Boy do I have a treat for y'all!
Today I am sharing a real life fairy tale, and it is very close to my heart.
I am a TOTAL sucker for a good Military love story.
I already love to read about Tiffany and her soldier on the reg, but this is the first time that I am witnessing their full love affair. I must admit...I teared up <3
Today I am sharing a real life fairy tale, and it is very close to my heart.
I am a TOTAL sucker for a good Military love story.
I already love to read about Tiffany and her soldier on the reg, but this is the first time that I am witnessing their full love affair. I must admit...I teared up <3
I'm Tiffany, I blog over at All Because Two People Fell in Love.
I enjoy blogging about anything and everything from cooking, baking, work, DIY projects, pretty much my life as a Army Wife.
Yup you are reading that right, I'm PROUD to say I'm a Army wife going on almost 5 years now.
The husband and I met over the phone in late 2006 while he was in Hawaii & I was in Texas. To make a long story short we met randomly through a mutual friend, that he was stationed with whom I happen to grow up with.
Not even a whole month had gone by and we both already new we wanted to spend forever together. He planned a trip to come see me in Texas over his Christmas leave, which pretty much sealed the deal.
Twenty days shy of a year later on November 9th, 2007 we tied the knot at The Dallas World Aquarium in downtown Dallas, TX. It was my / our dream wedding it couldn't have been more perfect, we had all our family & friends there- over 300 people.
We skipped the honey moon & went to the Valley (aka Arizona) to spend a week with my now In~ Loves.
You see, in less than 2 weeks I would be on a plane making the 8 hour trip out to Hawaii to send the love of My Life off to the sandbox for 15 months. We spent the week prior to him leaving falling more in love than ever before and enjoying Paradise together.
Exactly a month later on December 9th we said our "See You Soon's" and my world changed forever.
Jump ahead 14 months- January 2009 I moved out to Hawaii (during the deployment I stayed home in TX) got settled in our first home on base and awaited the arrival of my Soldier.
February rolled around & it was the 2nd best day of our life together at that point; having him home safe in my arms out of harms way is breath taking.
We spent the next year & a halfvacationing living the fairytale life in Hawaii. Of course we both had jobs and it wasn't beach & sun all the time but we took full advantage of the Island life, indulging in every aspect the island had to offer.
That brings us to June of 2010 when the Army called My Love back to the Sandbox for another 12 months. This time I opted to stay in Hawaii, this is were our life was and I wanted to keep things as normal as possible. We made it through, deployments AREN'T easy by any means and I don't wish them upon my worst enemy.
I had a fabulous group of girls to help pass the time, work and of course a few random trips around the island and way to many Staycations down in Waikiki to count. Even though my husband was gone and not there to enjoy those moments with me, those are memories that I will carry with me forever.
June 2011, the 3rd best day in our life together, was when we were finally reunited after a long gruelling 12 months apart. Being able to share that moment with my Spouse (aka best friend Sarah) was awesome. She was there for me from the beginning so it was only fitting.
Falling in love all over again, albeit a different kind of love.
Deployments bring you closer together rather than farther apart, there's just something about it that's hard to explain....
A few months after we settled back into our daily routine of life together we received orders for Ft. Jackson, South Carolina. Leaving Hawaii to move to the South was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. (besides send my husband away to fight in a war)
Not just because it is beautiful & breath takingly amazing, but because Hawaii is everything to us. Its how we met, where we spent the first years of our married life, and we have made some of the most amazing life long friends. Leaving the Land of Aloha was heart breaking and hard.
I know in my heart we will be back again, but for now we are living life in the South.
Learning the area, meeting new people, adjusting to the COLD weather again.
(Talk about a killer wake up call, Hawaii seriously ruined me.)
One day at a time...
That's our love story in a nut shell, so let's meet.
Come over & take a peek in my little world of random thoughts.

Are you crying yet?
I know this story seems to have a "sad" ending, but this is what our lives are like. We don't get to choose where in the WORLD that we live, we don't get to choose when we move, and we definitely don't have a choice when our spouses deploy. What makes this SO BEAUTIFUL is that we do it anyways.
Out of love and devotion, we give everything we have....ourselves, our hearts, our loyalty, and our dedication.
Twenty days shy of a year later on November 9th, 2007 we tied the knot at The Dallas World Aquarium in downtown Dallas, TX. It was my / our dream wedding it couldn't have been more perfect, we had all our family & friends there- over 300 people.
You see, in less than 2 weeks I would be on a plane making the 8 hour trip out to Hawaii to send the love of My Life off to the sandbox for 15 months. We spent the week prior to him leaving falling more in love than ever before and enjoying Paradise together.
Exactly a month later on December 9th we said our "See You Soon's" and my world changed forever.
February rolled around & it was the 2nd best day of our life together at that point; having him home safe in my arms out of harms way is breath taking.
We spent the next year & a half
Deployments bring you closer together rather than farther apart, there's just something about it that's hard to explain....
Not just because it is beautiful & breath takingly amazing, but because Hawaii is everything to us. Its how we met, where we spent the first years of our married life, and we have made some of the most amazing life long friends. Leaving the Land of Aloha was heart breaking and hard.
I know in my heart we will be back again, but for now we are living life in the South.
Learning the area, meeting new people, adjusting to the COLD weather again.
(Talk about a killer wake up call, Hawaii seriously ruined me.)
One day at a time...

Come over & take a peek in my little world of random thoughts.
Are you crying yet?
I know this story seems to have a "sad" ending, but this is what our lives are like. We don't get to choose where in the WORLD that we live, we don't get to choose when we move, and we definitely don't have a choice when our spouses deploy. What makes this SO BEAUTIFUL is that we do it anyways.
Out of love and devotion, we give everything we have....ourselves, our hearts, our loyalty, and our dedication.
Now I don't expect you all to think that we are fishing for your sympathies here. I share these stories, simply because I want YOU to be thankful for what YOU have. The Military life has taught Tiffany, myself and many, many others that we must cherish each and every day....
Don't take what you have for granted just because you don't have an impending deployment.
Live and love to the fullest, simply because it is what you deserve.
You get what you give...
I guess that is the new theme for this week. ;)
I was a military brat. I give armed forces wives the most props. I could never go through what my mom did. You guys are strong. Thanks for sharing.. beautiful story!!
Awww, love!!
Being a military girlfriend (and soon fiance/wife) is incredibly challenging but gives you a completely different perspective on life that I would NOT change for anything!
I never take a day for granted with my hunni! I hope to do a piece on us in a few months, I would love to share it with you!
What a sweet sweet story! Thank you so much for sharing and for YOURs and your husbands service to the military!!!!
My sister's bf of 3.5 years just came back from the sandbox and she is visiting him in hawaii now.
So sweet. What great photos. :)
Thanks for sharing my story love, it truly is my fairy tale come true!!! MIlitary life isn't easy by any means but I wouldnt change it for the world.
Awww what a great story! I'm a sucker for a good love story! Thanks for sharing Janna and Tiffany!
aww, this whole post was just so full of truth and love! beautiful!!!
xo TJ
Beautiful story (and photos!) :)
I have so much respect for military spouses...I don't know that I could be that strong. You all are amazing! :)
And a big thanks to your husband for all he does.
Left brain, right brain, pug brain.
at one point in time, i was a military girlfriend... but now that my sailor is no longer in the navy, i still have so much respect for all the military spouses that actually have to deal with everyday living and deployment. they are in my thoughts all. the. time.
loved this!
It takes lots of courage to sustain love from a long distance relationship. I thinks military wives are great as wives for letting their men be the men of their country and at the same time keeping them the men of their lives. I wish you all the bests :)
I needed this today! thank you! xoxo
Wow, this really did make me tear up! I can't imagine being separated for 12 months! Military couples are amazing...the husband AND the wife!!
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