Monday, December 31, 2012

A New Year Is Upon Us!

I only have one goal this New Years Eve:

  • I am ready for the best year of our lives, so I am kickin' it off right!
    Especially since we don't know if we will make it through 2013 ;)

    We are still in Pensacola with the Family, but what are your plans?
    Do you have any traditions?
    We do the ham, black eyed peas, and cabbage, but I'm always interested in new ideas.

    As for the most important outfit of the year? I'm going flashy casual.
    We will be having a party at my parents, so I don't want to go too fancy. Something like this is what I'm thinking:

    Source: via Janna on Pinterest

    I think most of you will be surprised that I am going to wear PINK on New Year's. I know, I know, you'll believe it when you see it. Who knows...I could back out last minute.
     I guess we shall see!

    Source: via Janna on Pinterest

    It's also party time over on Jessica Who?'s blog with the Blogger Ball kicking off!

    1. What was your best part of 2012?
     Getting my soldier back!
    2. What was your favorite song, book, and movie of 2012?
     Song: Anything by Lennon and Maisy on Youtube.

    Book: The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews
     Movie: The Vow
    3. What was your biggest accomplishment of 2012?
     Pretty sure nothing can top making it through my first deployment. That is a doozie of an accomplishment.
    4. What are you looking forward to most in 2013?
    I think 'spending time with my soldier' is predictable, but oh-so-true!

     5. What are your New Year's resolutions?
    I don't do New Year's resolutions, but you can join me as we plan for this year. Find out how {here} and we can link up and share!

     Everyone please have a safe and Happy New Year!
    Hugs and Kisses.

    Friday, December 28, 2012

    2012: Top 12

    2010: Top 10
    2011: Top 11

    I think it's always fun to reminisce, as you can see from the two previous years.
    This year, I chose to highlight the top twelve most visited posts of 2012.
    I swear I'm not just being lazy.

    Honestly, some of these document some fun times, some priceless memories, and much personal growth- all the reasons that I'm really grateful for this blog. I am always grateful for you guys (duh), but I try to remember why I began in the first place.

    #12 Fun In The Sun


    #1 What A Weekend
    #1 is what happens when you tweet a "celebrity" that you blogged about him, and all his minions check your blog out. Thanks Jesse ;)

    But I must also give an honorable mention.
    This post has reached almost as many hits as the others, and has only been up for a short period. I guess there is just something about a fairy tale ending that gets ya.

    Well, Happy New Year's, y'all!
    I hope everyone has a fantabulous, but SAFE night!

    Wednesday, December 26, 2012

    Making 2013 My Bish.

    Does anyone remember the days before giveaways, bloghops, walkabouts, and weekly linkups? Where link ups were actually so that we could link up similar ideas to share with each other... I'm not saying there is anything wrong with those things (guilty and still love them), but today I would like to introduce a one time link up that will happen on this here blog. A one time link up where we can come together and share how we will make 2013 our Bish. Let me explain...
    {And yes, saying Bish instead of B*%$# makes me feel better}

    Source: via Janna on Pinterest

    Part of defining your own perception is taking charge of your life and what you want out of it. Now, I could be setting some resolutions for the New Year, but I don't do New Year's resolutions. I am constantly realigning and holding myself accountable, so I don't need a new year to make unattainable goals that will just be forgotten. Instead, I will decide what the next year will hold.

    Perception Is Everything

    Next Wednesday, January 2nd, I will be letting 2013 know exactly what I expect.

    For example, I expect:
    A lot of time to spend with my handsome husband.
    To continue my relationship with all of you.
    To spend my birthday WITH my husband.

    If any of you hope to make 2013 your bish, feel free to grab the button and link up. I'd love to see your inspiration and desires for this upcoming year. Let's make it a good one ;)

    Monday, December 24, 2012

    Merry Christmas To All...

    Hello from Pensacola, Florida!

    <Insert happy dance!>

    Luckily the World didn't end on Friday, so my vacation kicked off at 5PM. I came home to my Secret Santa gift from the AMAZING Kristine, and let me tell was SO worth the wait.

    Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

    See those headbands? She makes those. Super cute, I know ;)
    I love, love, LOVE ya guuuuurl!

    I am so happy that I started packing on Wednesday because packing two people up for eleven days is ROUGH. Thank goodness I have a system and I was down to the little things on Saturday, so that we could do last minute shopping and dinner that evening.

    Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

    It was aptly named My Big Fat Greek Restaurant, and it is now added to our favorites list. Everything tasted amazing and it was practically cheap. Three adults with an app, meals, drinks, and dessert for $84 + TIP is a steal for a Saturday night out.


    Now that the Christmas shopping is done, the journey is over, and the family is all together, it is time for the real fun to begin. Although, I have been looking forward to Christmas for months and now that it's here, I don't want it to end! I hope that you are all having a fabulous holiday so far, and enjoying every second.
    I also hope that you will take one minute to think of the soldiers that cannot be with their family.

    'Twas The Night Before Christmas,
    He Lived All Alone,
    In A One Bedroom House
    Made Of Plaster And Stone.

    I Had Come Down The Chimney
    With Presents To Give,
    And To See Just Who
    In This Home Did Live.

    I Looked All About,
    A Strange Sight I Did See,
    No Tinsel, No Presents,
    Not Even A Tree.

    No Stocking By Mantle,
    Just Boots Filled With Sand,
    On The Wall Hung Pictures
    Of Far Distant Lands.

    With Medals And Badges,
    Awards Of All Kinds,
    A Sober Thought
    Came Through My Mind.

    For This House Was Different,
    It Was Dark And Dreary,
    I Found The Home Of A Soldier,
    Once I Could See Clearly.

    The Soldier Lay Sleeping,
    Silent, Alone,
    Curled Up On The Floor
    In This One Bedroom Home.

    The Face Was So Gentle,
    The Room In Such Disorder,
    Not How I Pictured
    A United States Soldier.

    Was This The Hero
    Of Whom I'd Just Read?
    Curled Up On A Poncho,
    The Floor For A Bed?

    I Realized The Families
    That I Saw This Night,
    Owed Their Lives To These Soldiers
    Who Were Willing To Fight.

    Soon Round The World,
    The Children Would Play,
    And Grownups Would Celebrate
    A Bright Christmas Day.

    They All Enjoyed Freedom
    Each Month Of The Year,
    Because Of The Soldiers,
    Like The One Lying Here.

    I Couldn't Help Wonder
    How Many Lay Alone,
    On A Cold Christmas Eve
    In A Land Far From Home.

    The Very Thought
    Brought A Tear To My Eye,
    I Dropped To My Knees
    And Started To Cry.

    The Soldier Awakened
    And I Heard A Rough Voice,
    "Santa Don't Cry,
    This Life Is My Choice;

    I Fight For Freedom,
    I Don't Ask For More,
    My Life Is My God,
    My Country, My Corps."

    The Soldier Rolled Over
    And Drifted To Sleep,
    I Couldn't Control It,
    I Continued To Weep.

    I Kept Watch For Hours,
    So Silent And Still
    And We Both Shivered
    From The Cold Night's Chill.

    I Didn't Want To Leave
    On That Cold, Dark, Night,
    This Guardian Of Honor
    So Willing To Fight.

    Then The Soldier Rolled Over,
    With A Voice Soft And Pure,
    Whispered, "Carry On Santa,
    It's Christmas Day, All Is Secure."

    One Look At My Watch,
    And I Knew He Was Right.
    "Merry Christmas My Friend,
    And To All A Good Night."

    Written by Lance Corporal James M. Schmidt in 1986. Printed in Leatherneck (The Magazines for the Marines) in December 1991.

    Source: via Janna on Pinterest

    To all soldiers, past, present, and future...You are not forgotten.
    Merry Christmas, everyone!

    Thursday, December 20, 2012

    Santa Clause Is Comin' To Town. Blog Town!

    The day has finally arrived!!


    I am glad that I'm a giver, because I don't have a gift to share, and yet I am happy to finally get to reveal who I sent my gift to! I was paired with the B-E-A-U-tiful Tausha.

    Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

    However, I think she miiiiiight be in labor, so she probably wont find out until she's back in blogland. I would like to be the first to wish her congrats on her precious bundle of joy! I can't wait to see how beautiful that baby is. Coming from those two? It has to be drop dead gorgeous! Am I right or am I right?

    I have been assured that my gift was on its way and then we got a flippin' blizzard that stopped all mail. We were lucky the garbage man came... You should have seen me chasing the empty trash can down the street with the crazy wind wearing Will's boots. By the way, he wears a size twelve. It was a sight! At least now I will find out who my Secret Santa is. That is more important than the actual gift, and I'm not just sucking up saying that ;)

    I did get a present from my GF, Kelly. I was so surprised to get this awesome little package in the mail, and now I'm going to owe her big time for her Birthday. You are the BEST!

    Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

    Now link up with us (KellyTabitha, and myself) so that we can all stalk see!

    Wednesday, December 19, 2012

    Home For The Holidays!

    I'm so excited, I can't stand it!
    This weekend we head to Pensacola for much needed family time!

    I don't know what it is, but I love flying with Will. He is my favorite travel companion.
    I don't know if it's because I always flew by myself as a child, but now, when I fly with him it's like a whole new experience! Plus he's fun to look at and nap on....

    ready for our flight to NYC!!!

    Next week, after 2.5 years of marriage...our parents will finally meet. Crazy, I know.

    Most of you know that we eloped, which isn't that abnormal these days, but it is abnormal for the parentals to have not met. It is even more abnormal when they haven't met going into the third year. Somehow, no one has even brought it up.

    I asked my dad if he thought it was weird, and he just said that they knew that Will and I were meant for each other, so it hadn't mattered. That definitely made me a happy girl. However, I knew that it was time, and Christmas 2012 would be perfect. I am fairly certain that all will go smooth, but I do keep having flashbacks of the movie, Meet The Fockers. Either way, there are going to be some good stories to share. Griswold Christmas? Here we come!

    Get ready, Pensacola...


    We are coming for you!!

    What is everyone doing for the holidays?

    PS. Burglars beware...we have booby traps and house sitters!
    Well, maybe not booby traps, but there are plenty of guns if need be ;)

    Tuesday, December 18, 2012

    All I Want For Christmas Is You

    Before bloggers and soldiers were lip syncing to "Call Me Maybe", there was this.
    Be prepared people. It will BLOW your mind.

    PS. In case you didn't know, I already got what I want for Christmas...I got my heart back <3

    And just for a laugh:

    Source: via Janna on Pinterest

    Since we are talkin' Christmas, I just HAVE to share this 36 Blogger Giveaway! {I'm a participant...Duh}

    You can find it on Jessica Who?'s blog as part of her 12 Days of Giveaways event!

    Jessica's friends have joined together to give ONE of you 36 PRIZES!

    36 prizes. 1 winner. Enter using the Rafflecopter form below!

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Disclaimer: This post was put together by Jessica Who?. No person is responsible for the shipment or execution of any prizes except for the prize that they donated. Please refer to the Rafflecopter form for complete terms and conditions.

    Feeling lucky? Enter these giveaways too!

    If only I could win...Le sigh.

    Monday, December 17, 2012

    The REAL Homecoming!

    Happy Blogiversary to me, Happy Blogiversay to me,
    Happy Blogiversary to meeeeeee and cheers to many more!

    I am happy to say congrats to....

    Thank you all for entering our lovely little giveaway, but Kelsey takes the cake this time!
    I'm just happy that you have all stuck around this long ;)


    But I know what you are all really here for...

    The Homecoming Recap!


    This process obviously started way before the day of the Homecoming. We had to try to plan around a date that constantly changed, I had to coordinate with work, and the most important part? Stocking the fridge, pantry, and bar!

    I also made this cake. Isn't it cute?
    In case you are wondering, Pistachio pudding is awesome when added to cake mix and frosting. This is now a hubby approved dessert option.


    The morning of the ceremony, I was a complete basket case. I probably seemed calm on the outside, but just knowing that Will was in this country was amazing. When I got the text that he was in the Springs? I could barely contain myself! Needless to say, I was at the Special Event Center TWO hours early. I was determined to have a good seat.


    While we sat there on pins and needles, the soldiers loaded up on the buses and were escorted from the airport. Will said that it felt really good to have the Motorcycle Cops stop all traffic through town. What would have normally been a thirty minute ride was cut down to fifteen, and every minute counts when reuniting soldiers with their families. Thankfully, a short ceremony later... and I was in his arms!





    We are back to facing the world as a team, and have only grown stronger during this deployment. Just when I thought that I couldn't love him anymore or that our relationship couldn't get any better, it did. This song sums it up pretty well...

    I would like to thank my "sister" Amanda for capturing these moments, for offering FREE Homecoming banners for deployed soldiers, and all of you for the support and love you have shown us! I don't think that any of you will understand how every little bit of encouragement and love affected us. I can honestly say that blogging and YOU guys got me through this deployment. Thank you just doesn't cover it, although I wish it did.

    Friday, December 14, 2012

    How Do You Score As An Adult?

    I know that we have sent out emails, facebooked, and tweeted that the link up is moved to next week, but in case you didn't get the memo...The link up is moved to DECEMBER 20TH! I know, I know, I'm just as anxious as you, but the extra anticipation will be worth it.

    I am just happy that only one day stands in the way of another blissful weekend with my love. One that is starting off with Will making me dinner and date night in. We are stocked up on wood so there will most definitely be a fire, and maybe we will even do chocolate fondue with roasted roasted marshmallows again. It happens to be my favorite fireside activity... Well, at least my favorite that involves food. ;)

    Speaking of food:

    Maybe this isn't the best option, but it was when there weren't many sweets in the house and that craving occurred.  I saw the WW Turtle Sundae in the freezer and knew that it wouldn't leave me satisfied, so I whipped up the brownie and a la mode it was! It was the perfect amount and worth every bite. Go try it. Don't just take my word for it!
    I found this through Kristine a few weeks ago, and just had to see how I scored.

    Job (1P) Business Card (1P) Laptop (1P) Live with Parents (-2P) Engaged (1P) Married (2P) Divorced (3P) Kids (2P) House (2P) Car (1P) Minivan (2P) Cottage/Boat (2P) Dog (1P) Loan (1P) Credit Card (1P) Maxed Out Credit Card (-3P) Airmiles (1P) Savings Account (1P) Dishwasher (1P) Sewing Machine (2P) King Size Bed (1P) Actually Cooking (2P) Slippers (1P) Grey Hair (1P) Cellulites (1P) Morning Paper (1P) Video Games (-1P) Choose to not pick up the phone (2P) Tattoo (-1P) Degree (1P) Mugshot (-2P) Casual Sex (-2P) Double Date (1P) Wine Tasting (1P) Beer Keg (-1P) Weight Watchers (2P) Casual Friday (1P) Walking Just For Fun (1P) Cruise (3P) High School Reunion (1P) Odd Piercings (-2P)

    My Total Adult Points: 28

    0 – 15 Points: Cut Your Hair and Get a Job!
    16 – 29 Points: It’s all downhill from here
    30 – 46 Points: Moving To Florida?

    As you can see, "It's all downhill from here", but really I think it should say "You've reached your prime!" Then there's also the fact that I don't feel like an adult WHATSOEVER.
    I can't believe that I do all these adult things, and then I will forget that I'm old enough to drink or to even pop out kids. Although, I'm sure that if we do have kids people will look at me and think "babies having babies". Judgmental schmucks. Joke will be on them when I tell them that I'm 30+ (remember this is IF we have kids).
    Source: via Janna on Pinterest

    I don't know if I will ever feel like an adult, but that is just fine with me.
    I want to be like my parents; drinking beers on the porch after work, traveling, and rockin' out harder than we do at concerts. They are proof that that there doesn't have to be a downhill.

    What are your Adult Points?


    Thursday, December 13, 2012

    It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

    Guess what, guess what?
    Will and I got to do a couples shoot yesterday, so we are going to have great pictures for next year's Christmas cards! I wasn't able to make new ones for this year, since someone has kept me quite busy since he's been home, but we are now ahead of the game for next year! Don't worry, I won't be able to keep them under wraps until next year, so I will share them in the near future.
    It wouldn't be the holidays, if we weren't pinning all of the fabulous Christmas inspiration.
    Am I right or am I right?

    Whether funny or helpful, I love all of the seasonal inspiration.

    I need to borrow someone's three year old to try that one...In fact, I think one of you should try this and video tape it! It would totally go viral. Raven, I volunteer YOU!

    As for decor, I take things a little more serious.

    Source: via Janna on Pinterest

    Perhaps you are noticing that I don't go for the traditional Holiday decor.
    I still think they are nice, but when I decorate I like to go for lighter subdued colors, and I am also attracted to new ideas. Like so:

    How do you decorate?
