Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Curse You Jillian Michaels

When I developed Hypoglycemia I changed my whole diet and lost weight. I maintained that weight easily with my new "lifestyle" so last time I tried to start working out, I quit the second I started gaining weight. Now, I know this was just the beginning where your body is taking in more fuel and your muscles are bulking up, so I wasn't really gaining weight, but I quit anyways :( I figured that since I could maintain by not working out, it wasn't worth the effort.

For whatever reason, I became inspired to go to the gym with Will on the weekends and enjoyed our time together, but now it has turned into more. I don't feel like it's a chore, and even now that I am at the point where I quit last time, I still want to keep going.

I'm really doing this...

I have been going to the gym three times a week.
I've been legit running at least six miles per week.
I have a Pinterest board titled No Pain, No Gain.
And Will even called me a gym rat ;)

Saturday, I took my physical fitness to the next level by introducing myself to Ms. Michaels for the first time. I thought that I could handle her videos for sure.
Those of you that have used her dvds are probably laughing at me right now...

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

OwOwOwOwOwOwOwOwOwOwOwOwOw... Ow.
But does one continue to follow her program if they are so sore they can't walk?

I would really like to continue with these, since I bought a Groupon with three of 'em, but I don't know how you keep at it if you need two days worth of recovery after each workout.
Please...someone tell me that it gets easier.

So I guess, I should post some stats?
5'3.5 (the .5 totally counts)
Current weight 114
BMI: 20.1
Arms: 10 Bust: 34 Waist: 28 Hips: 34 Thighs: 20

I actually don't care of any of these numbers change.  I guess I wouldn't mind if the hips go up and the thighs go down, but this new hobby of mine isn't about "losing" weight; it's about being healthy and getting to eat whatever I want. Yes, I would like to tone up, and I absolutely want to take charge of my metabolism before age does, but I'm keeping long term goals so that I don't get frustrated.

One more thing, you should check out Nikki's post about workout myths. This girl has an amazing weight loss story, and she inspires me constantly. Also read Does This Uterus Make Me Look Fat if you want some real perspective and a good laugh.

According to Wikipedia I am a "Banana Shape" and that will just not do. My nickname may be Banana, but that does not sound like a good body type.  Now if only I could send all the fat cells to my hips...


  1. Jillian workout DVD's are tuff!

    Go girl!

    =) Brooke

  2. I haven't done that DVD, but I have done a few other ones, and like any exercise, once you get a little bit used to it, it does get easier. You can't complain about a workout that doesn't make you feel like you wasted your time though! Good luck!

  3. They are crazy dvd's! I tried it once and never again haha.

  4. It gets better I promise you! Make sure you have a recovery drink/snack post workout to help your muscles repair. I'm always a bit sore after legs/arms days but it's always so worth it. So glad you're sticking with it and forgetting about numbers xo

  5. Oh girl, her 30 Day Shred kicked my butt, haha! Eventually you get used to the work outs a little bit and are less sore when you work out (or walk, haha!). I think the first week is usually the hardest for me when I start a new exercise DVD or activity.

  6. GIRL! I am so so so so so proud of you. I'm so happy you love the gym and Jillian is a tyrant. BUT, you will get stronger, so soon you won't need as much recovery time.

    I love your perspective, the numbers don't matter. It's about feeling strong and fit and happy.

    YOU GO GURL!!!!!!


  7. I haven't tried this one but I just finished Ripped in 30 & started Six Week Six Pack on Monday. She def knows what she's doing!

  8. I love Jillian workouts, I think they DO get easier you just have to stick with it, even through the pain!

  9. Go, you! :) Good luck! I am actually enjoying my healthier lifestyle now ha!

  10. Jillian is a beast, but a good beast.

    I'm doing 40/40 (40 minutes of activity six days a week through Lent). I normally exercise no more than three days in a row, four if I'm stretching. This 6 days in a row stuff is making me TIRED. I feel like I'm dragging my butt around a lot, and something is always sore, but overall I do have more energy throughout the day.

    Good work!

  11. Girl I feel ya! I'm currently doing 30 Day Shred for the second time. Luckily this time around I had been doing some weight and strength training prior to starting it so I"m not as sore. I will say when I was in college I was on the soccer team and we had 4 a days during preseason. I always ached terribly between sessions. But once a new session got started the pain went away and my muscles loosened up. The trick is to continously stretch throughout the day. I think when we give our muscles a chance to rest, they get tight. That causes the pain. How do you like this dvd? I'm thinking of getting more.

  12. KEEP. IT. UP. I know the soreness very well but it DOES go away. I'm just jealous that our stats are ALL the same except for the hips and I weigh 15 lbs more than you. NOT FAIR. I have 15 lbs in my booty, apparently. She has a bunch of full length videos on youtube!! There is an AMAZING yoga one I bet you'll LOVE. :))

  13. Girl you r awesome!! Ive never personally tried them but a few friends swear by them!!

  14. I've done other Jillian Michael's dvds and I LOVE them! They are tought, but as much as it sucks, you just have to work through them. If you take a few days off because you're sore, it will just make it that much harder to get back into it. Hang in there, girl!

  15. When you use muscles you don't normally use they get sore. To me it feels like I have accomplished something when my muscles are sore haha. But the day after and 2 days after make sure you stretch them out. I always notice I am more sore 2 days after not the day after. But make sure you still are moving them the days after the workout :)

  16. I have her Yoga Meltdown video and haven't tried it yet but I did want to try 30 day shred. What I keep telling myself about working out is that it's not just about weight. Your heart needs a work out even if your body is slim and doesn't seem to. Good for you for getting your work out on. It's a pain in the boo-tay sometimes but once you make it part of your lifestyle it gets easier and it's good for you.

  17. You got this girl! Keep at it, the soreness goes away and you will feel great. I LOVE Jillian. It's love hate really. :)

  18. Gah I can totally identify with this post. My doctor didn't diagnose me with hypoglycemia, but during the work day, if I don't eat every 3-4 hours I get tired and that's just not good. So when I started work after college, I ate frequent healthy snacks in addition to a high protein lunch and smaller dinners because I don't need energy from food in the evening. The weight fell off. I haven't worked out since college. Yeah what a terrrrible situation right? Well I'm worried that resuming workouts will ramp up my appetite and the increased appetite will outweigh the calories I burn working out. I don't want to lose any more weight but I also don't want to gain any. So I'm not doing anything at all. And I should. Because when I get old, my metabolism will decrease and my bones will be weak. Crap.

  19. It gets easier over time as your body and muscles are adjusting to new movements. Try stretching throughout the day after and before and drink a recovery drink. I used to think Jillian was tough and then I started doing Insanity. Jillian's Yoga Meltdown DVD is probably my favorite.

  20. Banana shaped?! That sounds terrible! Good for you for working out to eat more/be healthy! I need to follow your example and get my as in gear. Summer isn't going to wait for me. Jillian is one tough cookie. I have one of her videos. Tried it once. And it now sits on the shelf.

  21. High five for sticking with this time and actually enjoying it! I sooooo need to get my booty back in gear...I am not fat, but def giggly! Gross! LOL! And we can be nickname twins together!!!

  22. I have a loce/hate relationship with Jillian Michaels DVD's. I curse her the whole time I'm doing them. Drinking lots of water helps and even if you are sore, go at it again as best you can. It helps.

    Good for you and good luck!

  23. Umm we are the exact same height and weight. Freaky! I tried Jillian for two days and quit so you go glen coco!

  24. No kidding! I did her standing ab workout and injured myself somehow...spent 3 days recovering, in constant pain when I stood or walked.

    I'm trying to imagine a world in which 114 is overweight. Really? Getting fit is one thing (that would mean measurements, for muscle gain, but not weight, right?). I don't ever even remember being 114 lbs, so my perspective is a bit lopsided. I might have been that small when I was in fifth grade. Maybe.

  25. do what?! a banana shape?! ha, never knew that was a shape!! I'd love to give these workouts a try and you've totally motivated me even more. Keep up the hard work, woman, you're doing great!!

  26. Good for you girl! I've done Jillian's workouts before and they are hard! Sounds like you are doing great! Having a workout buddy was super important for me. I can't wait to get back to that! :)

  27. I've never done any of Jillian's videos bu I hear they are rough! I gotta try one!

  28. First of all, awesome job!!

    Secondly, hahahaha yea... I still don't know how people can do the videos more than one day in a row, I have attempted a few times but I never make it

  29. It amazing that you go to the gym so often! I have a hard time going once a week!

  30. If you're a banana shape I don't even want to know what I am...probably a stick of broccoli or something even more unflattering. Good luck with your workout plan. Those other blogs seem great. Love reading your blog :)

  31. That Jillian is no joke! I do crossfit and on days that I want to workout at home I pop in her 30 day shred DVD and makes me huff and puff!

  32. I'll give you some of my extra fat cells :) I did the 30 day Shred. It does get easier. I need to pick it up again, I"m just lazy I think.

  33. Haha I've heard they're intense. But I think after a few times you'll be rocking it!

  34. I've heard her videos are crazy - good luck! And good for you!

    Hope you had a great weekend!

    The Hartungs Blog


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