I would be b*tchin' about going to work on my day off yesterday, but since it was followed by a Starbucks date with Kaitlyn, it turned into a fabulous day!
Don't tell anyone, but I get more nervous for blates than the first date with my husband. Granted I didn't know that our first date was a date, but that's not the point. I mean, this girl is gorgeous and it comes off so effortlessly on her blog. Although, you'd think that I'd be a pro after seven other blates.
Don't tell anyone, but I get more nervous for blates than the first date with my husband. Granted I didn't know that our first date was a date, but that's not the point. I mean, this girl is gorgeous and it comes off so effortlessly on her blog. Although, you'd think that I'd be a pro after seven other blates.
Will she like me?
Will she think that I am just how I come off on the blog?
Will I talk to much? Not enough?
Am I dressed Bloggerific enough?
Is my zit popping through the makeup?
{Yes, I did have a zit pop up, unfortunately}

Now...I think we are in "blog love".
It went from grabbing coffee at Starbucks to chatting it up for THREE hours. Our husbands were even checking on us, because they didn't expect us to hang out that long.
Between blogging, chatting about marriage, and the fact that we are Mil Spouses, the conversation was endless. I would give you details about what we talked about, but a) you'd have to be there and b) I'd have to kill you if I told you. One particular topic might be mentioned on Kaitlyn's blog on Friday, so I would make sure to check her out before then.
I am happy to say that I think we clicked pretty well, and I see more blates in the future. We are even hoping for a Colorado Blogger Meet up. It would be epic.
Sami, I hope you are reading ;)
And my final thought, you should wear pearls with your plaid like I did today. It's a Southern thang, but I think it needs to catch on. Keep it classy, everyone!!
Looks like fun! I'm jealous. I wanna go on a blate!
I already told my hubby that we are going on a blate, when we come to Colorado later this year. Maybe August? Not sure yet!
Love me a good blate! Glad it was a blast! SO jealous!
Kristine from The Foley Fam {unedited} Blog
So fun. I haven't been on many blates but I totally hear you on being more nervous about them than a romantic date. Making friends is nerve wracking! And they're strangers... but not really. It's complicated. Glad you guys clicked so well.
This makes me so happy and excited to get out to Colorado Springs and force y'all to be my friends. xoxo
Even a Colorado Springs meet up would work, I have at least 5 followers just in the area!
Blates are so fun! I need to go on more of them!! :)
DA-DA-DA-digging the pearls and plaid, rock it out girl!
YAY for blates, the best est kind of dates [not with a boy of course]!
Yay for blates, looks like you had a great time! :)
I'm glad you had a great time! It's always so satisfying to connect with someone in person.
So fun. How could she not love you!! Wish we were close enough for a blate!
JEALOUS!! I have fallen in love with Kaitlyn! She is adorable and so are you! We just had our first VBlate and I was nervous, much less in person! I have never really gotten into plaid but you make it look cute! I might have to go shopping! Love that I am following along with you now! XOXO
So fun!! Glad you guys clicked!!
You have been on so many blates! That's awesome. I've had none. You two are so cute. I think it's awesome that you got to meet up.
There totally needs to be a Colorado Blogger Meetup!!!! It looks like you guys had a great time :)
Love the plaid!
Oh how fun!!! So glad y'all clicked so well. I didn't realize you were in Colorado! Gotta love the blog world <3
Haha! You are so cute with your plaid and pearls. :) Glad you ladies had such a wonderful time together!! I love meeting other bloggers in real life. :)
Someone (Kaitlyn) spilled the beans that you talked about me ;) Only good things I hope! Let's get to planning that meet-up! I'll be in town next weekend for a birthday party, I think a coffee date/froyo is in order!
I LOVE THIS!!!! I like the selfie you must have snapped before I walked in. I had SO SO much fun with you and I can't wait to meet up again!
Kaitlyn (:
You guys both looked fabulous! I love blates! I think it's totally natural to be nervous beforehand. But all the lovely Chicago and out of town bloggers I've been lucky enough to meet have all been just as fabulous in real life as they are on their blogs.
Pearls and plaid?! Hell yeah!!
I get SOOOOO incredibly nervous before each blate! Girls definitely intimidate me more than boys ;)
I want to meet you SO BAD! Either we are meeting up in Vegas or you and Will are coming to Utah!! (I've been meaning to email you back about that comment...) There really is SO much to see and do here! If you came to southern Utah there are multiple national parks, ski resort, etc. PLUS, Vegas is less than 2 hours away. And did I mention I live here? And my baby is super cute and she'd love to have you hold her ;) It's a win-win!
So much fun!!! You are a hoot and so cute I love it!!! Maybe one day our paths will cross and we can meet up!!!
Awe!! How fun! Y'all both look gorgeous!
Pearls are always classy. Also that shirt makes your eyes go POP! Cutie!
Isn't it the best when it all just clicks!? Hopefully one day we'll be able to have a blate like the one you and Katilyn had ;)
Blates are so fun!
I've only gone on one blate, and it was awesome! I wish I lived somewhere closer to other bloggers so I could do more!
Looks like a great time! And yes pearls with plaid is a great match. :)
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