...But not really.
I will spare you the gory details and just tell you that I sliced my thumb up. My boss was ready to send me to the hospital, but I thought it unnecessary. Why do we always do that? If someone else was bleeding all over the place, I would definitely tell them to go get it checked. When I do it- I wrap it up and watch the bandaging turn crimson.
I'm not sure if that was the cause, but I passed out at 8PM that night and slept for eleven hours straight. Normally I wouldn't care, but I didn't have a blog post scheduled for Tuesday and wanted to spend time with Will, since he had to spend Tuesday night sleeping out in the field. I think I need to reevaluate my time management if I can't even stay awake for that.
I spend foutry-nine hours/week sleeping, twenty-six hours/week at work, thirty-five+ hours/week blogging, and five+ hours/week working out.
**My hat is off to bloggers that work full time and/or have children.
I don't know how you keep it all together, and look so fabulous while you do it!**
This leaves me with fifty-three hours for EVERYTHING else- cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, "fun", and most importantly, Will. Granted I do the majority of this "stuff" while he is working and sleeping, but it is still leaving me overwhelmed. Instead of letting myself get burnt out, I would like to work on better time management. Unfortunately, the only thing I can cut back on is blogging, but I think that if I quit overextending myself I can tighten up this ship.
+ I will kick butt with March Madness {two weeks left to make my to-do list a to-done list}.
+ I will use some of the 100's of blog drafts that I have saved, instead of stressing about recapping immediately. So what if I haven't posted about the Military Ball yet? It can wait.
+ I will learn to say no to projects, giveaways, and link ups if I can't handle them.
+I will remember the advice that I read on another blog...
This blog is my letters to you, and your wonderful comments are your letters back to me. I need to remember that as long as I read every comment, answer any questions, and continue to grow relationships, I am doing okay.
Kait wrote some powerful words recently, that are now resonating in my head:
I will spare you the gory details and just tell you that I sliced my thumb up. My boss was ready to send me to the hospital, but I thought it unnecessary. Why do we always do that? If someone else was bleeding all over the place, I would definitely tell them to go get it checked. When I do it- I wrap it up and watch the bandaging turn crimson.
I'm not sure if that was the cause, but I passed out at 8PM that night and slept for eleven hours straight. Normally I wouldn't care, but I didn't have a blog post scheduled for Tuesday and wanted to spend time with Will, since he had to spend Tuesday night sleeping out in the field. I think I need to reevaluate my time management if I can't even stay awake for that.
I spend foutry-nine hours/week sleeping, twenty-six hours/week at work, thirty-five+ hours/week blogging, and five+ hours/week working out.
**My hat is off to bloggers that work full time and/or have children.
I don't know how you keep it all together, and look so fabulous while you do it!**
This leaves me with fifty-three hours for EVERYTHING else- cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, "fun", and most importantly, Will. Granted I do the majority of this "stuff" while he is working and sleeping, but it is still leaving me overwhelmed. Instead of letting myself get burnt out, I would like to work on better time management. Unfortunately, the only thing I can cut back on is blogging, but I think that if I quit overextending myself I can tighten up this ship.
+ I will kick butt with March Madness {two weeks left to make my to-do list a to-done list}.
+ I will use some of the 100's of blog drafts that I have saved, instead of stressing about recapping immediately. So what if I haven't posted about the Military Ball yet? It can wait.
+ I will learn to say no to projects, giveaways, and link ups if I can't handle them.
+I will remember the advice that I read on another blog...
This blog is my letters to you, and your wonderful comments are your letters back to me. I need to remember that as long as I read every comment, answer any questions, and continue to grow relationships, I am doing okay.
Kait wrote some powerful words recently, that are now resonating in my head:
But I have come to a point of reckoning. Sometimes it's okay to just "be". Be grateful with what you have. Be happy for what you have done. Be excited for the potential that the future holds.
And for once, let your expectations do the waiting.

Today, I'm just going to be...
Thankful that my husband is in training to better his career.
That I have a house to take care of.
That I have the skills to cook for my love.
That I have a job.
Thankful that my husband is in training to better his career.
That I have a house to take care of.
That I have the skills to cook for my love.
That I have a job.
That I have discovered this obsession hobby of working out.
That I have so many wonderful bloggers as friends and companions.
That I have so many ideas popping out of my head that I can't keep up with what I want to blog about day to day. {No such thing as writer's block over here!}
So what are you all thankful for today?

So what are you all thankful for today?

Inspiring story :)
thx for today and evryday always
I always say I want working out to be a hobby, but for now it's still a dreaded thing. Good thing there are plenty of other things to be thankful for!
I've definitely been starting to get the "overwhelming" feeling of there's so much to do and I don't have time to do it all. But the thing I want to cut back on is school--too bad I can't!
Im thankful to just be able to do more. Whatever that is. There are people who cant really do anything. Great post!
OH GIRLIE GIRL, I'm SO GLAD you are okay! Scary bizznass. Keep an eye on the wound, and get your hiney to the ER if it looks even a teeny bit weird!
It is so important to just BE!!! I agree, as much as I love reading your blog, in the grand scheme of your life, it is easily the first thing to slow the roll on.
I mean, I can always text you to know how you are doing right?!?!
Sometimes all wee need is a good 11 hour sleep. Those are awesome aren't they?? :)
I hope your thumb heals quickly my friend!!
I'm thankful for good friends and a wonderful lady that I have met :)
Oh wow, you spend a lot of time blogging :). Of course I never sat down and calculated how long I spend :). I'm with you, I very seldom have writers block but I still stress over what to blog about sometimes.
it's amazing the amount of time we spend on our blogs, really its just plain crazy. i love your blog and always will no matter what you post about!
Thankful for YOU! :)
Glad you spent time with Hubs. And sometimes you just push the blog aside and focus on life.
I love this! And I was actually thinking yesterday about how I am thankful that I can be a stay at home mom to my son!
I am thankful that my sweet newborn is strong enough to be able to scream ALL NIGHT LONG. I am thankful.
I'm so glad you're okay! And next time listen to your boss and get it checked out. ;) I know what you mean, though. It's somehow "different" or "not a big deal" if it's me and not someone else.
Thankful for you sister!!! That overwhelming feeling is never fun but sometimes is a nice gentle reminder to def just be and thats a good thing. Boo about ure finger, glad u survived ;)
I am in love with that quote and I hope your okay. I just sliced my thumb today too.
I've gotten my knickers in a knot to get 5 posts a week up. Sometimes, it's not going to happen, and in the past three weeks with everything going on in my life, I've been cool with it. Just being and not worrying. I've been using my drafts like mad.
Glad you're okay! Blood makes me woozy.
Uggh! I'm sure that must have hurt so bad. Don't rule out a doctor visit if you think it needs it. It's HARD balancing everything. I work full time and work out but no kids and it's hard to keep up. I see it happen time and time across the blogging world. Over extension which often leads to burn out. It's okay to cut back. It's okay not to be the blogger "it" girl...at least that's what I keep telling myself! Hang in there. It will get better.
I work full time, go to school full time and blog. The of course there's the housework and spending time with K. I don't think about it, I just do it. But whe I see others I'm all - how do they do it?! Today I'm just thankful for life. It's opportunities and everything that comes with it.
I'm learning to be okay with not having a blog post for every day. Instead of stressing over it, I just let it go. And it's OK!! We'll all still be here :)
I can relate to this on so many levels. I wish there were more hours in a day. I just don't have time to get it all done. It stresses me out!!! I need to take your advice and some of these others advice and learn to sit back and just be thankful for all the time I do have and spend it the right way....with friends and family!
Balancing everything is the hardest thing in the world to do! D your best don't stress!
I love your lists of things to be thankful for. :)
I am glad you are ok!!
You are so sweet, but it's true! We spend so much time holding ourselves to these expectations and when we don't accomplish them EXACTLY TO THE DETAIL of how we planned them out in our head..it's like a loss, or a failure. Keep your chin up, girl! Sometimes it IS okay to just be.
I love that you posted this, I did an entire post today on what I'm thankful for. How fitting :)
I love that you stay positive and listed what you are grateful for!
Time management is always a tricky thing for me. I'm trying to be better about how I spend my time. I'm thankful for my husband and family. They are always there for me. I'm so thankful. :)
I'll tell ya...working full time and growing a human is all I can handle lately! I also don't know how some ladies manage to blog every day, and work, and have kiddos! They are obviously more dedicated and organized than I am. Oh well... we all do our best. xoxo
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