I'm not sure if it's safe to use the term hungover, but that's how I feel after this past weekend. I had an absolute blast, but I was SO exhausted on Sunday. I managed to get a run in, and even so that's only because I was motivated to work off the bacon stuffed cinnamon rolls and cupcakes I ate. Other than that, I accomplished a big fat nothing, and Will had to make dinner and make me eat because cooking just wasn't going to happen since I had zero appetite after stuffing my face. Eh...the perfect baby shower was all worth it. More on the baby shower later.

Tomorrow is our second specialist appointment, which I want to go well, and still I'm sad that could mean it would be our last ultrasound. {Insert sad face} Obviously, healthy baby trumps all, but I just love seeing her, and pregnancy is like a long distance relationship- you just pine until the next time you see them. I feel bad that Will has class and can't come, but hopefully I can get video of it too. Half the fun is seeing his face watching her and hearing her heartbeat. Swoon. Okay, it's bed time. Will just rolled over in his sleep and said "I love you, my queen." It's time to snuggle up and catch up on that sleep I need.
Awe, I love that he says that in his sleep. Haha. I am glad you had a good weekend.... and I bet baby loved that food, even if you felt you needed to work it off! Haha.
Awwww, can't wait to hear more about about the baby shower. You look amazing and the food sounds delicious! Woohoo for one more sonogram :)!
Sounds like an amazing weekend! :) Such a great photo.
I'm glad you and your long distance love were showered this weekend! That long distance thing seems like a good way to put it!
You look so cute!
Wait... bacon stuffed cinnamon rolls??? Sounds heavenly! I hope you post the recipe!
That's a good looking group of ladies! I hope you loved it and had a good time. I ate my weight in delicious brunch foods :)
It looks like it was a great shower!! Can't wait for the details! Hope you got in some extra rest and snuggles ;)
Oh my gosh, bacon stuffed WHAT?! I need some of those cinnamon rolls and cupcakes in my life. YUM! Sounds like the best shower ever! Isn't it so fun celebrating your baby with loved ones?!
So glad you had a nice shower! Can't wait to hear more!
I saw those cinnamon rolls stuffed with bacon in your pics on Facebook and they looked SO good! I'm thinking I need to try those! Also, so adorable that Will is such a sweetie even in his sleep!
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