Monday, May 27, 2013

I'm Going To Roll A Weeks Worth Of Posts Into One, Because You're Only Getting One This Week.

Happy Memorial Day, e'ryone!
I would be partaking in the BBQ festivities, but surprise surprise, I have to work. Oh well, at least we are giving free wings to Military and Dependents in honor of the day. Makes me feel like I'm doing something for the fallen.

This Memorial Day is the first time that I directly know a fallen soldier.

Joseph D'Augustine was my friend Brandy's Fiance, and was killed 15 days before he was supposed to come home. I had only met him once, and can't pretend to know him well, but I know the love that he left behind and what breaks my heart for every soldier that we lose. I am just thankful that we have a day to remember. It's honorable for them, and necessary for us.

Gone but not forgotten...

As for the rest of the weekend, it was a lot of relaxation, the usual gym time, great food, and dinner out on Friday. I thought we were just going on a little double date, but come to find out, it was the first time Buck met this girl via Someone should warned me so that we didn't act our normal crazy selves. Too late now! Hehe

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I really wanted a nice photo of the two of us that wasn't from arm's length {emphasis on the word nice}. Thank goodness one turned out.

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You know that I was just excited that I got to rock my boots. I am in LOVE with them, so the rest of the outfit was planned with them in mind.

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Top: Target || Leggings: TJ MaXX || Boots: Zulily || Arm Candy via the hubby

I was also happy that my curls were holding up from the night before. I hate wasting voluminous hair, so I rocked it all the way. I can't even believe the curls stayed in the first place. It is sooo long and heavy that it's impossible to get them to stay. As Chelsey was curling it, she commented no less than ten times about how much hair I have. She used a straightener to curl it, so I'm going to have to try that. Everyone says that I'm not aloud to cut it, which means I'm going to have to learn to handle it.


Now that it's warm enough, the hubs has been embracing the grill. He made me TWO amazing dinners this weekend, 'cuz he knows that my stomach is the way to my heart. Oh how I love a man that can cook! MmmmMmm.

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Similar recipes: 

Last, but not least, I need to explain why you will only be getting one post this week. The CEO {that would be me} of this here blog corporation, has decided that it's time for me to have a blog vacay.

 I'm so behind that I haven't even blogged about Will's promotion for gosh sakes. I'm going to take this time to visit your blogs (duh), edit/sift through all the photos from the past few months, and document all the fun things that have been going on in our lives. First and foremost, this blog is for my family and is a digital scrapbook, so I would really like to document all the amazing memories we have made post-deployment. I have been trying to post them sporadically, but y'all know life has just been too hectic. Now that it's slowing down, it's just time for me to take a breather.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday, and that you take time for yourselves, as well. We all deserve time to stop and smell the roses. Catch ya on the flip side! 

P.S. Happy Birthday, Kelly! Love ya guhh, and glad you loved your package!
PPS. I got top 10 in the contest! I promise that will be one of the recaps when I come back ;)


Ashley McCardia said...

You definitely should NOT cut it! I regret ever cutting mine. :))

lesley: the dream tree said...

what a fun weekend you had!
i didn't realize your hair was getting so long. it looks great!

Lindsey Peterson said...

Your hair is gorgeous!!

Jen said...

I love that picture of you 2! :)

Jamie Hart said...

I have so many things to say in this little comment box-- ACK! First and most important.. Please tell your husband thank you for protecting MY freedom! Not only am I thankful that I am able to celebrate today with my family because we so rarely get together and I get to see my niece and nephew (my niece is about to head off the college), but being that I was born and raised in Pensacola, FL-- the military is very special to me.. those who have died protecting my freedom are very close to my heart and I will not forget that they are the real reason for this day. Secondly, even though I don't know you well.. every time I got online this weekend and read a blog, I kept thinking about you and your grief. My heart just broke for you and your recent loss. Please know that not only you but your friend's family are heavy on my heart and I won't stop thinking about them and praying for them any time soon. I've been told that when you suffer a great loss and overcome it, a certain part of your heart always aches for those who have to overcome their own loss too.. I hope that your journey isn't too hard to bare. And lastly.. your husband is a grill master! Enjoy your break! :)

Jamie said...

xoxo. Have a good little break.

Kelly said...

I love this look, absolutely beautiful! And I do not know a fallen solider but that must be SO difficult!

Sparkles and Shoes

Kait said...

your long hair is beautiful! I teared up reading about your friend's fiance. I am sending a big hug her way today and everyday. It takes strong men and women to serve this country!

♥ ♥ Just a Girl in Love w/ a Soldier ♥ ♥ said...

I agree keep it long!!! Love the boots!!!

Rach said...

I love your long hair! It's so pretty! Love all that volume too. I totally understand taking a mini-break from blogging to get everything organized. Enjoy your breather, friend! :)

Kristine -Heart Shaped Sweat said...

Your title had me laughing and so did your post. Getting one nice picture is sometimes ridiculously hard! Persyyyynally, I like when birds are included :) hotness in the boots and leggings and holy grill me a dinner please?! Your man can cook!!! Enjoy your bloggy time off!

Kim said...

Love the pictures and your outfit! Enjoy your blog vacay! :)

Brooke said...

Wow your food looks so yummy!

Beautiful date night pic by the way, rockin the boots girl!

=) Brooke

Unknown said...

Seriously, your man made you that stuff? Hold on to him.

Ps I swoon for your hair. Don't cut it ever!

Nikki said...

Do you girl! Cute outfit! LOVE the boots!

P!nky said...

ENJOY the R&R you deserve it!

Love the outfit and you and will take pictures like me and le fiance..boys are silly!


Anonymous said...

Super cute outfit, girl! Loving it!

Cece @Mahogany Drive said...

Love your hair! It looks like you actually have extensions. You are so lucky! Glad you got in some fun time in between all that work time. Enjoy the blog break.

Nicole said...

I took a break all of last week, and it was fantastic! I still took pics of what I did and can't wait to share it, but it was SO great to just unplug for a bit and have "me" and "us" time. Have fun on your week off!

Dinah Gacon said...

I am very sorry to hear about your friend's loss...that is truly heartbreaking. I think it is truly awesome that you are taking time for you...Life can be so crazy and its nice to just take a break! Love your boots, you look amazing in them!

Dinah @ Sunshine super glam

Kristine@thefoleyfam said...

Enjoy your week lover! Weve been embracing the grill pretty much every single night as well! Yum! Love the pics of you two, esp the outtakes :) and youve got me sold on those boots! Hottie!

Kate @ Daffodils said...

Beautiful as always! I often think I want long hair, but soon as it gets so long, it ends up in a braid or bun all the time because I don't have the patience to do it and then I cut it shoulder length again. I am in a growing out phase right now! Yours is so pretty.

Nicole said...

Your hair is beautiful! We should compare thickness though :), you beat me on length!

Amber said...

Love your outfit, and your hair looks fabulous!

That bacon wrapped chicken looks yummy. I'm going to have to try it! said...

love the hair!

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

Don't cut your hair!

emi said...

you two are darling! and those recipes look amazing.
cute blog! now following! XO
the well-traveled wife

Anonymous said...

Hi ! thanks for sharing these jobs. These will help to job hunters all around the glob. Great job.
burun estetigi

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about your friend's fiance, I can't imagine how hard that is.
I love the pictures of you and Will, and am glad you got one 'good one' even though I love all of them haha! & I love the boots you are rockin'!
Does Will want to come cook us dinner? Ha ha!!
Hope you have an amazing blog vacay and a wonderful weekend ♥

Nicola Kirsty said...

I'm lusting over those boots!

I can never get my hair to keep its curl, no matter how hard I try. Yours looks great though! Every so often I get tempted to cut my hair but I know I'll regret it as soon as I do.

Also going to have try and make that grilled chicken for myself. I need to find me a hubby that can cook.

Courtney B said...

I want to go on a double date with you and Will someday! Seriously!
Your hair is gorrrrrgeous! And I hope you had a great week and could relax a bit ;)

Jess Casey said...

You are just the cutest!!! Being a military spouse is tough around Memorial Day. Do you celebrate or mourn?!! My hub's 10 reunion from his first deployment was in May and the fallen soldier table was set up for two of their brothers. I couldn't even hold back the tears! Cheers to our heroes in living or spirit! Xo

Holly said...

So sad to hear about your friend's fiance. Ugh, that breaks my heart.

Your hair is so pretty, doll. Don't cut it. I've contemplated cutting mine and I just can't do it because I know I'll miss it. Plus, it takes forever to grow and I'm just starting to get the hang of curling my long hair.


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