Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I Hate Sleeping Alone

For the first time since November 27th I have to sleep alone tonight :(

One dumb part of Military life is that soldiers have to "pull CQ duty". CQ stands for Charge of Quarters, and long story short, Someone has to answer phones and be available in each unit in case of emergencies 24/7. What sucks about this is that you don't just work CQ overnight. It is a 24 hour shift where you have to sit at a desk, you can't do anything fun, and you aren't allowed to sleep. Should this be legal? No. Does legality matter? Absolutely not.

Have you ever heard of soldiers referred to as GI's?
 I know the MilSpouses know, but for the rest of you, GI originally just stood for "Government Issue" referring to all the gear and weapons that soldiers were issued by the government. The running joke became that the soldiers were also "Government Issue" based on the fact that they are "owned" by the government. Considering that if a soldier gets a sunburn they can get in trouble for harming "Government Property", dubbing themselves "G.I.'s" really doesn't sound far off does it?

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

It is just one of those things that is accepted as necessary, and you just hope that you don't get stuck with it too often. Will rarely gets it, but today he wasn't so lucky.  However, some idiot let him have it at the same time as his best friend, so they will definitely find a way to enjoy themselves. I just hope that they don't get into too much trouble when they are left to their own devices. Not holding my breath.

I just might have to take them a late dinner to make sure they aren't getting into too much trouble. They may be in "Charge of the Quarters", but someone still needs to be in charge of them! Hehe.


  1. Aww Jana.. this breaks my heart. I know how much you love Will and every moment away from him hurts. Sending you hugs from Texas. And trust me they are big hugs- cuz everything is bigger here :)

  2. David has had it twice in one month & has it again Friday. Army has been crazy with us lately! Ufh

  3. That stinks, but at least it doesn't happen TOO often. And it's nice that you can go bring them some food...and check up on them! :)

  4. I feel your pain. Even though Shaun is on shore duty, he still has to stand duty for 24 hours at least once a month. At least it's just one night :)

  5. So I didn't know that about the sunburn = damaging government property thing... it's actually kind of funny in its own way. Anyway, I'm so so sorry he's gone right now! I really hate sleeping alone too! I'm glad he'll be back to you soon, though! :)

  6. A 24 hour shift of basically waiting for a phone to ring sounds terrible!! And I am totally with you on sleeping alone. Although, during this pregnancy it has been nice sleeping on the couch, having my own space for baby and I. I do miss snuggling with my hubby in the middle of the night, but as soon as baby comes that will all go back to normal.

  7. Awwww super sad face for sleeping alone. Sending you a warm hug!


  8. Awww! I hate sleeping alone as well. I have been sleeping alone most nights seeing as my husband's back is bothering him and he can get more comfortable on the couch :( Hopefully the night will go by quickly for you!

  9. Oh, the joys of military life! I hate sleeping alone too. It'll just make the next night that much sweeter.

  10. Boo to him having to pull CQ! always hate when Kyle has staff duty.

  11. at least he gets to be with his buddy. but that sounds TERRIBLE!

  12. I feel ya.., we're in the middle of train up for deployment, so I get lots of extended nights on a row coming up of snuggling my sweet pup instead of my husband. Yay Army :)

  13. They can seriously get in trouble for a sunburn? OMG

  14. Girl, I can't even imagine! I am so sorry you are having to sleep alone!

  15. I have to sleep alone almost every night but I'm used to it. Hubs has worked nights our whole marriage!

  16. That's funny we call it "duty"...I think. Same thing though, a 24 hour shift of babysitting the non-rates and answering the duty cell phone. You get to wear a nifty badge that says "petty officer of the watch". Fun stuff!

  17. Aww, that's no fun! I hate sleeping alone, too, and I'd be plenty happy if I never had to do it again. Every job has its inconveniences...but I sure think that the whole military field is just full of inconveniences to those who are part of it!

  18. I would LOVE it if my husband only had a duty night once a month or so. My husband is a submariner and when they're getting ready for a deployment he has a duty night every third night for 6 weeks. It's awful. Of course... he's watching a control panel and not the phone...

  19. I hate sleeping alone :( I'm in DC for work all week, and when I get home, hubby is in Arizona for a conference :( You made it through deployment, so you can make it through one night! It'll be over before you know it!

  20. Eeeks. I hate sleeping alone, too! :( It's so hard to. I only get to sleep alone like maybe 5 x's a year and I'm a big baby!

    Luckily, he has his buddy! :)

  21. I will trade you sleeping alone versus sleeping with a 7 year old. It's like sleeping with a wild bear.

  22. Girl, I feel you. My hubbs has CQ at least twice a week sometimes being on the trail (a Drill SGT) at least once a week for sure. He actually has it tonight and then again on Sunday, totally bummer. But we've learned to live with it. I always take him dinner and we have our little time for the evening. I totally recommend doing it, plus they always enjoy the yummy food. :) Hang in there girl, at least he'll have off the next day!!! :)

  23. You can do it! You can do it! You can do it! I mean you made it for months, right? I know that now you have him back you want him all the time...totally understandable! Hope the stay out of trouble! ;)

  24. My job is 24/7 just like CQ, so lame

  25. I love the picture of that sign! hahaha! Hope this night alone wasn't too long!

  26. I hope you slept well and made it through.

    Every once in a while, I love sleeping by myself!

  27. Sometimes my hubby has to go out of town, so I'm grateful for my doggies who help keep me company in the bed when he's away.

    I haven't heard of GI's, but it's an interesting concept and I LOVE that sign about you handling government property daily... so true (but I'm also so grateful that you help take care of him too!)

  28. OK.... now I feel dumb. G.I. Joe... duh! Just never knew what it stood for!

  29. Yuck, I hate sleeping alone too. But on nights when I'm alone, I have Louie sleep in bed with me so it's not too too lonely. Hopefully you were able to get some sleep without your man with you that night.

  30. As a former military wife (husband is now in the civilian world) I totally understand. I find that I can hardly even sleep when he is gone. Even now.

    Bonnie Rose
    The Compass Rose


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