I'm sad to say I haven't had a SINGLE one of these burgers, because we happen to LOVE any burger we can get our hands on. However, there's a good chance we will be heading to Fort Bragg, NC in about a month, so we can visit Johnson's Drive In located just outside of Fayetville! In case you are wondering, that's the announcement. More on that below.
So let me get this straight...some people didn't take off all of the plastic before eating their over processed fake individually wrapped cheese, and now there's a recall on the whole product? Seems a tad bit excessive, and I don't even support Kraft. #nogmo
If you can't handle 8 and 9 year olds, you probably shouldn't be on the force. Plus it's against the law to use handcuffs on children in that state specifically, so there's that.
No doubt she's awesome and the fact that people are body shaming her is ludicrous, but I think the fact that she's calling out other women in her response is just as bad. I personally think her comeback would have been more powerful if she wasn't shaming someone else in the process.
The shit is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S. I happen to think that celebrities have a small dating pool because they tend to date within the industry. As such, if you limit yourself to a specific pool, there is no guarantee Mr. Right is going to be in there. Hopefully they will find love in the future! At least they made beautiful babies!
I'm from a family of hunters, but they hunt to eat and for population control. In fact, the only antlers my dad has is from a deer that they tried to rescue after it broke it's back jumping a fence. Hunting these gorgeous creatures is just greedy and I'm glad Delta isn't allowing Big Game Trophies on their planes.
I don't want to go too in depth about the threats to our military and families stateside, because it really gives me anxiety. It's way too close to home, and brings up so many hot button questions about soldiers that can't protect themselves, and it's a problem that I can't believe we have in this country. On a positive note, the support from the community has been inspiring to watch. I know it's not safe or realistic to have vigilantes running around trying to protect the soldiers, but I would be lying if I didn't tell you that I wanted to be out there with them to prove that something needs to be done. We live in fear while our soldiers are deployed, but we don't get hazard pay to worry about them stateside. What happened America?
Okay, so as I mentioned up there, we are 90% sure that we will be heading to North Carolina in a month or so! I've already been picking Lindsey and Carrie's brain, but if any of you have insight into Fort Bragg or the Fayeteville area please send it my way! It's hard to figure out where to live when you've never set foot in a town, and yet we do it to ourselves every time.