Monday, April 15, 2013

A Sort-of Outfit Post

I can happily say that we ventured out of the house this weekend.
I was NOT going to let these lingering allergies stop me no matter what, and as a matter of fact, I ran ELEVEN MILES this weekend. Don't get too impressed, though. I kind of thought that my lungs were collapsing after the first set of six. I guess a week off and decreased lung capacity will do that to ya.
Let's just skip to the exciting part, shall we...

Date Night!

Have you ever had plans to go somewhere for dinner, but you left it up to your husband {or significant other} as to whether it was a date night or a night to invite friends? You know you want it to be a date night, and yet you still put the question out there. You can't even though you want to be mad when they make a decision other than you wanted, but the game of it, I daresay, makes the date night more worth it when it's their choice. Hey, a little mystery is always fun in a relationship.

First, I have to start with the outfit. What is it everyone calls it? OOTD?
Anywho, I think it was perfect for a Spring evening in Manitou Springs, and I felt a bit sassy pairing my Frye boots with this demure little dress. Wanna guess where the dress is from?

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Will: That's a fun little dress...
Me: It's Walmart, baby!
Will: I like the way your butt looks when you walk in it.
So yep, I pair $300 boots with a $12 dress. If it works, it works.

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We enjoyed a nice little walk around one of my favorite nooks of Colorado, Will told me I could buy whatever I wanted from the $10 store {I did get a really cute necklace set}, and then it was dinner at the Stagecoach Inn. Homey, really fresh local ingredients, and we made it for Happy Hour!

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It was a perfect evening, followed by watching the movie Argo, and my favorite pastime... snuggling on the couch. Thank you to my love, and thank you Miss Kelly for the poncho that kept me warm while we were out! I got so many compliments on it, and I think it was a great way to show Will's photography skills off. I didn't know he had any, but now I know who is going to be capturing the outfits from now on!

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I am sorry for so many pictures of myself in one post. I guess we had too much fun with my new camera :)

Linking up with Lisette for I <3 Bloglovin', Sami for Weekend Shenanigans, and Leeann for Monday Morning Gossip. Check out Sharlee's take on The Perpetual Sleepover, and see if marriage has changed you for the good or the bad. I think it allowed me to pick up some good habits, but she's talking about reigning in the fun that they have been having too much of. I am intrigued.

Spread the LOVE.


Kristine@thefoleyfam said...

I need to get to my Walmart stat!! :) You look beautiful as always friend, and that place looks so cozy! Yeah for getting out of the house and a date night just the two of you! XO

Kristine -The Foley Fam {unedited}

Jennifer said...

Love that dress! Great find!

Ashley Lee said...

Super cute dress, def doesnt look like a walmart dress though! Guess they are stepping up their game lol.

Erin @ Sugar Magnolia said...

I cannot believe that is from Walmart and love me some Frye boots!

Nicole said...

Love the outfit! Those boots! And the dress. And yes you should bug Will to take your photo more often :)

Rachel said...

That is a super cute dress--especially considering that it's from Walmart. The supermarket tends to get a bad rep for their clothes, I know, but I've come across some really cute stuff at Meijer around here (local version of walmart!)

The Pink Growl said...

you are a doll! I am loving the floral trend, so feminine!

Pamela said...

You look beautiful, as always!! That food. Oh my. Yum!

Kristine -Heart Shaped Sweat said...

Such fun and flirty little dress! Walmarts just full of surprises, eh?! yayyy for knocking out 11 miles and having a perfect night out with your love!!

P!nky said...

You look lovely my dear lovely!


Jess Casey said...

I'm so not a clothes snob either! I love the $12 dollar dress with the $300 boots. Right up my alley ;) Happy Monday

♥ ♥ Just a Girl in Love w/ a Soldier ♥ ♥ said...

I love the dress paired with the poncho its absolutely beautiful!!!! Sounds like yall had a great date night!!!! Glad to see yall are feeling better!!

whit | Black Little Button blog said...


Helene said...

get out of here, i can't believe that is walmart! but then again you make everything look precious!

Jen said...

Love the outfit!! :)

Anonymous said...

I love your header it's beautiful! You are so stinkin' cute!

Recent Post: Evy's Tree Giveaway

Niken said...

i don't know how you still get that vim and vigor to work out when you're alergic. i'm working on a project that is an office job where i have a 9 to 5, 5 days a week which are SO not me. all i want to do is laying on my bed at the end of the day. haha.

Miss Rachel M. said...

Love the dress! Love seeing pics of you happy (so don't apologize)! Glad you're feeling all better.

Nicole said...

I'm the same way--I'll spend a ridic amount of money on a purse, but the rest of my outfit will be from a clearance rack!

Cece @Mahogany Drive said...

Don't you just love it when you make happy hour? Sounds like a fun date night and it's awesome that it was warm enough for you to wear a dress.

Ashley said...

Your the second blogger this week that I've seen post about a cute find from Walmart! Sounds like you had a fun date night!

Kelly said...

This dress is ADORABLE!

Sparkles and Shoes

Amy said...

Love the outfit! You look beautiful :)

J and A said...

Beautiful!! Love your outfit!!

My-cliffnotes said...

So cool what a steal!!

Kelly said...

Sounds like a great date-night and you looked super cute :)

Kim said...

Such a pretty outfit! Looks like a great night out! :)

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

Great photos!

Jane said...

I'm obsessed with your boots! So cute! And I love your $12 dress! Those are the best! Woohoo datenight!

Rach said...

I'm loving your dress! It's so perfect for Spring! :)

Heather K. said...

Well OF COURSE I'm gonna LOVE this post. 1) Your outfit is adorable, high five! From Walmart? Double high five. Frye boots? Just fist bump it. 2) The pictures look great. Will of all trades.... Now you have no excuse not to do some more Fashion Fridays.

Courtney B said...

LOVE your outfit! But I'm pissed... everyone I know comes out with the cutest stuff from walmart and I NEVER find ANYTHING. Then again... I don't really shop for myself anymore. Okay, that was a lie. I do... but it's MUCH funner to shop for Mia!
What a perfect date! Someday... we WILL double!

Unknown said...

Looks like some great dates with cute outfits :) lol no problem mixing high and low fashion!

Kate @ Daffodils said...

Only you could look that perfect in a Walmart dress! Looks like a perfect date night.

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Hot lady! Hubba hubba lol! Um that Walmart dress is workin' for ya! Super cute. And I love that first pic of you becuase it looks like you have lighted antlers on :)

Thanks for linking up!!

Raven said...

Well look at that sexy hooters contest winner. I bet your husband be damn proud!! :)

Kelly { MessyDirtyHair } said...

wow!!! you look SO beautiful! love the dress & the color scheme on you!!!! and the poncho is perfect!! ahh i love it on you! so freaking pretty!!! sounds like a perfect night. i am loving you posting outfit pictures!!!!!

Lindsey Peterson said...

So beautiful! Love the dress and boots! Very country chic :)

Anonymous said...

Country chic is right! You look adorable! You two are the cutest couple in the history of ever!


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