Wednesday, March 5, 2014

New Makeup And New Friends

We kind of, almost, have new friends. A guy that Will knew in Colorado was also selected to go Flight Warrant, so we sort of know someone in town! We have worked out in the gym together, and even had a little get together last night. They are younger than us, have a child, and she seems pretty shy, but hey...beggars can't be choosers. For reference, we have many friends with kids and I'm an Introvert, but if we are realistic, these are factors in finding new friends. The good news, is that we had a great time and we have plans for a game night in the nearish future based on the boys school dates. Apparently, Jackie and I both love board games, but I mean, who doesn't?

As for the makeup, I haven't been wearing much lately.
After being forced to wear my hair and makeup a certain way for six years, it's been lovely to say eff it and rock the natural look. To be honest, it's the first time I've ever been {really} comfortable without makeup. I guess it comes with laziness age?

Now, instead of dreading makeup I'm excited to do it, and last nights little get together seemed like a good excuse. Especially since I found this inspiration via Pinterest. I normally stick to the SAME tried and true application process for my eye shadow, but this one seemed doable. I pulled out my Physicians Formula Palette, and the rest practically did itself.

I took a million pictures and none could do it justice, so just know that you can create a very subtle eye that packs a punch. I'm not makeup guru, but you can take my word for it.

He likes me with or without makeup, and that is all that matters.
What is your go-to eye makeup and/or palette?


  1. Pretty! I've been wanting the Too Faced Chocolate Bar Eye Palette. It's shaped like a chocolate bar and some of the shadows are made with real cocoa so it smells like chocolate...umm yes please!

  2. You look so pretty without the makeup!

  3. confession: i don't own a single eye shadow or mascara nor have i worn eye shadow since 2004 for my wedding *cue gasping*. i just slap on some eyeliner, curl my lashes and go. oh, and i have to add some concealer under my eyes otherwise i look like something that just crawled out of a crypt.

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  4. you look great on or off make up. it really is nice to do just whatever pleases you though. i usually go natural and most days when i work, i don't even put on mascara, just concealer for my dark circles & a little blush. and when i do put more on, it's adding brows, eye liner, & mascara. i've always been minimal. the funny thing is, brady never knew i wore make up because it was so light & natural. but above all, it's who is underneath, i guess, right?

    and i'm glad you met someone as it could get lonely... i mean, to have a "friend" besides your hubs (not that there's anything wrong w/ that/him) and yes, board games are so fun!! we've been playing scrabble a lot and jenga, but i guess that's because it's all we have. :)

  5. You're gorgeous as ever, with or without make up :)

  6. Simply gorgeous with no make up... but I have Naked 1 and 2 and love this one I have from Avon, yeah I know Avon, but had some purple, gold and a plummy color.

  7. you are seriously stunning either way!!! i never wear much eye makeup bc im so bad at doing it but I love this look!

  8. First of all, you are such a little cutie...with or without makeup! I love the new eye makeup! Eye makeup is the best, you can do SO many different things with it. Loves it! :)

  9. You look good with or without makeup. I love Coastal Scents palettes because they have a lot of different colors and super cheap.

  10. You look great without makeup!

    I love Urban Decay.. I don't go anywhere without any makeup. Have to do the full face or I'm not leaving the house haha

  11. I like you with ot without makeup too! ;) I have the Naked palette and use that for the rare occasion when I actually put makeup on. It's perfect for me because all I ever use are earth tones.

  12. Yea for new friends! And you are correct....who doesn't love board games? :)
    I never wear eye makeup unless I'm going out special with the hubby, but I would LOVE to actually learn how to apply it correctly. I would probably wear it more if I did, I just can never get it right.

  13. You look LOVELY! And I'm so glad you're adjusting well! I can't believe our next move is coming up at the end of the year, and it's looking very likely we'll be headed off to Irwin... yikes!

    My go-to palette is still NudeTude from theBalm. It's a little cheaper and easier to find for me than the others, so it's perfect for me!

  14. I have all but given up on make up lately and I love it!! It's so freeing and I like letting my skin breathe. I don't even know what a palette is. I think it's great to be so comfortable in your own skin that you don't need it. You look great with and without!

  15. aww yayy for having some friends there!! You are gorgeous either way!

  16. I'm glad you are making new friends! I hope you find a great group of friends there! :)

    You did a great job on your makeup! Gorgeous as always, girl!

  17. Making friends is always hard to do, or at least it seems like it. We always seem to be one of the very few couples with out kiddos and it puts a strain on what we all can and can't do together. We still try to make the most out of it with who ever we meet but one thing that def. makes moving hard. :( Its a give and take I suppose.

  18. Makeup and new friends is the best! I love makeup and always find excuses to use my palettes. Right now I'm in love with the Stila "In the Light" palette. It's perfectly neutral for me. :)

  19. New friends, yea!
    You are a natural beauty!

  20. You are such a lovely woman, you look beautiful without makeup!
    However! That's a great eye look.

  21. That's great that you guys have made some new friends!
    You look so good with and without makeup!

  22. That's almost crazy to me that you had to do your hair and make-up a certain way! Crazy! So cool you'll rock the no make up though!

  23. I wish I looked like that with no makeup- beautiful girl!

  24. Um, you are gorgeous!! With or without makeup! My skin is scarred from the acne I've been blessed to have since getting pregnant... all the fun new hormone changes I've experienced in the last 2 years have been so fun (not) ha! We are almost done nursing and then I'm visiting my dermatologist and getting rid of my scars! Then I'll finally feel good about the no make up thing!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!