Monday, March 25, 2013

March Madness And A Wonderful Weekend

After twenty-two days, I finally have my hubby back! He doesn't have to scarf dinner, do homework, go to sleep at 8PM to get up at 4AM, or work on the weekends anymore! It might have been Aunt Flo's fault, but I cried several times just overflowing with emotion. Golly gee...I just can't help but love him.

Knowing that this weekend would be his first weekend off, I asked Will what he would like to do. I was thinking he'd want to go out and get rowdy or at least get dinner, but guess what? His response was that he wanted to stay home, have movie marathons, and just spend time with me! Ooooh Yeeeeaaahh ;)

As usual we planned to go to the gym both days, but Mother Nature had other plans. She didn't care that it was "Spring Break", so we had "Blowing Snow" all day Saturday. That didn't stop us, though. We had a workout party in the living room, and tried Insanity out. I'm not a fan. I'd rather do Jillian Michaels or go running any day. Everyone's right, it is intense, but almost too intense. I want to enjoy working out, not have a heart attack in my living room.

Other than that, we watched sappy movies (Will knows that they are totally an aphrodisiac), drank Cupcake Red Velvet, and cuddled up by the fire in my adult onesie.

We also found time to cross some more off the to-do list:

Perception Is Everything

My Kick@ss Cohost: 
Megan From Growing Up Is Actually Kind Of Fun

Thanks to Rebecca, I have made headway on my iPhone storage issues, so between that and the books that Will got me, I WILL be updated by the end of March Madness!
I got laundry done AND put away all in one day.
I got laundry done AND put away all in one day.
The Bogert's had a cleaning/organizing party on Sunday.
{I don't care if my husband has ulterior motives when he cleans. I like a clean house and sex.}

I cleaned 10GB of crap off my laptop and organized photo folders.
I've decided I take entirely too many pictures.
I installed my camera software and uploaded the first set of pictures.

I can't even put into words how much I LOVE this camera. The video is HD and auto-adjusts itself, the pictures come out striking, and the software for the camera is super user friendly. The following is basically unedited, taken without a flash, and I didn't even have to change a single setting on the camera. Point and shoot capabilities, but totally high quality!

 photo MarchSony0532_zps673d2bd8.jpg

Remember, next Monday is the final link up for March Madness. Whether you have participated along the way or not, feel free to share your craziness of March. We should ALL be proud that we made it through and that it's time for some Spring time fun!


  1. You sure got yourself a winner! Such a sweet man!

  2. I hate Aunt Flo and all her emotional bs that she brings lol! I totally understand how you feel when he goes for 2 weeks. Mine goes in June and the first few days are ok and then around day 5, I get stupid. Check out my post today if you have time, it's about my hubs 10 year army reunion and I was extrememly emo. lol Happy Monday :)

  3. cleaning is sexy!! totally agree. I also think insanity is wayyyy intense!

  4. AwwwwwwYAY! You too are so cute!

    Hooray for a fun new camera!

  5. Congrats on your husband being back!! Awesome photos that camersa takes!

  6. Nothing sexier than someone who helps you put your house in order!

    Glad you guys had a good weekend and you've got your man back!

  7. We kinda had a lazy weekend and were able to enjoy a couple's massage together :) Love those kind of weekends!

  8. Love your camera! &it sounds like you have such a fantastic man!

  9. I need to clear off the stuff of my computer, because it is full of photos. I started to with the desktop and stuff, but now I have to move onto iPhoto, where the thousands and thousands of pictures are. Eek!

  10. yayyy !! for getting your man back! You guys were rocking it this weekend, wow! Go you for figuring out your iPhone issues and camera, seriously those are two of the trickiest things. I'd rather do laundry all day than figure why my iTunes looks different and commit to clicking sync! I've almost met all my March fitness goals, thanks for the push :) this link up def helped!

  11. I love weekends like those! How fun and relaxing! And yay for getting more stuff crossed off your to-done list ;)

  12. So glad he is back and that you had a good weekend together. :)

  13. I'm gonna need to try me some of this Red Velvet Cupcake. I'm glad you had a nice weekend at home with the hubs!

  14. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend :D Glad you got so much accomplished!

  15. Glad you got your husband back finally. Sounds like your weekend was the perfect mix of relaxing and productive. I love weekends like that.

  16. We got snow on Sunday. Maybe it was what was left over from yours on Saturday :). Yeah Insanity looks intense if nothing else!

  17. Definitely a perfect weekend! Will is sooooo CUTE! I love that he just wanted to chill all weekend long :)

  18. Yes my husband is willing to watch chick flicks too as they definitely get me in the mood more than an action movie.

    Sounds like a perfect weekend.

  19. Men that do chores= YES! :D
    Laundry is the most annoying chore ever.

  20. Aww so glad you guys got some good quality time together! :)


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