This Vixen needs NO introduction.
I'm sure that most of you already follow 'er, but if you don't...
Welcome to your new favorite blogger:
{Your welcome}
Hi all you Perception is Everything readers! I'm Raven and I blog over at A Momma's Desires and Pacifiers.
I'm sure that most of you already follow 'er, but if you don't...
Welcome to your new favorite blogger:
{Your welcome}
Hi all you Perception is Everything readers! I'm Raven and I blog over at A Momma's Desires and Pacifiers.
So glad to be here posting for Janna. I've loved her blog since the day I found it and after reading her "about me" section, I was hooked. Girl is right up my alley! We would totally be bff's if we lived in the same town. Which got me thinking. What exactly does it take for me to consider someone a friend? After a lot of pondering, I came up with these six qualifications.

(actual picture I took with my camera phone while peeing)
* Have you ever had a cat stare at you while you were going to the bathroom? Without ever blinking? Or moving? For the entire time? If you have, and lived to tell about it, then we can be friends. Talk about one of the most unnerving and uncomfortable situations for a person to be in. Especially whilst sitting with pants down taking care of business. Trust me, if you've never been through it, you have no idea how horrifying and life-changing it can be.

* Have you ever gotten your weave tangled in your sequin top after a night out of fun? If you have, then we can be friends. Bonus points if said weave is of the Jessica Simpson variety.

* Have you ever kissed a rattlesnake? Albeit a dead one, but a rattlesnake nonetheless. If you have, then we can be friends. Triple bonus points if you cooked it and ate it for dinner.

* Has your two-year old ever sat buck naked in a baking pan? And did you forget twenty minutes later and cook dinner in that exact baking pan without washing it out? If so, then we can be friends. (Let's just say that the sautéed tilapia tasted a that night.)

* Have you ever ran to get your camera so you can snap a few pictures of your crying child before picking him up in your arms and consoling him? If you have, then we can be friends. (Hey, crying kids can be good blogging material. Don't judge.)

* And finally, can you throw back a few? Like a boss? If so, then we can definitely, without a single doubt be friends.
So. How did you do? Can we be friends?
Okay fine. I guess you don't have to be a snake-kissing, dirty-cooking, neglectful mother, scardy-cat alcoholic like myself to be my friend. Besides, I could always use a designated driver when I want to go out and let my weave run wild.
If you don't love Raven, then WE can't be friends.
She is so SMART, witty, funny, loving, GORGEOUS and not to mention-
an AMAZING mommy. (In spite of what you may have thought of the above pictures ;)
Her advice on vaccines blew my mind, and her plan must be working because her boys are
growing up so beautifully....Isn't it fun to watch other bloggers and their families grow?
Besides all of those things,
I liked her because she was open, honest, and not afraid to preach the truth.
Y'all know that I speak my mind, and that's exactly why you can TRUST what we say.
Well, unless it's said sarcastically....Raven is the QUEEN of sarcasm.
Mark my words, she would outsell Chelsea Handler's books in a heartbeat!
I will let you in on a little secret, though...
She is one of the warmest and most amazing blog friends EVER. She's there for you if you have questions, she gives great advice, and she has a big heart.
But ssssssssshhhhhhhh...don't tell anyone I told you that. It might ruin her rep ;)
Another secret?
I was giddy when she agreed to guest post. I have looked up to her and enjoyed her blog for so long, that she's like a celebrity in my eyes.
I only hope that I can be half the blogger she is when I grow up ;)
Thanks again, girl. You mean the blog world to me!

PS. I gave in and took Weiser to the vet AGAIN. He is now on Benadryl and large doses of TLC. We are thinking that it's a mixture of anxiety that Will is gone and my week away, topped off with seasonal allergies. Dogs get those crazy.
Let's hope that we are in the clear!
(actual picture I took with my camera phone while peeing)
* Have you ever had a cat stare at you while you were going to the bathroom? Without ever blinking? Or moving? For the entire time? If you have, and lived to tell about it, then we can be friends. Talk about one of the most unnerving and uncomfortable situations for a person to be in. Especially whilst sitting with pants down taking care of business. Trust me, if you've never been through it, you have no idea how horrifying and life-changing it can be.
* Have you ever gotten your weave tangled in your sequin top after a night out of fun? If you have, then we can be friends. Bonus points if said weave is of the Jessica Simpson variety.
* Have you ever kissed a rattlesnake? Albeit a dead one, but a rattlesnake nonetheless. If you have, then we can be friends. Triple bonus points if you cooked it and ate it for dinner.
* Has your two-year old ever sat buck naked in a baking pan? And did you forget twenty minutes later and cook dinner in that exact baking pan without washing it out? If so, then we can be friends. (Let's just say that the sautéed tilapia tasted a that night.)
* Have you ever ran to get your camera so you can snap a few pictures of your crying child before picking him up in your arms and consoling him? If you have, then we can be friends. (Hey, crying kids can be good blogging material. Don't judge.)
* And finally, can you throw back a few? Like a boss? If so, then we can definitely, without a single doubt be friends.
So. How did you do? Can we be friends?
Okay fine. I guess you don't have to be a snake-kissing, dirty-cooking, neglectful mother, scardy-cat alcoholic like myself to be my friend. Besides, I could always use a designated driver when I want to go out and let my weave run wild.
If you don't love Raven, then WE can't be friends.
She is so SMART, witty, funny, loving, GORGEOUS and not to mention-
an AMAZING mommy. (In spite of what you may have thought of the above pictures ;)
Her advice on vaccines blew my mind, and her plan must be working because her boys are
growing up so beautifully....Isn't it fun to watch other bloggers and their families grow?
Besides all of those things,
I liked her because she was open, honest, and not afraid to preach the truth.
Y'all know that I speak my mind, and that's exactly why you can TRUST what we say.
Well, unless it's said sarcastically....Raven is the QUEEN of sarcasm.
Mark my words, she would outsell Chelsea Handler's books in a heartbeat!
I will let you in on a little secret, though...
She is one of the warmest and most amazing blog friends EVER. She's there for you if you have questions, she gives great advice, and she has a big heart.
But ssssssssshhhhhhhh...don't tell anyone I told you that. It might ruin her rep ;)
Another secret?
I was giddy when she agreed to guest post. I have looked up to her and enjoyed her blog for so long, that she's like a celebrity in my eyes.
I only hope that I can be half the blogger she is when I grow up ;)
Thanks again, girl. You mean the blog world to me!

PS. I gave in and took Weiser to the vet AGAIN. He is now on Benadryl and large doses of TLC. We are thinking that it's a mixture of anxiety that Will is gone and my week away, topped off with seasonal allergies. Dogs get those crazy.
Let's hope that we are in the clear!
Yeah! She totally rocks. I love her blog too! ANYONE that doesn't sugar coat motherhood and gives it to everyone straight up besides adding stuff, I totally dig. However, I WOULD never kiss a snake, dead or not. But I would still love to be friends, lol.
WOOHOO for fun bloggies!
Hope your pup feels better! :(
LOVE Ravine. Sending bug hugs to Weiser. :(
Love this post - I am definitely going to be a new follower of Ravine! :)
umm ok so that little intro and thing you wrote about me at the end was THEE NICEST THING ANYTHING HAS EVER SAID ABOUT ME.
I feel unworthy. (and I am NOT being sarcastic this time).
You basically just made my entire day.
ok so now that I'm blushing, I'm going to go work out for the next three hundred hours so I can have something that might resemble those amazing legs of yours :)
Thanks so much for having me guest post!!!!
ps. love "Ravine" lol!!!
I LOVE Raven too. Definitely one of my favorite bloggers...BTW, we could SO totally be friends. I always grab my camera when my kids are throwing tantrums...especially in public!
I heart Raven. She cracks my shiz up! Also I'm so glad because of her to have found your blog!!
love me some Raven!!!
haha i havent done any of these things and i'm not a heavy drinker but i can totally throw back my smirnoff or glass of cab sav like a boss...does that count?! love you ravey pants!
Raven is definitely hilarious. Glad I found your blog via hers :b
HAHA love this! My cats walk in on me in the bathroom all the time...for some reason my bathroom door doesn't like to close all the way:( And we all know I can throw back a few:) My nephew has those skeleton PJS!
love raven! and love that she guest blogged for you-- bc now I love your blog too and I'm running late for work! damn you ladies.
LOVE me some Raven! Great hilarious guest post as usual. Looking forward to following you now! Have a great hump day!
HILARIOUS! I totally get the cat
I discovered Raven thanks to Lindsey aka "The Bargain Blonde". Both of them are awesome by the way! And I have to say, while my own two cats enjoy watching our bathroom business, that's nothing compared to the time my friend's dog jumped into my lap while I was using the toilet! hahahaha!
Awesomeness! Yes, I've had a cat stare at me while going to the bathroom (and a dog). Both our family dog and cat think it's necessary to be in the bathroom with you when you're in the first floor bathroom. Two, she likes booze and I like booze. Done deal :)
Hope your dog is back to 110% sooN!!!
number two has def happened to me before lol.
I love Raven :) She's one of my faves!!
I can't wait to check out your blog, you sound just as great as her :)
I'll the the tilapia special...great guest post and you are the cutest!
I love both of y'all!!! :) great post ladies!! I was dying laughing!!
new follower via Raven!!! cannot wait to stalk! ;-)
so ive never had a cat staring at me on the pot...but i have when i woke up. Just staring...SO CREEPY
and if i had do the same crying picture thing!
haha raven i already know we are besties...granted now its only text besties...but soon enough my love :-) and we will be boss ladies with wine (though i might not make it as long as u hahah!)
I love Raven's blog! When she started following my lil ol' blog, I literally called my boyfriend and said "you know that funny blogger that I love?! SHE IS FOLLOWING ME! AND she EMAILED me!" Haha. Total celeb in my eyes too. :)
I'm your newest follower!
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