Monday, February 4, 2013

Scroll Past The Half Naked Man

Three day weekend?
Don't mind if I do!

Allow me to introduce you to our Best Man, Anthony. He is the reason we are in Keystone today, and boy are we happy to see him! I can't believe that it has been over two years...

lol photo 32038_624772538995_6722119_n.jpg

My brother-in-law!  1 photo 55357_664921385385_1945086_o.jpg

We are doing this:

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And keeping it classy like this:

hehe love it! photo 36142_650254123695_8364156_n.jpg

I kid, I kid, but's always a good time when we play with Anthony!

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But that's not all folks...
I am honored...nay I am HUMBLED to be a part of  the most fantabulous and wondrous opportunity that I have ever seen in blogland. Yes, I know big giveaways are the norm, but this isn't just another giveaway. It is TWELVE MONTHS worth of advertising on THIRTY of the most fabulous blogs you have ever seen. I feel cool by association, I'm not gonna lie.
If you have a business, blog, or website that you want to grow, you do not want to miss this! 
30 fabulous bloggers have come together to bring you 12 months of advertising. 
One lucky winner will be featured on different blogs each month throughout 2013*.
The winner will have the following advertising options during the following months:
*Since January 2013 has come and gone, the prizes listed under January will be awarded in 2014.
Each of the following bloggers were handpicked based on the quality of their blog, their readership, and social media following:
Enter to win using the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!

Please refer to the Rafflecopter form for complete terms and conditions.

I don't like to think of it as just Ad Space...I think of all the relationships that can be formed and how the winner will be taken care of for a whole year. It could literally launch a blog out of this world, and I can't wait to see what comes of this. It will be like a year long social experiment wrapped up in love and tied with a big bow. I hope one of YOU win, so please enter away!

PS. Go and check out Morgan and another fun little giveaway.
She is such a cutie pie and a fellow Army wife <3


  1. Your best man sounds like a blast and a half. Have fun muffin!

    What a fun giveaway! xoxo

  2. aww have so much fun!!! and love this crazy awesome giveaway!

  3. I was totally thinking about you and I miss you. I really think that we need a skype session before this baby comes. Text me! How are you?!?! xoxo

  4. Why would I want to scroll past the half naked man? LOL. What an insane giveaway!

  5. Even though I have been ROYALLY SUCKING at blogging lately, I entered the giveaway. Maybe it will give me the push I need to get back to it on the regular. :)
    Have a great time with your friend!

  6. I'll bet you'll have great stories to tell!!!

  7. Jealous! Have an amazing time and I love 3 day weekends. :)

  8. Hope you guys are having a GREAT time! :)

  9. awesome giveaway. almost as awesome as that half naked man picture.

  10. Love it!!! Our best mans should get together! Theyd b best friends :) Cant believe I missed the deadline on being in this giveaway!! Fingers crossed I win instead ;)

  11. Wills best man is a cutie!!!!!!! Have a fun trip lover!!!

  12. I am so jealous- I haven't been skiing, snowboarding etc for years!

  13. I'm so jealous of all the snow! Living in the Caribbean means no cold winters anymore. :( Awesome giveaway...glad to get to follow some great new-to-me blogs!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!