Both for working there and for sharing - If you look amazing and the money is good - why not right?
U r great.. Keep the good work :)
Love you. And your hooters. Get it girl ;)
I used to bartend, and it was my most favorite job(s) ever. I always thought it would be awesome to be a hooters girl but the restaurants aren't as popular in my city. Tyler was super supportive of me bartending, even suggesting i not wear my ring to earn more tips. He knows I would never ever ever cheat but I do love the flirting and the money ;-)
PS you look crazy sexy, so go girl ;-)
Gf, you are HOT. I've learned that life is too short to let anyone get you down or not to be happy. You're bringin' home the bacon, have a supportive family and man--who cares what some lame ass on a blog post might say--YOU ROCK! And I totally admire you for being so honest :)
Being a Hooters Girl has always been a secret dream of mine. I would love to work at our local one as a part-time job, but haven't had the nerve to go in and apply. Maybe next year, after these braces are off my teeth!
If you got the body for it girl flaunt it.
This video cracked me up. Lol
I'm so happy that you decided to share this! And even more proud because that takes a lot of strength and courage :) Happy Friday, love!
I think it's fantastic, and if I had the body, I'd totally work at Hooters. I have many friends who have moved on from Hooters to "real" jobs, and still work there a couple nights a week because they love it so much. I think it's awesome that you shared this! <3
When I used to bartend while my man was deployed a lot of people gave me crap for it. We live in vegas and i made more money in those 7 months than I ever had in such a short time before and had more FUN than I ever have in my "career". Keep on doing what you do girl, don't let anyone get you down! :)
So I know I'm late to the party here but I just have to say... You go girl!!!If I was just a little less shy I would so work at Hooters & my husband would love it!! If anyone wants to judge you well it's their loss!
<3 Melissa
I love this!
I love how down to earth you are. Honestly, you don't need a college degree to be successful and/or happy. However, I would have to say, it's good to have it under your belt.
I still am following. =)
Your video cracks me up!! Love it!!
Nothing wrong with this! I actually wish our Hooters girls will look more like yours! Our hooters girls don't have "hooters" it's more like "butt-ers", if you get my drift??
And I hate my job!
So good on you for loving yours!
I had seen the video on Youtube of y'all dancing so I already knew, but I am glad you finally told!!
I love that you work at hooters!
You are BEAUTIFUL and I know you bring in some crazy cash!
If we had one I'd be the first to sign up!
Love it! That "rip" didn't hurt so bad?!! You're beautiful inside and out! YAY for you being you, healthy marriages and bringing home the gravy!
Im a new follower and i love that you let this out in the way that you did! I miss my days of being a waitress and you really can't beat the cash you make. I worked for a local restaurant and made so much money, had fun everyday at work, and was proud of the work i did. A job is a job and enjoying where you work and supporting your family is whats really important!!
This is an amazing post and more people must offer the information like this. It has helped me a lot.
amazing race
I knew this only because I saw something about ti elsewhere but girl, you're like THE face of your hooters! That's awesome. And umm, I'm going to go here... the large pic of you on the wall, the girl in the blue should have watched her hand placement. Sorry but it was the first thing I noticed.
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