Friday, March 22, 2013

The Military Ball

After almost three years in the Army, we finally got to go to our first Military Ball!
What made it even better, was that my friend Ashley was Buck's date. She is a fellow blogger, and although her blog is on hold for the moment, this totally counts as a blate.

Isn't she absolutely gorgeous? My Lebanese beauty...

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It was a night of sexy men in uniform:

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Dessert before dinner. Helloooo German Chocolate Cake:

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And of course, adult beverages! photo IMG_6878_zps2a6c6dd2.jpg

We even got to witness a proposal!
This dude was so smart to capitalize on the occasion. Very smooth dude...

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Dress: J.Crew Bridesmaid dress repurposed
Shoes: Burlington's $20
Necklace: Cheap-O store $5
Stylin' on a budget? Priceless.

It's hard to really put into words what a night like this encompasses. These soldiers just returned from Afghanistan so there was much celebration, and yet sadness was present for the soldiers that didn't make it home from this deployment. It was a surreal experience, celebrating when the fallen will never celebrate again. All we can do is be thankful. 
Thankful for those who serve and thankful for those who give the ultimate sacrifice.

Mostly, I would like to thank my Mr. for returning safely to me. He graduates from his training course today, so I will be enjoying the heck out of him this weekend. I hope you all have a great weekend too :)


  1. GORGEOUS!!!! Y'all are such a good looking couple! I loved getting all dolled up for the military ball! Fun times. The last part got me teary eyed. I just can't even imagine losing my soldier. How blessed we are and how thankful we should be for the men who sacrificed their lives and families for us. <3

  2. Awwww, loos like a beautiful time! Great pic at the end too!
    =) Brooke

  3. love this red dress and also your blog! It's so nice!!! I follow you!
    Pass to my blog and if it likes you follow me too, I will be so glad :D

  4. You look stunning in your red dress, as you always do!!! YAY for Will's Graduation and a whole weekend together!!!! Enjoy it Chicka!!!

  5. That looks like such a fun evening to get dressed up for--and hey,especially considering that's a bridesmaid dress, it's a gorgeous one!

  6. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS JANNA! What a special and deserved evening for you two


    Not that I had a doubt you would be, but oh my word you look amazing!



  8. you look so gorgeous!! and nice job really wearing a bridesmaid dress again! :) and those man look quite handsome too!!

  9. you look gorgeous as always! and this looks like so much fun but it must be hard to remember those that have fallen.

  10. You looked gorgeous! I love that you chose the red :)

    Idea for a blog post SHOW US HOW YOU GET YOUR HAIR TO LOOK LIKE THAT! I love your curls.

  11. I do love re-purposing a dress. You looked amazing, love the last photo of you two.

  12. Beautiful! I love every year going to the militray ball, definitely bitter sweet after a deployment though!

  13. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! How sweet that you got to witness a proposal!!

  14. Holy hotness you and your hubby are!

  15. Great pics, Janna! Y'all look great! This makes me so excited for the Navy ball in a few weeks!

    Honor Courage Commitment

  16. super hotness is right! You all look great!! Looks like a fun night, love the huge punch bowl. I mean who gets to fill up a pitcher instead of a glass?! Enjoy your weekend and congrats to your hubby for completing his training course! You two are the best!

  17. You look great! Congrats and enjoy your weekend

  18. How fun! You look gorgeous and you and your honey are a super cute couple! Glad you got to go!

  19. You guys are a stunning couple and are way too cute together! Looks like you had a wonderful time :D

  20. Both you girls look beautiful. What a great way to celebrate their homecoming. How amazing is it that you got a bridesmaid dress cute enough to wear again! I have one that is so ugly I don't know what to do with it. Worst thing is I never even wore it as the wedding got cancelled.

  21. I love the look you went with. Perfect! ALSO, today is a BIG CELEBRATION, as my cousin and our local soldiers return home from Afghanistan!!!! HOOORAAAAYYYY!!!!! He lands in Montana in about 2 hours from now!

  22. Awww you ladies are both beautiful!! Looks like a classy and lovely evening! And hooray for a couple getting engaged! Cute!

  23. You look absolutely stunning! I'm so glad he made it back safely to you.

  24. Love the pictures! You looked so pretty! :)

  25. As always, you looks stunning!! Love that you reused a BM dress!! Hot stuff.

  26. So glad you chose the red dress. You looked gorgeous!

  27. Love that you rewore a bridesmaid dress! So smart!

  28. You look beautiful. PLease do a tutorial on how to make my hair look like that! Balls are such a special and honored event, especially when you remember those lost.

    Hope yall had a great and relaxing weekend.

  29. You look absoulty stunning!!! Looks like such a great night :) Happy you could squeeze a blate into it and everything :) haha

  30. Aw, looks like this was a night to remember. You guys look gorgeous! We are very lucky so please give your hubby and his military buddies a HUGE THANKS from us.

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  31. we always get into a unit right AFTER a ball ):

    I can't wait to go to my first! You looked beautiful!!

  32. You look beautiful as usual!! I love the outfit and more importantly, I love how much you glow next to Will.

  33. Picture perfect couple! You looked STUNNING!

  34. You look beautiful! Love your dress. So nice to be able to get all dressed up and celebrate together.

  35. So late but you both look fabulous. I hope that last photo is framed somewhere in your house!


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