On a whim, I looked up the last "Currently" post that I did, and surprisingly, I feel like not much has changed. I know that sounds boring, but I find consistency awesome. Especially consistent happiness. {PS. We totally got rid of the mouse problem}
Currently I'm....
Currently I'm....
Reading...Blogs. Lots and lots of blogs. Still trying to catch up after last week.
And say hi to new faces...HI!
Ordering...YesTo Products.
Did you know that Aunie is the new Yes To Girl?
She reintroduced me to the line, and I am loving it again!
She reintroduced me to the line, and I am loving it again!
Since I ordered something, YOU now get 35% off (plus better online deals) by using this link. The products are pretty pricey, so I definitely recommend checking out the site. Plus if three of you order something then I get a $15 gift card. Holla!
Drinking...Coconut tea from Republic Of Teas
You know me and coconut.
Recovering From...Running three miles after not running for a week.
Jillian Michaels is great, but no match for straight up running.
Jillian Michaels is great, but no match for straight up running.
Hitting My Head For...Overloading the disposal. Who knew potatoes would do that?
Avoiding...Going into to work on my days off.
I am supposed to be working four days, but it's been 5-6 every week!
Playing...With my new camera that Willmade me get got me!
He wins husband of the YEAR in my eyes. He knows that I wouldn't shell out the money for this, so he traded our old camera for an iPad, sold the iPad, cashed in reward points, and he's selling one of his TWO laptops {long story}. He said that I was long overdue for a special present, and this was just the one. I guess the hints on the blog really did work ;) I kid, I kid. Kind of.
By the way, the camera is just as amazing as I thought and more. It's as easy to use as a point and shoot, but more bells and whistles than I could have imagined. The fun has JUST begun.
Playing...With my new camera that Will
He wins husband of the YEAR in my eyes. He knows that I wouldn't shell out the money for this, so he traded our old camera for an iPad, sold the iPad, cashed in reward points, and he's selling one of his TWO laptops {long story}. He said that I was long overdue for a special present, and this was just the one. I guess the hints on the blog really did work ;) I kid, I kid. Kind of.
By the way, the camera is just as amazing as I thought and more. It's as easy to use as a point and shoot, but more bells and whistles than I could have imagined. The fun has JUST begun.
Debating...what time to get up to go to the gym.
Crushing On...My supa'dupa' sexy husband.

Obviously he was on break when this was taken, hence the beard. It also happened to be his Birthday {January 22nd}, and he is making 28 look good!
Yes, I am that far behind on posting pictures.
So yeah...Life is good :)
Congrats on your new camera! Happy Belated Birthday to your hubby!
That camera looks amazing, can't wait for all the pictures you plan to take!
I put too much down the disposal all the time, DOH!
Im glad that things are consistently happy for you! That is the best feeling :)
I want your camera! :)
That is a SWEET looking camera!!
ugh running is hard! And so cool about Aunie! I love yes to carrots! love your camera, what an excellent gift!!
If you like Yes to products you have to try the yes to cucumbers eye gel! So refreshing!
good for you with your running 3 miles! #30milesin30days get it girl!
I have had catastrophic disposal instances in the past.
Love the currently posts, I might do one tomorrow.
Yay for a new camera!! And i ran yesterday for the first time in a month. Im dying this morning lol!
I don't know if you're a coffee drinker, but if you love coconut, you should try the "Cocomo" from Dutch Bros... it's a fantastic treat :)
I love the new camera. :) Have a wonderful day!!
New cameras are always fun! And wow he really did jump through a lot of hoops for you to get that- good man.
I am always so paranoid I am going to clog the disposal so end up just throwing away a lot of stuff I could probably put down it.
I can't wait to hear more about this camera! I want a "big girl" camera, but want something just as easy and my point and shoot. This one sounds like it would work for me!
I love that you have been reading new blogs because one of them is mine!!
And I just want to say that you are by far one of the SWEETEST bloggers that I've "met." For someone with so many followers, I was so pleasantly surprised when you stopped my little ole blog and left such sweet and heartfelt comments!! You are so genuine, and I am so happy to be a new-ish follower of yours :)
Love the new camera!
Love your new camera, it looks pretty snazzy!!!
i am a big fan of consistency too!! yeah for a new camera - how fun!
happy belated birthday to your hubs!! love your hair janna by the way it is always so gorgeous
Consistent happiness..love that!
Super cute post! Always love reading "Currently" posts from the past & seeing the similarities and differences!
That camera is awesome! Glad life is good! :)
How exciting about getting a new camera! What are some of the bells and whistles? I need to learn how to use my camera. And how to take pictures. Ahh, someday.
i know... i hope you learn that camera. it's cool how it has the abiliities it has like a big dslr! i think my dad still just uses auto. i had a hard time trying to teach them... :/
i tried a jiu jitsu class, and i was sore for two days! but it was so much fun.
Aw your husband is SO sweet!!
Awesome camera!! The beard made me laugh because every time my husband would get time leave or time off he would be so excited about not having to shave and would grow his beard out!
awesome camera, and the potatoes!!!! I did that too! My husband was pissed. However, I tend to think that anything and everything can go in the disposal because I mean, isnt that what its for????
Fun new camera! YOu looked beautiful as always for Will's birthday!
coconut tea? that's intriguing!
Oooooh I love your new camera! I want a new toy!
I can't wait to see the pics you take with the new camera. Looks pretty cool.
I am obviously super behind on reading. He looks good with a beard!
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