This is for all of you that live where it's warm, brag about your beach vacation, or are on a cruise...**Cough Pamela and Bethany Cough**
It may be cold here...but perception is everything ;)

We drove up Super Bowl Sunday and stayed at the Alpine Slopes Lodge.
{I highly recommend it. Clean, spacious rooms, and walking distance to the ski lifts.}

Then it was up'n at'em for a day full of me trying to keep up with the boys.

I half expected us to stay on the slopes until sunset, but thank GOODNESS we were all whooped before afternoon set in. That meant it was time for Après-ski.
Après-ski (French: After Skiing) refers to going out, having drinks, dancing, and generally socializing after skiing.
Basically, the best part of winter sports.

Just kidding...This is all I wanted to do after snowboarding:

What? You try keeping up with two extremely athletic males.

This is just how we roll in Colorado. Beaches are for sissies.
well, i'm not bragging but i'm only 5 minutes away from the beach in Bali and that the weather here enables you to wear shorts and lose t-shirt at any time of day. haha.
i'm jealous you get snowboarded, though. switching for a week?? or, you can visit me here!
Please please please tell me the goat mail on is referring to Adam Sandlers The Goat skit! Ill love you forever! Hysterical
Haha I love the last pic! Well second to last, I couldn't keep up either.
I always love following your adventures on here :)
This looks like SO much fun. Can you believe that I've never gone snow boarding OR skiing?? The boyfriend grew up with it, so I have a feeling I'll be trying it at some point in the near future. Let's just hope I don't break something!! :)
Hopefully I'll look as cute as you do, doing it, too! haha
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I know you rocked it out chasing those boys, do work girl!
I wanna come ski with you! :)!
Haha, Janna, funny gal. That first picture of yall is adorable. You're such a champ for even going out there with those boys!
So jealous! I haven't gotten to skiing in years, and the after part is always the best!
so jealous of your winter getaway! I have only been boarding ONCE this winter and that does not make me a happy girl!
Oooh fun! I've never been skiiing or snow boarding and neither has my husband (which is crazy 'cause he grew up in the north). Anyway, there's a place not too far from us that we are wanting to check out next year! I think it will be a fun (and exhausting) adventure! :)
Jealous! This looks like so much fun! :)
ahhh this is awesome!!! you should totally link this up for travel tuesdays!!
I've never been skiing. I'm terrified I'd break a leg or something. It does look exhausting but fun. And of course cold!
Looks like so much fun! We have some of the best skiing here in Utah! Or so ive heard... Never actually gone ;)
Oh I have never tried snow boarding- only skiing. It seems like I would feel more out of control having my legs be stuck together like that.
Glad you had fun and yes it is tiring!
You know, if winter was always magical like that here on the east coast I'd be all for it. Instead we have to HOPE it snows enough to ski/board. But I'm all for the Apres-ski activities!
Looks like fun! I've never been skiing. I'm going to Colorado this fall but the snow won't be out when I get there.
I grew up about an hour from the ski hill and we went all the time! Now that I'm in the middle of the plains and flat land, I haven't been in years. This makes me miss it so much! Looks like you guys had a great time!
I LOVE colorado! Would move there tomorrow if I could! Visiting from heart shaped sweat!
I am so not a winter sporter.
That last photos is freaking gorgeous.
girl I dont know how you do the cold. I mean, it is definitely cold year around here in SF, but nothing like the winters you get in CO. I am dying for some sunshine in my life these days!!!
Looks like you guys had a blast!!! Love all of the photos!!
Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings
So much fun!!!! I want to learn how to snow board, it looks easy but I'm sure its not lol.
Love the pictures...loved meeting you for 3 HOURS...going to stalk the sidebarrrr
Looked like so much fun!! Love the pictures! :)
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