Friday, June 29, 2012

Final Check In & MDH Hair Tutorial!!

Oh boy, what a week this has been...Definitely not how I pictured it.
An emotional roller coaster at best, but we are making it.

So you all know about the The Messy Challenge, right?
In case you don't, it is a challenge to "embrace the mess", and embrace life's imperfections, while ridding yourself of insecurities.  I highly advocate this, because we all think we have to be perfect all the time, and what we don't realize- is that we are already perfect by just being ourselves.
In fact, watch this video to understand more.

I happen to have been participating in this before Kelly made it "cool"{thank goodness she has},
but I did it because I have REALLY long hair, that is a pain in the @ss to wash.
Luckily, quite a few years ago, someone suggested the use of baby powder to me, and I ran with it.
I have talked about it on the blog and have gotten many questions, so as prompted by Alana, I created a Baby Powder Tutorial!

And yes...those would be the mirror decals that I put up for my love for Valentine's Day.
They remind me of him, so I haven't had the heart to take them down.

Think about how much you will save on your water bill by cutting your shower time in half, using less shampoo/conditioner, and not buying dry shampoo!
Speaking of saving...How'd we do this week?

BWS tips button

As most of you know, I was cooped up all week, so I didn't have ANY spending issues.
In fact, the only money I spent was getting gas on the way to drop off donations to the evacuees, and veggies at the Farmer's Market.

Gas: $42
Farmer's Market: $8
Residual: $100
Virtual Piggy Bank: $369

That means that in one month, I saved almost $400 ABOVE what I usually save!
I understand that not everyone can or will have these results, but I want you to see that it is possible. I don't live frugally out of necessity. I do it for comfort and security.
I don't know about you, but I find money stress to be the worst, so why go through that?

A short recap of my Budget Plan:

Subtract bills and expenditures from monthly income, subtract savings goal from that, and the remainder can be "fun" money! Do you know what "fun" money means? It means you don't have to feel guilty! I wish I could explain it so that you would jump right in, but you won't ever understand how great it feels until you are able to truly embrace your frugal side.
Have power over your money, don't let it have power over you.

I have to say, even though there weren't a lot of link ups, I was quite impressed with all of the people that participated! It was awesome to know that we were inspiring bloggers that we didn't even know. For future reference, I am always happy to help with budgeting, so if anyone has any more questions or needs motivation, feel free to ask. I want you to all feel the freedom that I do.
{end cheesy rant}

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend, but take some time to think of the soldiers, and send positive thoughts our way.  It's going to be mid-July before they have full fire containment, so let's just hope that we maintain zero casualties.
* soul lost in the Waldo Canyon Fire.*

*Update #2...I'm beginning to realize that a lot of people don't know about the soldiers and shooting in  Fort Bragg. You can read that unfortunate story here, and my thoughts and prayers go out to their families, and the Fort Bragg community.*

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Photobucket & TILT

If only someone had told me how to manage my photos better at the beginning of blogging...

Because they keep disappearing!!

I feel like this issue should be better outlined on Blogger, but I guess they don't like pointing out their shortcomings.  I mean, it's not directly their fault, but I feel like they should not offer the options of uploading a url image, if they will probably go vamoose.  Ok, ok, so maybe I should have surmised that, but I didn't and now I am pissed.

If ONLY I had known this BEFORE I created three-hundred-and-something posts, that I now have to go through and edit. I want to say eff it and give up, but what kind of blogger would that make me?
Sane Lazy.
It may take awhile, but I am now uploading my photos to Photobucket {thanks Whitney!}, which will free up my computer and keep them private (unlike Picasa). Let me tell you, just uploading pictures takes forever, but I think it will be worth it in the end. One teeny tiny upside to the Colorado fires, is that I have had lots of time at home to work on le blog.
So new bloggers: I suggest doing something like this from the get-go. 
SAVE your sanity.
You're welcome.

Since no one told me that anything was wrong, many of you probably missed out on a lot of the photos from the Our Fairytale... section. They have been fixed, so feel free to visit! I realize I need to edit the actual "story", as it was written at the beginning of my blogging endeavors, but you will get the gist. I'm pretty sure the pictures get the point across anyways.

Some of you might have wondered what TILT is.
It stands for "Things I Love Thursdays", and I am pleased to have been asked to participate in the first installment on Kenzie's blog, Crazy, Beautiful Mommyhood.

As you know...I have had a rough week, so remembering the things I love, is a refreshing change.

+I love that my hubby filled out a "His & Hers" questionnaire, and had me in tears with his sweet answers. I will be sharing that very soon.

+I love reading Our Fairytale over and over again, and apparently Will does too.
That makes me incredibly happy.

+I love that I have two vlogs going up this week. Not sure why I like them so much, but I do.

+I love that we have waged a war against captchas, and the post that Hillary dedicated to it yesterday was awesome. She's proof that most people don't know that they even have them.

+I love the support I am getting from the blog world. I have been offered so many places to stay, and no longer feel stuck. Weiser says thanks for the invites too.

+I love how our community is banding together in this time of need.

+I love the amazing firefighters that are the true heroes.

+I love that Kenzie was sweet enough to ask me to be a part of this with her, today.

Now I'm asking you, won't you join us?

Come back tomorrow for the final link up of the 30 Day Budget Challenge.
We get to wrap it all up, AND I will be sharing a video dedicated to Kelly!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Getting my mind off things with a Vlog.

It was hard for me to post this with everything going on.
I have been through tornadoes, tropical storms, and hurricanes, but NOTHING has made me as scared as watching my town burn. Especially when the FLAMES can be seen from 15 miles away.
I didn't even know that was possible.

As Weiser and I were walking to the Farmer's Market today, I saw a plume of smoke that seemed worst than it should be, so I took this photo:

I thought the fire had hit a large fuel source, so I took a photo earlier.  I had no way of knowing what was to come at the time. This is from approx. 15 miles from the destruction, and yet completely visible.

Unknowingly, I had taken a picture when the fires had begun destroying homes.

Unless you live under a rock, you have heard that there are Colorado fires, but we thought we were improving, until yesterday. We had a false sense of security when they let evacuees go home, and then  the worst happened. Wind-driven flames took us all by storm.


There are more than 32,000 people that have been evacuated from their homes.
I hope that the brave firefighters can save as many as they can, but more importantly- I hope all the people and animals stay safe. Material things can be replaced, the lives of my fellow Coloradians (two-footed and four) cannot.  My heart goes out to the brave Firefighters, and our amazing local and state government, for all that they are doing. Let's just hope our national government steps it up a bit. The whole "we need to save resources in case there is another emergency" doesn't fly with me. We are IN an emergency in THIS COUNTRY, so come save us.

I am so incredibly thankful for all the messages, comments, and tweets from friends, family, and especially bloggers. Every one of them meant the world to me, and Zara not only put a smile on my face, she offered up her home and her parents home, as did Sami. Both of which are also from this area, so they are feeling the heaviness of this situation too. Don't worry y'all, Pamela has a prayer army going, and I have faith in her :)

As I sit here at a loss for what to do, I know that getting my mind off things is necessary, which is why I am still posting "The Girl Behind The Blog", Vlog. I hope you like mine, but more importantly-your vlogs better be good, because I need some serious distraction.

Welcome to the original post, pre-natural disaster:

A while back, I participated in this, and thought it was just awesome, so I was ecstatic when a new one came up! Do you know Ashley and Nicole? They are the hostesses of this shindig.


I feel like Vlogs are a fantastical way to connect to each other, which is why I always love participating  and sharing in these types of things. I do find myself quite cheesy in them, but all I can do is be myself and hope that you find it endearing ;)

Like I said, I need something to get my mind off of everything, so if you link up- lemmeknow!!
Thoughts and prayers, much obliged. Keep 'em coming.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

BIG Giveaway. Oh Yeaaah.

Sooooo.....I slept in this morning ;)
Boy did that feel GREAT!

~First off~
I am extremely proud to be a part of my FIRST Group Giveaway!!
As such, I want ALL of you to enter, since you already have a hand up by following my blog.
(Hello freebie entry!)
Go over and enter, so that you all win!
Also, you can visit here to find info on tomorrow's "Girl Behind The Blog Link up"!
You simply follow the prompt and make a vlog.
I want to watch yours, so go make it!


I am obviously still alive people, although we aren't out of trouble yet.
I'm afraid that for every bit of good news, there is more bad overshadowing it, and it has left me contemplating much lately.

Internal dialogue is more important than mindless chatter.

You know how it goes...
Your life flashes before your eyes exaggerating, and you gain new perspective.
Really, it was that I had a lot of time to reflect while I was cooped up out of the smoke.
As for the fires, I am extremely happy to report that our Firefighters have been kicking butt!
Not only that, but the community support has been amazing.
I know that natural disasters are nature cleansing itself, but I must admit, I think they are meant to be cleansing for us as well. It wipes away our small stresses, puts life in perspective, and rallies us together. Mother Nature is a VERY sneaky smart woman.

Sometimes: I have extremely good intentions.
Always: I am sure of nothing so little as my own intentions.- George Byron

Sometimes: I change my mind or am indecisive.
Always: As long as you aren't a "flip-flopper" or unaccountable, being open is a sign of flexibility.

Sometimes: I am gung ho over a plan or idea.
Always: I either figure out that the idea/plan won't work or my ADD distracts me.
{I don't have ADD, but everyone else uses that excuse.}

When I was younger I would think that giving up on anything was a sign of weakness, but now I realize that if the battle ain't worth pickin', it's wise to move on.

“The old saying is wrong—winners do quit, and quitters do win. Every new project (or job, or hobby, or company) starts out exciting and fun. Then it gets harder and less fun, until it hits a low point…then you find yourself asking if the goal is even worth the hassle. Maybe you’re in a Dip-a temporary setback…What really sets superstars apart from everyone else is the ability to escape dead ends quickly, while staying focused and motivated when it really counts….Winners quit fast, quit often, and quit without guilt—until they commit to beating the right Dip for the right reasons. In fact, winners seek out the Dip. They realize that the bigger the barrier, the bigger the reward for getting past it...Losers, on the other hand, fall into two basic traps. Either they fail to stick out the Dip-they get to the moment of truth and then give up-or they never even find the right Dip to conquer."
-Seth Godin

Maybe you can all relate to some of this, and DEFINITELY go enter the Giveaways!
But don't forget to send your thoughts and prayers. Please and thank you.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Wildfires In My Backyard

While I was at work on Saturday a fire started and I didn't even know it.
All of a sudden people were pointing at the mountains, and we knew that it wasn't smoke from the fires in the north. We had our own fire. That was a fear that I have never experienced.
Something so threatening and uncontrollable, so close.
"0% Containment".


Sunday, I awoke to a wall of smoke that used to be mountains.
Swollen eyes, fear of the unknown, and a desire to help, but no direction.
We were only one out of seven blazing fires in Colorado, but were labeled the highest priority based on the possible urban devastation.

It is just Mother Nature's housekeeping, but that doesn't make it any less intimidating and awe inspiring.
Here is what it all looked like from my backyard:


Please don't worry about me, as we live in an unaffected area, but keep Colorado Springs in your thoughts and prayers. If you would like to donate to Red Cross, that would be amazing as well.
So far there have been no casualties and no structure damage, so we are hoping the containment percentage keeps going up! Thank goodness for the awesome Firefighters, Policemen, and volunteers.
This is a very surreal situation, and I wish my hubby was here. I need my personal knight in shining armor back.

I do have some very good news, though!
I got the chance to participate in 5ohwifey's Group Giveaway!
This is my first group giveaway, so I am super excited.
 (Prolly more than I should be. Hehe)
Go check it out, and I hope you all win!

Friday, June 22, 2012

I'm a Gambler...

Guess what happened yesterday?
A customer of mine donated $100 towards Care Packages!
I can't believe that three months after I first solicited help, I am still getting new bloggers involved {Kelly and her mom just signed up}, new family and friends, AND customer donors.
It inspired me to create this little design, which I am going to turn into a button, and anyone who has sent a care package, letter or supported a soldier should totally rock it on their blog!

Perception Is Everything

Hopefully, I can get it done soon, but I have to work the next couple of days.
No matter what, I'm excited!
Well, about that AND the fact that I won two bets last night on the Heat game, which brings this seasons total to FOUR bets won. Apparently, I need to start gambling.

I didn't gamble for money, which I totally would have added to my "sanity fund", but instead I just added up my savings for the week! I bought lunch the two days I was in the motorcycle class and got some necessities from Costco (dog food, coffee and take'n bake stuffed bell peppers. Yum), but still came out on top for the week!

BWS tips button

Costco: $56
Lunch: $12
Residual: $82
Virtual Piggy Bank: $269

Heck yeah! We still have one week left, and I have already saved enough to have our lawn mowed through summer, and deal with any other odd jobs that come up!

How did y'all do this week? Did you splurge or did you save?
Don't feel bad either way, and feel free to link up any time between now and Sunday.
Plus there's always next week for the last link up...just a suggestion ;)

One more PSA for the day...Has anyone noticed this on my sidebar:


I made this little badge in the HOPES that bloggers would notice it and realize that word verification/captchas are NO BUENO. There have been many posts, tweets, and references in general dedicated to this topic and ridding the world of these evil things, but somehow...many of you still have them. A few bloggers have stopped commenting on blogs that have these, and I think I'm getting to that point.  I CANNOT read them and it is so frustrating. This is my announcement that  this is your last chance before we hunt you down and hide the body to fix your blogs. Even if you think you don't have them- check. Otherwise, if I stop'll know why. I say this all out of love.
Tough love, that is ;)

Also, Jenn's on vacation {lucky bish} and I am Guest Posting!
Go humor me.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


I saw this a LONG time ago, but decided to finally do it.
Some of you know me pretty well, but for those of you that don't- I'll share a few fun facts ;)

That is my EXCITED face, after I passed my motorcycle class. Ridiculous. I know.

5 Words to Describe Myself
  • Hustler-  Yes, I am being for real.  Ask my friends and they will vouch.  I am constantly maximizing any situation and plotting my next move.  I told my husband that I was worried about not finding a future career, and he assured me that he is not worried because I am always scheming and it will eventually pay off.
  • JEW Frugal- My friends used to chant at me "Cheap-Cheap. Cheap-Cheap.",  which only made me more confident in my frugality.  To some people, frugality is a chore and leaves them wanting, but for me it is like a game to see how much I can save and very fulfilling in my bounty. (Don't get offended by the Jew comment either- my best friend is Jewish and she makes the joke more than I do!)
  • Honest if not to a fault I am never mean, however I am not a sugar-coat<er>  I make sure that I say things tactfully, so as to not be disregarded, but  I wanna know if I have a booger hanging out...don't you?  
  •  Dependent-  On my loving-oh-so-wonderful-I-don't-know-where-I'd-be-without-him-husband.  I was going to put independent because everyone wants to be independent and "strong", but then I realized that although I can fend for myself, I do work-contributing to our household, I do have a brain, yadda yadda yadda...I have been blessed with my best friend who completes me and because of him- I do not have to face the world alone.  It is not solely my burden to bare and I am extremely happy that  I have someone so wonderful to depend on and that I am "strong" enough to understand and accept that.
  • Klutzy-  I like to claim to be a "graceful" klutz, but it doesn't always seem that way.  I usually catch myself and manage to keep it in control more than I used to, but when things happen...all you can do is giggle along with everyone else...I've embraced it and moved on!

4 Favorite Foods
           Fruits, Vegetables, Meat and Dessert...not a good enough answer? DANG!  Then, I guess....
  • Benihana's Fried Rice
  • Anything Pizza oriented- Lately, my favorite is Old Chicago's Pizza Rolls
  • Sweet Potato Fries (and pretty much just fries in general)
  • All things Coconut! Green Curry, coconut water, and of course- COCONUT PB

3 Things I'm Proud I've Accomplished
  • Graduating college.
  • Finding and locking down the man of my dreams.
  • Surviving outside of Florida.  Never thought that would be possible.
This is my "Bring on the cold, COLORADO" face. 
I now have a cold-weather wardrobe, so I am ready!!

2 Favorite Workouts Favorite Pastimes
Although, I do enjoy Hot Yoga on occasion, I DO NOT like exercise enough to use it as my two #2's.

  • Any activity that involves my husband.  Cuddling, movie watching, cooking, date nights, traveling... heck- even chores are better as long as we do it together.  If I spent every moment with this man for the rest of my life, it still wouldn't be enough.  I guess it's a good thing I married him ;)
  • Relaxing.  Most of you probably wouldn't think of relaxing as a pastime, but I pretty much feel that when I'm not at work I should be relaxing.  Whether I am cuddled up watching a movie with Will, watching t.v. while blogging, traveling and enjoying myself, cooking a yummy new recipe or being what I call "productively lazy", I try to be relaxed in my state of mind.  I don't always accomplish this, but the most I can do is try.  There are many pastimes I like to partake in, but more importantly-  I want to feel relaxed while doing them.

1 Thing You Can Expect From This Blog

   Honesty and ingenuous intentions.   I may not win the "Blogger of The Year" award, but I will darn sure try to put my best foot forward and impart every bit of knowledge I have or learn in the process.  I'll also try not to bore you.  If I do, just smack me around a bit.  I don't mind ;)

Read/view this post to know more about "The Girl Behind The Blog",
AND come back tomorrow for our 3rd Budget Link Up and feel free to participate!

PS. We are playing the Would You Rather game on Sarah's Blog! I can't wait to see everyone's answers!! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My Everything Hurts

Thank goodness you can find me over at Messy Dirty Hair today, or you wouldn't find me at all.
I.Am.So.Exhausted.aaaaand sunburned.
 I do have good news, though.
Some idiot decided to give me a MOTORCYCLE LICENSE.

Yep. That's right. I PASSED!
I would love to fill you in on the deets, but that will have to wait for my recouperation.
Aaaand now I'm going to try to make it through work today. Yeesh.

Go check out the REAL never before seen pics on Kelly's Blog.
Plus I am participating in her Messy Dirty Hair Challenge, so you will see my messy dirty hair ;)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Don't Fear The Unknown.

Day 2 of our Motorcycle class, and it is just as exhilarating and scary as I thought!

Sometimes: The thought of learning to control a motorcycle is scary.
Always: is just scary. Haha.

Sometimes: I have no clue where my desire to ride comes from.
Always: I reminisce about my trip to Sturgis, and the bug bites me all over again!

Sometimes: I think having my own bike would be cool.
Always: I realize that I love wrapping my arms around Will, so I still want to ride with him.

Sometimes: Trying new things in general can be really scary.
Always: The only way to stop learning, is to stop living.

I would love to share more, but after a nine hour day (five of which were in 90+ degree weather), I am exhausted! For now- I would love it if you go check out my guest post on the hot-tottie Jamie's blog!
She does this thing where she features Military bases where bloggers like lil ol' me are stationed. If you are military, it is the best way to get info on different posts, but if you aren't, you can see more in depth as to how/where we live! I happen to live in a VERY cool place, so definitely check it ;)
Pretty please? I don't want to feel like a loser.

Let's hope that after today, I will be an officially Certified Motorcyclist!
Check Twitter for photos and updates. Whoop Whoop.

Monday, June 18, 2012

I'm Starting A Biker Gang

I hope that you all had LOVELY Father's Days.
Since my daddy is a 1,000 miles away, I worked and let co-workers have off with their father's.
But, like the good girl I am, sent our father(s) (Daddy, In-law, and Papa), care packages and cards last week! There was no procrastination this year!

I wish that I could have been with them, but at least they know how much they mean to me.
Which happens to be a LOT.

On another note...
Guess what I am doing today.

Go ahead...guess.

You aren't going to believe it, because I don't believe it.
I swore off riding bikes many years ago, and now....

I am attending the Motorcycle Training Academy in the hopes that I will get certified.
I say "hopes", because I am:
A) Scared shitless (excuse my french)
B) Really have no clue what I am doing.

The hubs, seems to think I will do great, so let's just hope that by tomorrow evening- I will not have wasted the money for this course.
Wish us (Sasha and I) LUCK.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Budget Check In & Operation Bushy Eyebrows

Hello Friday that is really my Wednesday. Bleh.
It's not phasing me, though!
I can't be sad after all the love from yesterday.
Apparently, we all found that link up super fun and met some great new bloggers.
Yay for new friends and welcome!

For those of you that are new around here, Zara and I are hosting a 30 Day Budget Challenge Link Up to share just how easy it is to save and/or budget. We will be linking up for the next two Fridays, so feel free to check it out and join in! Who doesn't want to find new ways to pay for their next vacation without feeling guilty about it?
Also, I would like to point out that I'm not saying you should make yourself unhappy by giving things up. We are simply trying to show you how to prioritize.  That's why you can give up one thing or everything, and either way- it's totally up to you ;)

Week # 2 was successful again! 
Although, I must admit I'm cheating.  I live frugally all the time, but now the extra money I save is going in to my "Sanity Fund". This actually made the hubby very happy, because he is always telling me to spend some money on myself. It's not that we don't have the money; It's that I REALLY like seeing our savings add up and my VACATION fund growing!  
Unfortunately, after I had the WORST time mowing our yard, I decided that it was more worth it for me pay someone to do it (along with any other odd job that comes up).

So what did I end up with after Baltimore?
First, I spent very little in Baltimore (sweet!), second, what I did spend came out of the vacation fund, so it doesn't even count, and third, groceries were the only other expenditure!
That means no Starbucks, manicures, shopping sprees or even gas.

Groceries: $63
Budget for the week: $150
Residual: $87
Virtual Piggy Bank Total: $187
That's SEVEN lawn mows!

Whether you did good or bad, you can still participate. Hold yo'self accountable. Haha.


Now I'm sure you are wondering what "Operation Bushy Eyebrows" is.
It is EXACTLY what it says, which means I am trying to bush up my brows.
This is happening for two reasons:
#1 Colorado's climate has made mine stop growing, and begin to thin in fact.
#2 I find eyebrows to be very accentuating features, and full eyebrows really turn me on.
PS. Not to be confused with unibrows or mangled bushes.
PPS. "Bush" is such a fun word.

Out of desperation, I began googling my issue, and found this site and this site that seem to have reasonable options for home treatment. That means I am now {lightly} massaging Coconut oil, and alternately Aloe, into my eyebrows day and night. It says it will take 5-8 weeks to see results, so let's just hope the results will be positive instead of negative.
No eyebrows? EEK.

Have any of you had brow issues?
Have you tried anything to help successfully

Some of you might think I'm crazy, but if this will be GENIUS.
And I did research these remedies before I started this regimine. FYI.
In 5-8 weeks, let's hope I look like this:

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

Not this:

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

Or this:

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

Wish me luck?
Happy Friday loves! Have a fantabulous weekend.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

From Blog Life To REAL Life

I wanted to post my Healthy Eating/Living tips for reaching 100 Facebook followers, but I want to put more time into it first! Plus I was inspired by Jessica and Britt, to join this fun little link up!
The deal is, you answer the questions and we can all share how much our fellow bloggers mean to us! I try to tell y'all that I love you all the time, but this was definitely fun to take part in.         

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1. Do you have any real life blog friends? 
I consider all the ladies I have had "Blates" with real life friends, but Ashley from Wanderlustme was my first blate-mate AND we worked together before her travels! I am sad that she has gone off, but love following her adventures on her blog. She has the life that most of us can only dream of, so we live vicariously through her!
2. Which blogger are you just dying to meet?
Desiree. Hands down. We may not have the most in common (she has kiddos and I am far from it), but we connect on a whole 'nother level!  Seriously... it's like we are sisters separated at birth.
Speaking of sisters- I must add my TWIN, Sarah.
When I was in Baltimore- we looked up at the stars and pretended we were together, since we were both under the East Coast sky! That's love.
3. Which blogger's closet do you want to raid? 
Sami's closet for SURE. I got to meet her and she is definitely a fashionista!
Ask her about her leopard pants.  I am in LOVE with them.
4. You are stuck on an island. Which blogger would you want with you to help you survive?
Who better than a soldier?
Erin is in the Air Force, so I think she would be the perfect candidate!
5. The first blogger you remember "meeting" and connecting with ?
I think this might be Zara. I might have connected with a few others before, but we have MAINTAINED our connection for the longest.
6. Any blogger that you admire and look up to?
I have looked up to Meg from Mackey Madness since the VERY beginning!
I learned so much from her, and continue to remain in awe of her attitude and strength.
7. Who is the craziest/funniest blogger?
It is no secret that Raven is my favorite. Ever.
The blog world would be lost without her antics.
8. There's a reality television show for bloggers, who would you want to be cast with you?
Definitely BethanyDesireeRavenKelly and P!nky!
I mean, I would want you ALL to be a part of the show, but I think these girls would bring the "wow" factor... As in JWOW. Hehe.
9. Some bloggers have really cool jobs, anybody you'd like to swap careers with?
Since I have an obsession with photography, I am super jealous that Zara and Whitney are doing so well with their photography right now! So proud of them, though.
My other fantasy career is to be a Beauty Queen like Miss Anna. Duh.
10. Favorite blog design?
Um...that is WAY too hard to narrow down, so these are some fun ones:
Hillary | Bethany | Kelly | Ashley | Jamie

A few other faves and loyal amigas:
 (just for good measure)
CeCe | Amanda | Courtney | Alana | L | Tabitha | Pamela | Alison | Tea | Lesley

I must admit, I almost didn't participate in this, because I felt weird not being able to include EVERYONE I love in blogging.  I didn't want anyone to feel left out if they weren't included, so I was torn. I'm probably crazy for thinking that way, but nonetheless- I want you ALL to know that I cherish each and every one of your blogs!

Don't forget about the link up tomorrow!
We'd love for you to join us ;)
BWS tips button

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Or at least I got to eat them in Maryland ;)

Today, you should find me over at Messy Dirty Hair, and there are some pictures that will NEVER be seen on my blog, so you might want to check them out. Not to mention, I love Kelly.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I.Love.Her.
And you will too.

I was going to recap my trip to Baltimore, but I just COULDN'T narrow down the photos. 
Instead, I have uploaded them all to Facebook, including ALL of the shenanigans.
{Even the ones that aren't "blog appropriate"}
Here is a Priceless video to give you an idea:

And yes, Pat is VERY tall.

Feel free to "Like" my page while you are at it, and I would LOVE if you left a few comments, so that I don't feel like a loser. 
Please and thank you!

I will tell you that I got to meet up with P!nky in Baltimore, and we had a blast!
She fit in really well with my friends, so we played by the pool, giggled over Youtube videos, and she taught me how to eat crab! Let me tell's a process. Haha.

Please excuse my tired eyes, by the way.
I told you there were a LOT of shenanigans, and they definitely kicked my butt!

Go tell Kelly I said hi, por favor, and wish me luck on my first day back at work.
Hope your Wednesday is better than mine will be!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Show And Tell Vlog

I'm baaaack, and back in action!
What better way to kick off my first day home than a vlog linkup!
I mean, who doesn't love a good vlog linkup?
ESPECIALLY when it is hosted by Raven and Becky.

I guess I was super excited, because it ended up being quite long. 
I didn't want to go too overboard, so I trimmed it quite a bit for your viewing pleasure.

Have you done your video yet?
If not, answer these questions and link up.
I want to hear your answers too!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Feel The Love.

Unfortunately, my trip is coming to an end today.
Sad face.
But I guess all good things must come to an end, right?
At least now I get to come home and tell you all about it ;)
Here's a teaser:

It felt really good to be around people that know and love my hubby enough, to help me make a sign for him out of paper towels in the middle of pre-gaming for the O's game.
Love these three!
For now, I wanted to share more of the fabulous new faces gracing my sidebar.
I can honestly say that I love each and every one for oh-so-many reasons.
It would mean the world to me, if you go show them some love.
Not to mention- you will DEFINITELY want to follow all of them.
But don't take my word for it. Go see for yourself.

Lovely Little Things

Hi! I'm Jessica & I blog over at Lovely Little Things!
I'm a small girl with a big passion for life!There is really no limit to what you'll find on my blog. I blog to stay creative, to appreciate the little things in life & to inspire others. You'll find anything from health/fitness to beauty/style...and even the occasional picture of my crazy kitten :)
 Come on over and say hello!

My name is Whitney, and I am: 26 years old.
I blog at Everything Happens For A Reason, which is my life motto. My blog is basically a virtual journal of my life. I am a southern girl married to a California boy. We are newlyweds, who got married this past June 11, 2011. Something that you can always find on my blog: pictures. I'm obsessed. It's the photographer in me. I absolute love fashion, makeup, shoes, purses, and shopping. Two of my vices? Diet Coke and social media. Love it.


My name is Anna and I blog over at A Sweet Southern Mess!
I love being from West Tennessee and all that being southern entails! Camo, sweet tea, fried foods, fishing/hunting, and bless your heart! It's all me and I wouldn't have it any other way! I am an elementary education major with a very high level of excitement to soon be a teacher! My absolute loves are the Lord, crafting, cooking, and glitter! My blog entails everything about my life, experiences, thoughts, and of course the other bloggers that I meet! I love to make new friends and I'm always trying to make a difference in the world!

A Sweet Southern Mess

And last but not least, Alana was lazy told me to "wing it" and be creative for her.
It's a good thing that I like her or I would have just left her out of this little spotlight.
I kid, I KID!

She's a 20-somethin' from Oklahoma, and like all of us, she blogs about her life.
She has a fun little link up called "Two Truths And A Lie" that I have had fun participating in, and she usually shares some hilarious phone pics. I don't know how she runs into the most random people and situations. I really liked her right off the bat, because you can tell this girl is real and real funny!
(Not funny lookin', however. Just to clarify.)

Well my dears, let's hope that I don't have any flight delays!
I have a meeting to attend the moment I land, so no time for nonsense.
Have a GRRREEEAAAT Monday!


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