Thursday, December 20, 2012

Santa Clause Is Comin' To Town. Blog Town!

The day has finally arrived!!


I am glad that I'm a giver, because I don't have a gift to share, and yet I am happy to finally get to reveal who I sent my gift to! I was paired with the B-E-A-U-tiful Tausha.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

However, I think she miiiiiight be in labor, so she probably wont find out until she's back in blogland. I would like to be the first to wish her congrats on her precious bundle of joy! I can't wait to see how beautiful that baby is. Coming from those two? It has to be drop dead gorgeous! Am I right or am I right?

I have been assured that my gift was on its way and then we got a flippin' blizzard that stopped all mail. We were lucky the garbage man came... You should have seen me chasing the empty trash can down the street with the crazy wind wearing Will's boots. By the way, he wears a size twelve. It was a sight! At least now I will find out who my Secret Santa is. That is more important than the actual gift, and I'm not just sucking up saying that ;)

I did get a present from my GF, Kelly. I was so surprised to get this awesome little package in the mail, and now I'm going to owe her big time for her Birthday. You are the BEST!

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Now link up with us (KellyTabitha, and myself) so that we can all stalk see!


  1. Way bummer you didn't get a gift!

    That kelly is pretty awesome!

    Thanks so much for hosting an awesome linkup! xoxo

  2. Too bad about the blizzard! Yikes!

  3. eek blizzard!!!

    thanks for this wonderful Secret Santa idea! I am so glad I got to participate!

  4. Thanks for organizing this, girl. After hosting the ornament swap, I get how much work it is. Great job. Hope your package comes soon!!! Darn postal service.

  5. Thanks for hosting! You're fabulous :)

  6. **I reentered my blog... because I didn't understand it already LINKED to your blog and WOUDLN'T LINK mine. So I fixed it. If there was some way to remove "36. Heathering Heights" I would. FYI :)

  7. Hope you receive your gift soon!! Thanks so much for hosting this Janna!! I have enjoyed seeing what everyone got! And of course sending out a parcel to a new friend and receiving some cool gifts myself!

    Jen xxx

  8. Aw congratulations to Tausha on having a baby! That is so wonderful and exciting :D
    I hope you get your package soon! The weather has been so crazy lately.
    I laughed so hard reading about you running down the road chasing your garbage can.. because I was doing the same thing yesterday chasing our recycling bins!

  9. What a fun idea!
    I wanted to hop by your blog and say thank you for leaving me a comment on my blog! I really appreciate it, Hun. :)
    I hope you and your family have a very blessed Christmas!!


  10. I found your blog through the Jessica Who giveaway and I am so glad I did, I love it and I am now following you!

    Sparkles and Shoes
    500 Follower Kate Spade Giveaway

  11. I still don't know who sent mine, but I LOVE IT! :) Thanks so much for organizing, you are a pretty awesome lady. xoxo

  12. What happened to the mail mans motto - come snow, rain, sleet, or hail?

  13. Thank you so much for hosting this Janna, it's been my favourite swap yet, I had so much fun. I hope your gift arrives soon.

  14. OH MY GOSH!!! You are the BEST Secret Santa EVER!!! Thank you so much for all my goodies - I LOVE everything!! :) You seriously ROCK.

    Oh, and thanks for your kind words. I can't wait to show this little lady off, shes due in 2 weeks, and I couldn't be more excited!!!

  15. Thanks so much for hosting this! I was able to link up today yay. :)

  16. I want to see you running after the trash can in boots too big. Please take a video next time.


  17. crazy you still haven't received :( boo. im jealous you have so much snow!! i'm off to figure out who sent my awesome gifts! XOX

  18. WTF?! You were a host and you didn't even get a gift???? #bloggerfail

  19. Haha it's okay Kristine, I love you too much to be upset about my gift not arriving yet ;) It's the THOUGHT that counts!

    1. Thanks for understanding Janna :) Hope you enjoy your goodies when they finally arrive! Love you mucho!! oxoxo

  20. Picturing you running after a trash can in the snow in huge boots made me laugh!! Haha!!

  21. Oh sad day! :( But I do have to say the thought of you chasing the garbage man is kind of hilarious. ;)


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