Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I NEED Your Help!

Most of you know where I work, but some of the newbies may be surprised by this post ;)

Since it's Basketball season, I got roped into being a part of 94.3 Kilo's Bracket Babes Competition, and I have made it to the second of three rounds!

 photo BracketBabes2_zps12b31311.png

 photo BracketBabes3_zps6cc016f3.jpg

This week, the top two from each store go head to head, so I need you to vote for ME! I mean, I am your favorite Hooters girl, right?

 photo BracketBabes_zpscd603cee.png

This is NOT the real vote. This is just a visual aid:

It is as simple as that! You don't have to give out any information or sign up for anything.We have a big store rivalry here in Colorado Springs, so I'm going to need all the help I can get. As a matter of fact, if I make it to Round 3, I will incorporate a giveaway to BUY your votes. Hehe.

Vote here: Kilo Bracket Babes
{If you see the results and not a vote button, try to refresh. Should work!}


  1. Am I doing it wrong?! I can't find the voting button! I'm such a loser!

  2. The button won't show up. It shows the names, but no where to click to vote!

  3. I'm having the same problem as those above.

  4. Ok it took me a minute to find how to vote because the link showed the results :( but I figured it out and you got my vote! Good luck!

  5. Me too! Haha it's not just you kait!

  6. Voted for you girlfriend! 55% to 45% your winning! Keep us posted!

  7. yay!! I did it, and you are already in the lead!!!

  8. ONCE i'm home and not on the work comp I'll TOTALLY VOTE for you! xoxo

  9. Definitely voted! Hope you win :)

  10. It seriously freaks me out to see my friend from highschool on there still haha. Voted for you duh :)

  11. I just voted...and you are in the lead. You are kickin' that other girls butt!!

  12. I voted for ya! Not shame for sure! I'm a newer reader so I didn't know this about you- but it doesn't change anything to me! Good luck!

  13. I am a new follower, so had no idea! I voted and my son would LOVE you! We go to Hooters all the time. Such a great place~

  14. I voted!!! :) Good luck girly! :)

  15. Voted! Go you and your 67%

    I'll make the boyfriend vote when I get home tonight :)

  16. I voted!!! And I'm tweeting this cause you need to win!! xoxo

  17. Hell yes I will vote for you! 67% :D

  18. Voted! And totally random, but a year ago I was rear ended by a Hooter's girl on the highway. I was in my hideous mexican restaurant outfit and she was looking all hot on the side of the road....totally sucked haha,

  19. Voted! And it looks like you're killin' it... yay!

  20. OF COURSE you are my favorite Hooter's Girl!! Voting now. :)

  21. I just voted and you are kicking butt! 67%

  22. You got my vote! And you're winning by a landslide!!

  23. Lol I can't believe I just voted for a Hooters thing. But I did it! :)

  24. I voted for you and I wish the best for you!

  25. I tried :/ but I couldn't figure it out

  26. Just voted! You have 65% of the votes, so exciting :)

  27. So cool you made it so far!! Good luck

  28. Voted, you hottie and you are killin it!

  29. I voted for you friend! :)


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!