Monday, March 10, 2014

Playtime Is Ova'

Okay, so you know how we got here over a month ago? 
That was because Will accrued so much leave that even with a month off, he still has several weeks of vacation time left. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world, because I just got to have a month long playtime/sleepover/date with my bestest friend in the whole wide world. It's truly an example of why I married this man...he's the only person that I can stand to be around 24/7 and love him even more than I did before. No kidding, Mother Nature visited TWICE, and we somehow still got along. That's sayin' something.

Anywho, today is Will's first day 'Inprocessing' into Fort Rucker. It's a ten day process for the soldiers to get information, prep, and begin with a new school or unit, and it happens every time you move. This time it's particularly important because he's starting school and training for the new j-o-b, which kick off with a month of him on lockdown. You know I hate losing any time with him, so a month of living fifteen minutes apart and not being able to see or talk is going to suck. I know Will is happy to get it over with and get to the fun part {flight training}, but he was not happy about losing the beard. As you can see...

Either way, hubbahubba
I'm not gonna know what to do without him after spending every sleeping and waking moment together. I feel like a mom that has to send her first born off to Kindergarten, only he's not going to get snack time or naps. Speaking of Kindergarten...someone's mom just posted the following from when yours truly was in the big K. 

You will find me bottom left, first blonde, and check out them chubby cheeks! I still look exactly the same, which was proven by running into old friends at the 5K. However, that story will have to wait until next time. For now, I'm going to snuggle with my soldier before he has to wake up at 4AM. Poor thing.


  1. I'm at Benning! Z wanted to go to flight school but had something wrong in his eye and clearly that was a no no. We should meet up sometime, I don't think we are too far!

  2. yikes! a month apart/living away from each other? that stinks :(

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  3. Congrats on the start of the new chapter!
    Youre a SUPER cute kiddie :)

  4. So glad you got to have special hang out time, but boo card that it's over. I hope it flies bye super duper fast!

  5. I don't know if it is different but I was able to see my husband on Sunday's in church during WOCS and eventually he'll be able to call you on Sunday's too. I was so bored during WOCS until I found some new friends.

    My husband is actually headed back to Fort Rucker next week for some training!

  6. i wish michael had a reason to shave off his facial hair. it's driving me nuts!!

  7. A month apart - yikes! But it is nice that you got to spend the last month with him. I hope that your month without him flies by, keep yourself busy & it will! :)

  8. Hope the month flies by! Kev hates shaving his 'leave beard' too~!

  9. Hope the month flies by! Kev hates shaving his 'leave beard' too~!

  10. It is gonna suck after being spoiled by spending ever second together! You will just miss him which will make you love him even more so you really can't lose with this guy!!!

  11. I am ridiculously excited that the new reg will go into effect about facial hair off duty hahaha! No more facial hair for Kyle while on leave.

  12. He looks totally different with and with out facial hair!! Crazy how much it can change the way they look. Hope the next month flies by for you both!!!!

  13. That stinks he is going to be away for a month! I would be sad to see the beard go too.

  14. So sorry you have to be away from him for a total month! That sucks! And I actually picked you out of the picture before I read which one you were.

  15. Look at him all bearded up!! Love it. 1 month will fly by, it will suck but you got this. Hugs friend!!

  16. That's great that you guys got to spend a month together before he had to spend a month away. How frustrating that he will be so close but you can't see him :( I'm totally diggin' the beard! Bummer he had to shave it.

  17. Awww that was nice you were able to get that much time together! I remember feeling like that when we were dealing with all of the deployment training, but now he's home all.of.the.time!

  18. I love it when Angel gets vacation time and we can just be together for more than a couple days at a time! It's fun, and yeah, you know you're well-matched when you don't get tired of each other during those times. :) That is frustrating about him being away for a whole month--I hope it flies by!

  19. Aww look at little Janna - so cute!

    Also sorry about a month apart. That sounds terrible. :( But I know you're an old pro at handling this!


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