Friday, March 7, 2014

About To Get Our 5K ON!

This post is coming to you live from Pensacola! Gosh I love being home.
I'm sure I'll have a lot more to say about it next week, so I'll just share some things worth the mention that have been on my mind. The numbers go clockwise, so keep up.

1| One of our going away presents was a Malbec from a winery called The Infinite Monkey Theorem. It's one of the best reds I've ever had would be a good gateway for someone who wants to learn to like reds. I know reds and red drinkers can seem snotty, but if you want to know the truth? Reds have a higher alcohol content, so obviously you just get more bang for your buck ;) If anyone wants to get me the Orange Muscat, I REALLY want to try that one!
2| A Sneak peek of the closet room with extra hanging space Will made. I'll tell you more about that and how he and my MIL 'stole' it soon. Hehe
3| I took Will for his first Cheeburger Cheeburger experience! 
4| Lots of workouts means lots of protein shakes lately, and our newest will blow your mind. I call it Heaven: Pineapple+Banana+Cakebatter Protein+Butter Vanilla/Rum Extracts+Almond Milk
5| Will is the dog whisperer, but our new friends dogs loved me!
6| We are in Pensacola right now for the McGuire's 5K! In my 28 years of life, I've NEVER done the McGuire's 5K, and technically, I've never done any 5K. miles isn't a big deal to me anymore, but I'm still stoked to check it off the bucket list. Plus there's a huge after party, and this girl is ready to kick off St. Patty's celebrations. Did you know green is my color?

I'm actually more worried about the hangover from the after party than the run, but either way...wish us luck! It's the last big thing we get to do before Will is gone for a whole month, so we are doing it big. B-I-G. Happy WeektothemotherEND.


  1. good luck on the 5K! and i want that cheeseburger. i've been craving a burger for months now.

    Vodka and Soda

  2. Oh man that protein shake sounds GOOD! Good luck & have fun!!!!

  3. i have really been digging protein shakes lately. i need to try the one you came up with- cakebatter protien?! yum!

  4. Oh I LOVE Cheeburger Cheeburger! They closed the one closest to me :( Way to go on the 5K! I'm sure you'll rock it!
    Would you like to me send you some more of the Zeal shakes? I have some chocolate on hand, just let me know :)

  5. I'm starting to think that if I run 3.1 miles then get beer at the end - that I can do it and anything is possible.

    Your protein shake sounds amazing!!!! Especially with the extracts!

  6. That protein shake sounds amazing! What an adorable pup! Knock em dead at the 5k!

  7. How was the run? Are you hooked on them now?! I did my first race last year and I love them!

  8. Angel's running a St. Patrick's Day themed 5K this week...but not me. I'm no runner. I can bike forever...but I don't enjoy running.

  9. How was your 5k?? Can't wait to read about that!
    Oooooh Cheeburger cheeburger... we love it so! They have one in Vegas and we crave it allllll the time!

  10. I've never eaten at Cheeseburger Cheesburger, but that burger sure does look tasty!


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