Thursday, February 21, 2013

Winter Storm Q

I kinda heard that there was a weather storm advisory, but after two years of these, I was beginning to think of them as the boy who cried wolf. This time there really was a wolf, and the Wolf was named Winter Storm Q.

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It started while I was at work, but my sweet hubby stopped in and put my truck in 4wheel. Not that I can't, mind you, he's just sweet like that. Thank goodness he did, because by the time I left it was full on blizzard. It was breathtakingly gorgeous, but not exactly fun to drive in. As a matter of fact, I had to take an alternate route due to cars stuck all the way up my exit.

Whatevs, at least there was another route, and it probably had less traffic. I don't mind driving in the snow at all, but I DO mind other drivers. Especially the ones that think it's a good idea to drive tiny 2wheel drive cars in an environment that snow and ice are inevitable. At least I get to giggle as they get stuck on the hills and float into snow drifts.
{As long as no one is hurt, of course}

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On the loooong drive home, I was thinking about bloggers that are dropping like flies.
Are people just overwhelmed after the holidays?
I know some people who shall remain nameless are preggers, some just got married, and some got overwhelmed from growing their blog so fast, but yeesh...I feel like half the blogs I click into are either closed down or haven't posted in a month.

Now let me just say, I am not judging you (especially those of you that are still avid readers of other blogs), but I do get concerned about y'all. I just want to make sure you are alive and well. I feel like your momma, and you haven't called to say you are coming home late.

I remember that a sweet little blogger named Elizabeth from Captivated By Grace disappeared, and I still have no clue what happened to the little nugget. Anyone else know?

Anywho, I hope that everyone affected by all this crazy weather are faring well. I am going to have to go to work because we never close {boo}, but hopefully the snow will have stopped by then. The advisory is until 11AM, so we shall see.


  1. It reminds me of driving in WI winters and I dont know how I made it thru those days with some cray cray drivers! I totally agree with you. Some of my fav blogs have even gone private all together?? Is there something I dont know about... Hmmm....

  2. So much snow!! I'm glad you're home safe!!


  3. I wonder that also at times what happen to this blogger and their blog. I have two on my list.
    Enjoy your snow!

  4. Hope you make it through the blizzard. I know they can be cool at first and then get annoying when youre stuck inside for several days. Hope you enjoy it!! :)
    (Very sweet of your hubby to switch your car into 4WD for you. Love little things like that!) :)

  5. Hope you stay safe! And yes it is weird when people just stop posting, at least tell when why you're stopping!

  6. Driving in snow is so freaky to me! Growing up in Florida I never had to, and now when I do I freak out! Hope you are staying warm and safe!

  7. I'm with you, I don't mind driving in the snow at all, but I do hate the crazy other drivers.

    So glad you have a man that looks out for you and you have a 4 wheel car.

    I'm with you too, it seems like a bunch of girls have disappeared without notice. Super sad :(!

  8. You are so prettyyyy! Be careful!!

  9. haha. Thanks for calling me out on your blog!

    I'm glad you made it home safely, I HATE driving in bad weather!

  10. You're so sweet and always thinking of others! That's what makes you awesome :)

    Blogging for me at least, has been a bit of a challenge, I second guess my content, sometimes it doesn't feel like enough--or good enough--which shouldn't matter since its after all mine and Me.

    Thanks for the encouragement! You are AWESOME!

  11. Gorgeous photos lady!

    I feel like February sucks, and most people feel like dropping out of life, let alone blogging. I predict a burst of new energy on a lot of blogs come March with its springy air and sunshine.

  12. 100% agree on being scared about other drivers in the snow! I can't count the # of people who have passed me on the highway, only for me to drive past them in the ditch further down the road. So aggravating!

  13. Stay safe in that weather. I think I'd be scared out of my mind driving int he snow. Wow, disappearing bloggers. I know of one who totally disappeared over a year ago; I still keep hoping she comes back. There is one other blogger who I really liked who only posts about once every 6 months lately and another who is very sporadic but other then that most of my blog roll is still around.

  14. Stay safe and warm in that crazy weather! :)

  15. Those pictures were very pretty! I don't mind driving in the snow it is the other person that I mind. When the weather changes people become idiot drivers...scratch that they are in nice weather too! HA HA I am one of your newer followers! :) I also often wonder what happened to a blogger when I am following them and what not. I try to be consistent with mine and if I am not going to be posting for a bit I try to update that on my blog so my readers know what is going on. I enjoy getting to know all of my readers and connecting with them and what not! :)

  16. Stay safe in the crazy weather with crazy drivers. I grew up in Michigan so I know all about it. Thankfully in Fl I don't have to deal with it until it rains. :) It is concerning when people just stop. Hopefully they are all ok. :)

  17. I know what you mean! It makes me so sad when a blogger I love suddenly disappears. :( I'm not going to lie, I wondered if I would see less of you when Will came home. I'm so glad that you are still here! :) Keep safe and warm right now, friend!

  18. You are so freakin' sweet! No one I follow has disappeared but some have been lax in their posting.

  19. When I heard they were going to start naming all storms I didn't think they'd just get lazy and throw out a letter. LOL and I thought Winter Storm Nemo was interesting. Anywho, I know I've been kind of hit or miss lately between needing some relax time to unwind and prep myself for the start of senior year.

  20. I have definitely noticed a dip in blogging activity since Christmas. At first I figured it was just post-Christmas downtime but since it's late February maybe it's not that. I hope you never stop posting!!

  21. I don't mind driving in the snow, but I am very mindful of other drivers who can't drive in the snow. I am always so nervous that they are going to hit me.
    I've noticed a pretty big lack of blog activity lately too! It bums me out when a blog I love stops posting. I know I've gotten pretty overwhelmed a few times and have missed a day here and there, but I try my hardest to bounce right back.

  22. My little 2 wheel drive car works just fine thank you very much ;) I just drive super slow and watch out for the big trucks that fly by going 60 miles. Those are the people that freak me out haha.

  23. oh my goodness, driving in a blizzard sounds scary! Just driving in Houston when it's "sprinkling" makes drivers act nutso!

    and I don't know what it is... but I've been having less motivation to blog these days, but I still love checking up on what everyone's been up to!

  24. You look absolutely beautiful covered in snow!!! Ive never been any were, where is snowed that much. Craziness. PS: totally sweet of your hubbs to stop by and lend a hand at work. :)

  25. Dawwwe, that pic of you is adorable. I'm kinda jelly, because San Antonio, Texas doesn't get that kind of cooler love. One icicle and we shut it down...

    In other news, I don't know enough about blogging to put my two cents (sense) in but I know there's a couple people that I initially started following and they don't post anymore. Sad day. I sometimes get overwhelmed, but I know it's not by the growth (ha), it's just my life and all gets in the way.

  26. You look so pretty!! Stay safe though gf!! I swear ever since Christmas there has been a blogging decline.

  27. You look so pretty in the snow. I wonder that about bloggers too. It has become so much a part of my routine, I would miss reading and writing.

  28. So much snow!! Thank goodness for 4 wheel drive!

    Hope you had a great weekend!

    The Hartungs Blog

  29. Mom, It's me. I'll be late. :)
    I AM totally still reading tons of blogs though! You're so sweet for thinking about all of us slackers!

  30. P.S. Driving in snow....never done it. Never want to! Which is why I live n San Diego and not... anywhere with snow!
    Stay safe!

  31. We had our first winter weather advisory last week... first in 3 years... seriously. 3 years ago we got 18 inches of snow dumped on us :). This time the first round was ice. Then it melted over the weekend and monday night we got about 3 inches of snow. Pretty snow. I took hubs truck and he got to work from home, yey!


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