Thursday, February 7, 2013

I've Got The Bluuuues....

As in a love for the Blue Angels!
Gotcha...didn't I? Hehe

I'm going to assume that you have all heard of the Blue Angels, but did you know that they are one of Pensacola's claims to fame? I was raised with them zooming overhead, so I just thought everyone had a cool fleet of planes to enjoy. In fact, we would take field trips to the Naval Air Station every year. It was a GREAT way to get out of the school for the day and not get caught by the truancy officer. Sssssshhhh don't tell my parents.

Will and his dad had never been, so Daddy and I decided that would be a good day trip for us. Especially since Pops aka my FIL retired out of the Air Force and Will is interested in flying helicopters in the future.

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As you can see here, Pops was in his element talking about the aircraft:

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I love all the history, seeing the cute old Vets that volunteer, and the fact that the museum is free. {Heck yeah!}  Plus it provided the perfect setting for our dads to bond. 
Aren't they all so cute:

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Don't worry, there will be more about all the parents meeting soon, but for now I can tell you that all went well! Details soon ;)


  1. I loved reading this post with all the photos of airplanes. My dad was in the USAF and I still love planes and watching the air shows. Thanks for sharing!

    Bonnie Rose

  2. I love the Blue Angels! I'm glad to hear meeting the parents went well can't wait to hear the deets!

  3. Growing up in Vegas our claim to game was the Thunderbirds always a competition between then and the blue angels. :) so glad to hear the meeting of the parents went well.

  4. Oh I'm so stressed about my parents meeting M's, its been 4 years and they need to meet before the wedding, ugh lol

  5. Sounds like a really nice day! I think I saw the Blue Angels when I was reeeeally little but I can't remember it. Would love to see them again someday!

  6. I LOVE the BLue Angels. My dad is an airplane buff and loves to watch air shows. I've been to too many to count.

    It is my dream to raise enough money to for my dad to get a ride along.....cross your fingers for the lottery ;)!

  7. How fun, i love the pictures- I have never been but this looks so neat!! and so glad it went well- can't wait to get the deets!

  8. Happy to hear and see it went well!! That last pic so cute! And those planes are gorgeous!!

  9. I've never been either but I've always heard how much fun the shows are. I need to check one out!

  10. Very cool! I live in a military town and there is an air show every year and I've never even been once! I have definitely hear them though.

  11. Fun! I saw a Blue Angels show once when I was young. It'd be cool to see another as an adult :)

  12. We LOVE going to the Naval Air Station any time we're down there; my boys (grown and little) just think it's the coolest place. There is just so much to see and so much history. It's so neat! Glad you guys had a great day!

  13. What a fun trip! We have a Blue Angels show around where I live maybe once or twice a year but I haven't been able to go yet. Maybe this year!

  14. love the Blue Angels they are amazing

  15. So cool! I've seen the Blue Angels at a few air shows but never this up close and personal! NEat!

  16. my bf is obsessed with the blue angels! what freaking cool photos! You can really see all the detail, i love it. Im going to show the bf this post, he will enjoy it too! loveeee youuuuu!

  17. What a fun day trip! I would have loved to do this with you guys. Unfortunately, I'm too far away. If I ever get my butt down to FL (and you're there at the same time), we'll have to go pretty please!

  18. GREAT photos! We watched their practice on vacation last summer and they were AMAZING!!!! Great museum too.

  19. Thats way cool, I never knew they had a museum. I loved being able to watch them when we lived in Hawaii. They've been to the South once since we've been here.

  20. Hope the parents meeting went well! I remember how nervous I was, when both sides of parents met. There was a language barrier, so it was interesting.

  21. Glad the parents meeting went well! Looking forward to hearing about it! Looks like you guys had fun! :)

  22. Mark so wanted to fly helicopters but he's been told outside the services, there really isn't much need in the private sector. Sooo cool you got togo here. I'd love to take Mark someday! He'd love it.


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