Friday, February 1, 2013

Channeling Kelly Kapowski

Last week, most voted for the red dress {mucho thanks}, so now we have to narrow down the shoes and accessories! I'm pretty sure I've decided which option with Kelly's help, but let's see if you agree.

Option #1

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Option #2

 photo 9E8FB12F-1660-42FC-A266-9A9B7255DAFB-8344-000005561AF5AD77.jpg
There might be only one slight problem. I thought this one had been dry cleaned, and then I saw a spot on it last night. Plus I'm a dummy and tried to iron it myself. If I find a dry cleaner that can get it done today, we are good. If not? Plan B will probably be the black dress. The good news is that I will most definitely be trying for the next dress. It sounds way better than all this hassle!

I also want to mention the trend I am lusting over.
I know they are so Kelly Kapowski, but they intrigue me anyways.

There is just something about that small patch of skin that is so sexy to me...
This is why I was enticed to buy a shirt similar to the cut of this one:

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

I'm hoping to have the guts to wear it like this, because I love suspenders.

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

But I have a feeling, I will wear it more like this:

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

I really hope I have a reason to wear it soon!
Now, everyone have a fabulous weekend, and keep an eye out on Instagram/Twitter for what I wore and the other shenanigans that will happen. I am so glad we relaxed last weekend.

Happy Superbowl!
Who are you rooting for?


  1. I love the shoes in option #2. Red looks good on you.

  2. That dress looks amazing on you! I pick the #2 shoes to give it a funky edge.

    I love crop tops and will love seeing them on all the young 20 somethings. I miss wearing my tops short. That was my thing. I always showed off my flat stomach.

  3. I love suspenders--but I don't think I'd ever be brave enough to wear a crop top in public showing my tummy--I'd feel too naked and I'm pretty sure Angel would laugh at me. What he always wants to see me in is mini-skirts, anyways. Men...

  4. I loooooooooooooove the dress, so much, so so much!

    I'm all about a sparkle so shoes #1 for me!

    You could totally rock the crop top and suspenders....diva rock :)!


  5. Love the shoes in #1- when in doubt, go with glitter :)

    I didn't think I was a fan of crop tops, but the ones with a tank underneath are cute!!

  6. soooo cute! i love crop tops. i don't look that great in them but whatever

  7. That red dress looks stunning on u! I vote #2, I like the black contrast. Too funny cuz I see Kelly Kapowski all over those crop tops too!! Cant wait to see what you do!

  8. I vote option #2!!! It looks amazing!

  9. Definitely option #2!!

    As for cropped tops, I'll leave that for you to try. I have too much midsection for my liking!

  10. Loving both shoes but the silver is my choice!

    Have fun tonight!! You look great in the red :)

  11. I like option #1 the best. I hope everything goes amazing this weekend and that you have a lot of fun.

  12. I like #1 for the shoes-think it goes better with the necklace, and they look better with that length of dress. I think the ankle strap shoes cut your legs off to make them look shorter...just my opinion :)

  13. I vote for option #1 the pumps. They just seem to be a better fit for that dress. Hope you can get it cleaned in time. I remember when crop tops were in! I was in college and I rocked it. If they come back...I don't know if I'd have the guts to wear one again!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I think I like #2, but they both look good.
    Also, Kelly Kapowski is all I think about when I see those kind of outfits, glad I'm not alone!
    I just found your blog, and am a new follower!

  16. You're cute enough to pull off the Kelly Kapowski (sp)... some of us aren't so lucky!

  17. I like option #2! The shoes are sexy and unexpected. And I'm loving those crop tops. Not sure I could pull them off, but I love them on others. :)

  18. Option two is great! I hope you have a great weekend! :)

  19. I like option 2! New Follower here, can't wait to follow along :)
    xo Alea

  20. I love the red dress, you look so stunning!

    want to follow each other? :)

  21. Oh my gosh! I LOVE this post! I'm a huge Saved By the Bell Geek! I'm so happy when I can still catch reruns on TV. AND I love that I can totally pull this look off today! Thanks for the inspiration!

  22. love shoes number two! and love the last version of the cropped top!

  23. LOL! Kelly Kapowski.

    I would totally wear something underneath, too.

  24. You'll look FAB either way! Love, love those black and tan wedges! crop there an age limit to those because I'm loving them!!

  25. hey amazing giveaway you have going on on here!!
    I'm participating for a chance to win!

    MY blog needs it!thanky you for advertising this giveawayy!

    Bea =)

  26. those crop tops are cute, but there's no way i could wear one bc i was not blessed with a flat stomach, bummer! hats off to those who can tho.

  27. You looked so beautiful!! Red is such a great color on you!! So I basically wished I was Kelly K when I was younger. I was obsessed with her & Zach Morris! Haha! As always thank you for linking up!! You are the bestest gf ever!!

  28. That dress is STUNNING on you. And I choose number 2:-)


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