Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Making 2013 My Bish.

Does anyone remember the days before giveaways, bloghops, walkabouts, and weekly linkups? Where link ups were actually so that we could link up similar ideas to share with each other... I'm not saying there is anything wrong with those things (guilty and still love them), but today I would like to introduce a one time link up that will happen on this here blog. A one time link up where we can come together and share how we will make 2013 our Bish. Let me explain...
{And yes, saying Bish instead of B*%$# makes me feel better}

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

Part of defining your own perception is taking charge of your life and what you want out of it. Now, I could be setting some resolutions for the New Year, but I don't do New Year's resolutions. I am constantly realigning and holding myself accountable, so I don't need a new year to make unattainable goals that will just be forgotten. Instead, I will decide what the next year will hold.

Perception Is Everything

Next Wednesday, January 2nd, I will be letting 2013 know exactly what I expect.

For example, I expect:
A lot of time to spend with my handsome husband.
To continue my relationship with all of you.
To spend my birthday WITH my husband.

If any of you hope to make 2013 your bish, feel free to grab the button and link up. I'd love to see your inspiration and desires for this upcoming year. Let's make it a good one ;)


  1. Love this idea! I don't do New Years resolutions either, I mean, why wait to change something! Do It Now!

    This is a great link up idea!


  2. Yes! Love it, Janna! I'm in :)

  3. Love this idea! We are totally going to own 2013!

  4. Good idea! I hate resolutions, so this is perfect for me!

  5. love this Janna!! I am with you on this!
    and i need those pillows!

  6. This is a great link up! And one I can totally get behind. Love it!

  7. I love this idea!! I am definitely going to make 2013 my bish too :D Can't wait to link-up!

  8. Love this and cannot wait to join in! and I love the pillows... just so cute.

  9. Aww, I'm so excited that you will get to have your husband home for your birthday this year! It will be the best ever! :)

  10. Love love love this. I was just writing a post about how unsuccessful resolutions are. Can't wait to join in :)


  11. Love this! One of my friends asked me before our winter training break if I was planning on coming up with any resolutions, but like you, I make goals for myself all of the time. For me, I need to be flexible and able to adapt to whatever challenges life presents to me. Totally linking up with this and it's a brilliant idea :)

  12. You are brilliant sista face!
    Thanks for the inspiration

  13. I am so behind on blog reading and writing!! I posted yesterday about making 2013 my "bish" #soulsistahs Hosting a link up too! Let me know if you want to host together. Same day too lol! #greatminds :) Either way you know I love you!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!