Friday, December 28, 2012

2012: Top 12

2010: Top 10
2011: Top 11

I think it's always fun to reminisce, as you can see from the two previous years.
This year, I chose to highlight the top twelve most visited posts of 2012.
I swear I'm not just being lazy.

Honestly, some of these document some fun times, some priceless memories, and much personal growth- all the reasons that I'm really grateful for this blog. I am always grateful for you guys (duh), but I try to remember why I began in the first place.

#12 Fun In The Sun


#1 What A Weekend
#1 is what happens when you tweet a "celebrity" that you blogged about him, and all his minions check your blog out. Thanks Jesse ;)

But I must also give an honorable mention.
This post has reached almost as many hits as the others, and has only been up for a short period. I guess there is just something about a fairy tale ending that gets ya.

Well, Happy New Year's, y'all!
I hope everyone has a fantabulous, but SAFE night!


  1. Great idea, can't now I have to check out all your posts, especially interested in the Zombie Hunting as my husband is somewhat obsessed with them. Am I the only person in America who realizes Zombies are as real as vampires? ;)
    Happy New The Real McCoy(s)Years!

  2. What a fun wrap up - totally stealing this idea from you!

  3. What an awesome idea, I love it!

    THE JOB reveal did pretty well :)!



  4. love this! I am doing this type of post coming up to, i love reflecting on the best stuff from the past year!!
    i think the zombie hunting was one of my faves! haha

  5. I love the zombie hunt, definitely a favorite. :)

  6. You come up with the coolest blog entries. It just so happens I came across your blog on some link-up... but what kept me was your J-O-B reveal. You were so spunky and fun.

    You're one of the "realest" bloggers out there and I enjoyed going through your "Top 12" posts, because I got to know you a little better. I especially appreciated your Bloggers for Accountability post. Real. Thanks for always taking the time to invest in your blog.

  7. I agree with Heather, you really do come up with the coolest blog ideas :)

  8. That is such a cute way to list your tops of 2012! I definitely am going to have to check out those posts :D

  9. Great year! And it's awesome that it ended with your husband home. And I remember when your camel post came out--I thought that was the most hilarious thing ever!

  10. Such a fun wrap up :) Have a great new years :)

  11. Love this idea for a post and also loved looking back at the old posts, too!

  12. Love this roundup-- enjoyed the bloggers for accountability post! Feel free to link-up at my 2012 Year in Review party :)

    xo Shane

  13. How fun to look back at the past year of blogging! I remember some of these posts ;)

  14. Great post -- it's always so fun to look back at your year like this! Lovely blog!

  15. Love the ride a camel one! How funny!
    Happy new year to you! ;-)

  16. It was fun reading some posts that I missed (I love the His & Hers, that was awesome). Hope yall are having a wonderful vacation and still on post-deployment high!

  17. I like this idea... I should look mine up!

  18. So glad I've gotten to know you this past year! Reading your blog has been great. Love you! Happy 2013!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!