Thursday, March 21, 2013

My Psychic Abilities Are Undeniable

I've already proven that I'm Psychic, but in case you aren't a believer or are new around here...I had another pregnancy dream and boy was it a doozie!

The very next day, the first person {other than Will} that I told about the dream was my SIL, Paula. She and my brother have been trying to have kids for about five years, so I actually felt bad telling her about the dream, and yet...I felt compelled to tell her. She laughed it off and assumed that her sister was pregnant again. Skip to six weeks later, and I get a call from my brother telling me that I should be expecting a new niece or nephew!

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Add another six weeks and I found out that Alison and Justin have reached twelve weeks! 
They have also been workin' hard at baby makin', and now they too can give hope to other parents that are trying!

I'm not saying that I helped either of these beautiful and amazing women get pregnant, but I am quite proud that my dream coincides with the EXACT time that both got pregnant.

As if that's not enough, I've also been pegging look-a-like's lately. People would always say so-and-so looks like so-and-so, but I could never see it. Now all of a sudden I can! 

Case in point, I told Kait that her fiance looked like a {way cuter, smart, and not desperate} Bachelor dude, and she sent me this:

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Am I right, or am I right?

Maybe I should start palm readings and seances...could be fun ;)


  1. Thats scary that you can do that! Lol. I would always be afraid it was me who was the pregnant one!

  2. Hahaha that's absolutely crazy - I think you are a bit psychic!

  3. Just another reason why I love you!

    That's so awesome congrats to all! :)

  4. hahaha that is awesome! and yes he does look like the bachelor!

  5. That's neat! I wish I had even a dose of intuition, that would be helpful.
    That picture with the puppy as a birth announcement is way too cute for its own good! I love it!
    That guy does look similar to the Bachelor!

  6. I swear if you ever have a dream about me... ah! haha! Oh gosh, you are right about Kait's fiance! haha

  7. Too freaking funny!! He gets that all the time that he looks like Sean Lowe. Except he always says...I would have picked Lindsey in the end! HAHA

  8. I'm so super excited for Alison and Justin! Congrats on becoming an aunt so much fun!

  9. I see a tarot card reading business in your future!

  10. That is so cool that you sort of knew without really knowing what was to come. I wish I had powers! Those two guys do bear a striking resemblance!

  11. That's some crazy dreaming right there! I have some off-the-wall dreams, but nothing about pregnancies! Mine usually involve totally random things like Tom Brady wearing a michelin man suit dancing like Carlton on Fresh Prince of Bel Air. no joke.

  12. haha, please tell me if you have a dream of me (:

  13. Ohhh can you tell me my future?? But only the good parts haha.

  14. You sure are!!! And you are the sweetest!! :) Thanks girl!! :)

  15. Haha! I love it! Congrats to the expectant parents! :)

  16. I have that ability too. I have told people whether they are having a boy or girl correctly for quite a while now. It creeps some people out. I think it's pretty cool.
    Makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one who has these preminitions.

  17. Woohooo you'll be an auntie and they're expecting!! Super awesome!

  18. You're right!

    Congrats to your bro!!


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