Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Charm of Downtown Pensacola

Can I just say, OUCH!
I just woke up and am feeling like a ninety-year-old-woman. We used the messager, heating packs, and medicated before bed, but they are no match for a day of snowboarding. 
At least it was totally worth it ;)

Today, I decided to participate in Tell Me About It Tuesday with Helene, so I will be telling you about Downtown Pensacola and the two nights that we enjoyed there over the holidays. Usually when I'm home, I don't have time to take advantage of all that Pensacola has to offer, but this eleven day trip we had plenty of time. I didn't always appreciate our charming downtown area, but now that I am older and the area is becoming quite desirable, there is no denying it.

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First we had Girls Night Out at Atlas, which is a phenomenal little oyster house that specializes in great dishes made with grits. I love me some grits!

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Great food, great friends, and great conversation. Well...except for all the baby/birthing talk. 
Three out of the five of us have kids, and let me tell you...they did NOT hold back.
I guess that's what happens when you haven't seen each other in years, but were practically raised together. It's funny to think about the conversations we used to have about Teen Bop, JTT, boys, and whose house we would be sleeping at on Fridays, compared to husbands, work, babies, and other "adult" things that fill our lives now. Oh, how things change.

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About halfway through the trip, I knew Will and I needed some one on one time, and we hadn't explored downtown together yet either. We decided on date night at Global Grill, which turned into drinks at World Of Beer. It is fairly new to Pensacola, so it was fun to check out AND they had one of my favorite beers. Sea Dog Blueberry Beer. Yep, that means that I actually drank! Proof:

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We wrapped the night up at The Fish House with romantic cuddling in the corner {don't worry, not too much pda}, listening to a local band, and enjoying the heated patio on the Bay.

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I know most people think of the beaches when they visit Pensacola, but there is oh-so-much more! I get re-enchanted every time I go home, and I just can't help it!

Now tell me, have you enjoyed the charm of Downtown Pensacola?

Helene in Between


  1. That's a town in FL I have yet to make if to but have ALL intentions of getting to sometime! This just makes me want to go more! Thanks!

  2. Awww downtown Pensacola sounds awesome, I wanna go!

    Love the picture of you and will on the patio! :)


  3. We have yet to snowboard! Sounds painful :) Downtown looks fun!! A heated patio is a genius invention.

  4. yes, i love pensacola! lots to do and neat places to visit.

  5. Never been but I'd love to. Glad you got a chance to get out and enjoy it.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. My sister loved pensacola and I'm jealous that I have never been.

  8. I totally suck at snowboarding so I feel your pain!

  9. I've never been to Pensacola to be honest with you but looks like loads of fun! And I know what you mean about the change in conversations as we age! Next it'll... be oh yikes, to scary to think about!

  10. the funny thing is i've lived here in FL for 31yrs and have never been to Pensacola this makes me want to visit

  11. I've never been there! Thanks for sharing your trip.

  12. I live in Tally, and have been to Pensacola only about three times. I didn't get to explore too much of the downtown (I was there for showers & weddings), but the rest of the city is pretty great! I'll have to make a point to see more of downtown next time I go!

  13. OMG... the days of JTT and Teen Bop!! Don't you love being a girl?? Great pics, you are beautiful!

  14. What a beautiful city! I don't know that part the US very well, so I had no idea it was so pretty :)

  15. I've always wanted to go snowboarding.. but now I'm not so sure haha! Glad to hear that you guys had such a fun time though!

  16. I have never been but now I definitely want to visit!! looks like an amazing place!!

  17. oh, and thanks for linking up sweet thang!

  18. I've never been but it sounds like a wonderful little city!!

  19. That beer sounds yummy!

    Brooke♥ ❤ ❥

  20. It is always neat to see your hometown from a different perspective. Kev and I are heading back to DC in a few months, but we realized the other day that we have no idea what it is like to live there as adults since we haven't lived there as a married coupled. It should be interesting to rediscover it as a family!

  21. Can I have your life? No really. You're such a free spirit, I love living through your travels :)

    Hoping this is the year I bungee jump... yay...

  22. I've been to the beach in Pensacola, but I don't know that I've even been downtown there. It looks like fun! :)

    Oh, and yeah... all the baby talk... soooo been there, haha! ALL my friends have babies so I know way more than my fair share for a girl who has never even been pregnant, ha!

  23. I am glad you both enjoyed your time & had fun together. I loved the photos but I must admit my favorite one is the first one :)

  24. Super cute pics of you and your man. I'm glad you guys had fun!

    My great uncle lived in Pensacola for many years before he died, but I've never been there.

  25. awww how fun! and great pictures again! you and will look amazing & so so happy!!!

  26. You are little glowingly gorgeous in those photos! I love seeing all the different places you go!


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