Tuesday, February 19, 2013

iCloud iLLiterate

What would make me feel better this week?
This camera:

The Sony Apha NEX 5R is Erin approved, so it must be awesome. Technically, I already have $369 saved towards it but it's too bad that even though I have only spent $150 out of my allowance for two months, I won't buy it. Sometimes I hate myself for being frugal.

I also figure that I should try and handle one project at a time. I can't even figure out how to use our Kindle until I get my iPhone updated, so dealing with a new camera would be counterproductive. Dammit.

I've also decided that the developers of the iCloud need to be the ones in charge of our Nation's secrets. Even after they have created tutorials, forums, and books about their precious iCloud, I STILL don't have ANY clue as to what is going on.

Please tell me I'm not the only one....

I mean, I know how the Restore works, I've tapped into the iCloud for Windows, and I've even bought extra storage space, but I still feel like I'm missing something.

Like for example...
How do you manage what's actually IN the icloud? I'm using all this storage with crap I'm sure I don't need, but I don't know how to delete it. I go to "Manage Storage" and it only has the restore points. Speaking of which, do I need both restore points that are saved or just the most recent one? Does the recent one contain all the data from Restore point 1 and restore point 2 or does it just leave off where restore point 1 stopped?

I've asked Will multiple times to help me, but I guess if I'm ever going to get this figured out I just have to get started myself. And by get started myself, I mean that I need all of YOUR help.

I haven't even updated to iOS6 yet, as I have been waiting to get all of this taken care of, all the while dreading the horror stories from people losing data after the install. Although, at this point Losing all the data and starting over might be a good thing.


Do hair straighteners count as technology?
-They plug in.
-They have temp-control settings.
-They seem to be a necessity for bloggers. 
I'm gonna say yes, so that I can tell you about the sweet straightener that I got sent to review.

Source: hanasalon.com via Janna on Pinterest

In case you haven't noticed, I have a LOT of hair.
It grows thick and long because of good genes, taking care of it, and not over styling.  As such, I am very picky about the tools I use and was skeptical when I was approached about this review.

I had heard that the company was reputable, but I certainly wasn't going to lie if I had a different experience. Luckily, I don't have to because the proof is in the pictures:

 photo Hana_zpsd6e2e076.jpg

 photo Hana2_zps5613cb70.jpg

This was my first attempt at curling with a straightener, and I can't wait to try it again! It is super easy and I think I will get better the more I do it. Hi, I'm Captain Obvious.

Check out the straightener, and find it on sale here, on the Misikko site, and pass the link onto your friends and family for gift ideas. Do what I do and pin it to Pinterest, so that when people ask you what you want for Birthday/Christmas/Anniversaries you already have a list.

If you are still reading, I thank you. I was quite the ramblin' soldier today, so do forgive me. I just had a lot on my mind and you all listen really well ;)


  1. I'm pretty illiterate when it comes to that stuff too! Your hair looks fabulous.

    The Hartungs Blog

  2. That camera looks nice! I just got a similar Nikon, you might check that one out too! I love mine!

    =) Brooke

  3. I am no help with the iCloud, it baffles me too. Haha! And your hair looks freaking fantastic!

  4. I thought the cloud was a sexy cyber version of M? Its not? I have no clue what it looks like or even how to find it, and I only own mac shiz, tech fail.
    I do want that straightner stat.

  5. I am super illiterate when it comes to these things :)

  6. I have a decent handle on iCloud only because my friend who is my compter guru has taught me! LOL! I LOVE the Find My Phone app! I thought I lost my phone one day tapped into the app and realized I left it at Lobsters house and had him bring it to me at work!

    I want one of those hair straightners!

  7. I really want a big girl camera but I can't justify the expense when I pick up my iphone in favor of my point & shoot camera all the time out of laziness.

    NO idea about the iCloud anything. No idea at all. I do have the find my iphone app though.

  8. Yeah iCloud.... Clueless over here!! And seriously need to invest in a Hana. My hair is super thick as well and nothing works very well. Yours is beautiful!!

  9. I don't understand the whole iCloud either ha! Your hair looks SO good!!

  10. That camera looks so fancy! I am dying to upgrade myself, but I can't get over the price on some of those cameras..

    Even as a Mac user, I still can't even begin to help you with the iCloud :( Your hair looks great though! I'll have to try out that curling technique.

  11. That camera looks nice, but I always save too then wait and wait to buy. Just can't help it!

  12. I'm so frugal too! I have to designate fun money and then often I don't even use it. Annoying. As for the cloud I have no clue what it is. I didn't even know it was something you could log into. I noticed it shows up when I switch to different calendars on my i phone but I don't know how it got there. I constantly forget how to update my phone. Clueless I tell you. Sorry I'm not help!! The curls are gorgeous!!

  13. Erin approved. Too funny. My sister has been talking about this straightener. Must be the new style (pun intended-ish).

  14. See I cheat because I leave all the iCloud stuff to Mark :)

  15. I'm icloud illiterate as well! Just can't quite get a hold of it lol.

  16. The straightener is awesome, can I just say how much I LOVE YOUR HAIR!?

  17. haha too funny! I am the same way and have tried to get husband to explain it better to me. But all I continue to get out of him is, "it's like a space out in the universe where you can store stuff." Real helpful, husbad. Real helpful.

  18. I need myself a new camera too. Desperately! All I use is my iPhone ahh. And you are the second person I've seen reviewing the straightener today. But I'm frugal like you and don't want to buy one haha

  19. I am convinced I am the only one who has not been contacted to review these amazing products! BUT YOU LOOK SO SO FAB! I really need to learn how to curl my hair with a flat iron..XOXO

  20. Oooh your hair is so pretty! :)

  21. all that is over my head! I rely on my husband for all that information! your hair is beautiful! I love it curly!

  22. With all the luscious beautiful hair, you must have some great styling tips :)

  23. iCloud has saved my life not once, BUT twice when my phone crashed. I don't really get it either, I just know that it stores all your contacts, music and apps somewhere in outer space!! Thank God for it!

  24. Ah I love your hair!!!! I can't for the life of me figure out how to curl my hair w a straightener!! Looking beautiful as always!!!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!