Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I Need Confession, But I'm Not Catholic

I confess...I knew that with all of your help, I would WIN the Bracket Babes Competition!

 photo BB1_zpsa1f2b8ce.jpg

I confess...I want to live in a fancy house to decorate and be all bloggerific, but I like saving money more. Our "vintage" rental takes care of the two of us just fine. Plus, I don't think I'm as into decorating as Pinterest makes me think I am. True Story.

I confess...I left a bag of chicken thawing in the fridge and it got everywhere. And Will licked it. BLEH. Why he thought it smart to lick the outside of a can that had "something" on it is beyond me, but lesson learned...use a bowl. I blame it on being sick.

I confess...I enjoyed laying in bed all weekend. I thought I would be sad I missed the BBQ, but instead, I was absolutely loving the relaxation. It really was just what I needed.

I confess...that I eat these like they are going out of business:

I am completely obsessed with them and I don't even feel bad about it!

I confess...I am a little obsessed with my gym time lately. I need to find a happy medium. I don't want to get burnt out, or get to an unrealistic level. Once your body gets used to excessive exercise it doesn't want you to slack off. I want to have fun with it and not take it to the excessive level.

I confess...I haven't weighed or measured myself in over a month. I'm finding it much easier to just focus on pushing myself during work outs and choosing yummy, healthy food. I'm really beginning to think the scale is the WORST part of a healthy lifestyle. It's about how you feel, not what you weigh.

I confess...I'm for gay marriage. Love is love is love. I wouldn't want anyone to tell me who to love, so I'm not going to judge the choices of others. Last I checked, that was the big man upstairs job.

I confess...I fret over whether to post about controversial things on le blog, but I don't allow that to stop me. My happy place can include sharing and sticking up for what I believe in.

I confess...I don't know if it's against some rules to do one of these posts without knowing when the "link up" is or who hosts the link up. I just felt like confessing. Sorry, I'm not sorry.

I confess...I think blogger drama is just plain ridonkulous.
If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Don't judge others.
Don't be a snob.
Don't assume everyone else is a snob.
Don't be so insecure.
Don't be a hater.
Promote what you love, don't bash what you hate.

Find out more AWESOME blog advice on Kelly's blog.
A few things we all need to learn and remember!


Anonymous said...

Amen to that blog drama girlfriend! I don't get it; it's so unnecessary! Ps so glad you won girl! You rock!

Kristine -Heart Shaped Sweat said...

You're the perfect Bracket Babe! Congrats on winning :) and, yes screw the scale and screw the drama. Life doesn't really need either one!!

Kristine@thefoleyfam said...

Woooooot!!! Congrats lover! You deserve the win! Will licking that?? Gross haha!

Nikki said...

So glad you won! GO YOU! I am totally for gay marriage too! I also am all about NOT getting on the scale but rather going by how your clothes fit and how you feel!

Morgan Neal said...

Congrats doll! Love your confess sesh!

Unknown said...

Congrats!!! You look amazing!!

Sam said...

So glad you won Janna! Not hats bloggerific! I'm right there with you on the scale opinion, I don't ever weigh unless I go to the doctor. I prefer to judge my body by how my clothes fit... Anddd let's Dave it, how I look naked. Haha.

Anonymous said...

Yay glad you won!! And yes the scale is terrible!!! I refuse to do it!

Rach said...

I totally agree with you that a scale isn't really part of a healthy lifestyle - especially not for me. Feeling healthy and making good choices is so much more important! And congrats, girl! :)

Jess Casey said...

Congrats girl!

Jenn said...

YAYYYY! So glad that you won!
Love some relaxation time--sometimes it's exactly what you need in order to feel "right" again!
Ew about the chicken. Double ew about the licking hahah

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love these!! I have thought of posting controversial things on my blog as well but I fear alientating half my readers LOL

Lynn | Motherhood in Motion said...

Who cares who hosts what link up when you need to confess confess.... let it out! And congrats! You are super hot.

Kait said...

Congrats on winning! I'm so happy for you! And I needed that little confession about the scale. You're SO right about numbers not being important.

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

AHhhh yayy so glad you won!!

And I guess I'm not cool enough to be part of the blogger drama, but so glad I'm not :)

Jen said...

So glad you won, that's amazing! :)

Anonymous said...

So glad you won, but I too confess I knew you'd win. =]

Helene said...

ahhhh i knew you could do it! so proud!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congratulations!

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

Blogging drama is for fools with nothing else to do. LAME.

Congrats on your big win!

Cece @Mahogany Drive said...

Congrats on winning and beating a cover girl! You know your blogger buddies got your back. Your future retirement is way more important then a "nicer" house. It's all about priorities!

J and A said...

You are hot stuff. Wowzers. I love the last bullet the best. And I NEVER weigh myself, never will. It's all about how you feel, plus muscle weighs a lot and I like to be strong!! :)

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

Congrats on winning girl!!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE YOU and congratulations!!!!!!

Nicole said...

My scale broke when I went to replace the battery, so I haven't weighed in about a month. I find that I am not held accountable if I eat poorly, so it's something I need to keep doing. Especially since I want to continue to lose weight!

Kim S said...

My favorite posts are controversial ones! The key is to just word everything to show opinions, not "facts". Congrats on the big win!! You're so gorgeous, winning was a given! :)

Nicole said...

So congrats you won, that's awesome!!! I agree about blog drama. This isn't high school anymore! :) And I think the link up thingy is on Friday's but don't know who hosts it and you aren't breaking any "rules" that I know about by doing this :)

Rebecca said...

Congratulations on winning!
I agree that it's less about the numbers on the scale and more about how you feel/how comfortable you are in your clothes etc.
I think it's important that you share and stick up for what you believe in, I'm for gay marriage too, one or my closest friends is gay and I think if she wants to marry her girlfriend then she should be allowed, their love is just as real as any heterosexual couples. As for blogger drama I want nothing to do with it.

Sami said...

Woo hoo on winning :)

Dinah Gacon said...

AHHHH So excited you won, you are such a babe...xoxo I am pumped to be your new follower, you seem like a true and real person and I wish there were more people out there!!! Again, congrats love, you rock!!!

xo Dinah @ sunshine super glam

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the win - and I'm positive you would have won even without our help.
I'm loving your confessions! I am so with you on the gym time, but mine is Zumba. I wish I could take a Zumba class every single day ha ha.
I've never heard of those crackers.. but they look and sound good!

Courtney B said...

I guess one good thing about my baby (who am I kidding... she has a billion good things) is that I'm totally out of the loop when it comes to blog drama.
I confess that I love this post and I love you. And I still think you and Will should come to Utah or Vegas so that we can MEET!

Lindsay Erin said...

I agree with so many of these. And I'm so happy you won! You're gorgeous and inspirational and you deserve it. PS since starting whole 30 I haven't allowed myself to measure or step on the scale - I agree wholeheartedly with the scale issue.

Because Shanna Said So said...

Woot!!! You won!!! I knew you would!!! Congrats!!! And I agree, can we please just stop all the crazy drama...keep it under wraps, people...geesh!!

Raven said...

it was pretty much a given you were going to win. I mean, you are HOTT. and I love you. and I'm for gay marriage also :) I mean obviously, I'd wife you up in a heartbeat!

Kim said...

Yay!! So glad you won! Love this post! :)

Kate @ Daffodils said...

COngrats on the win! And I am with you on the blogger drama (and drama and general)- just be nice!

Jean said...

i knew you would get it. yay for you!!


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