Monday, December 9, 2013

Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Or so one might have thought...

We've had single digit and negative weather for almost a week.
Yes, Colorado does get cold, but not for this long. Among other problems, a big one is having your pipes freezing over, and this time it HAD to be the pipe that went to my nice-hot-relaxing-shower. I was more disappointed than anything, but Will started acting like a butt thinking that I was upset, and then it was my turn to act like a butt, because I knew he was upset. After a few rides of that not-so-merry go'round, we just accepted that neither one of us were mad and the situation just sucked.

The next day, I was still feeling off, so I thought it would be nice if we got a room at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort. You know when you think an idea is the best in the world, and the other person takes a minute to catch on? It totally steals your thunder, which made me rethink the gesture and pushed me even farther into my "mood". Thankfully, Will talked me out of cancelling the reservation, so I just tried to make it through until then. We won't talk about how we drove all the way to the gym on post because I was jonesin' for a shower, only to realize that I didn't bring anything to shower with...Did I mention that Aunt Flow was visitng? I think we are all understanding that this day was NOT going well.

This is where "Perception Is Everything" comes in...

“Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

I accepted that we weren't going to have a shower until Monday, but we could go stay at a luxurious hotel, and I'm ALWAYS up for a romantic evening.
It was time to get the party started.

After one of the best showers of my life, I prettied myself up {including my attitude}, and off to dinner we went! There is this great little fondue place in town called Mona Lisa that I've been dying to try, so that was the plan. I also need to mention that I was wearing a silk scarf that Will brought me back from Afghanistan. He likes when I wear things that he got me, so it seemed appropriate for him putting up with me. Not to mention, it's gorgeous-nous and the meaning brightened my spirits. Funny how a piece of cloth can do that.

The atmosphere didn't hurt either...

We couldn't have chosen a better place to unwind. We tend to rush through dinner, so it was the PERFECT scenario to make us take our time, savor, and enjoy each other's company. Most dinners take us half an hour, but this one lasted almost two. We may have ended up stuffing ourselves, aaaand... it was totally worth it.

By the time we got back to the hotel, all was right in our world. 
Well, the pipe was still frozen, but in the grand scheme of things, stuff like that really shouldn't matter. Life isn't perfect, but how boring that would be.

Now, I am listening to the plumbers cut through the garage wall to our pipe, and it is music to my ears. They almost left after confirming that it was in fact frozen, but I guilted them into staying when I mentioned that we stayed in a hotel to get a shower. I'm sure it's just a little hole...and technically we didn't tell them to do it...we just didn't argue either.

Anywho, wish us luck, and remember, you must CHOOSE to be happy.


  1. Ahh, I hope you get a hot shower asap!

  2. sounds like you did make the best of it! i feel like i did that too, with no power in our house for going on 4 days now! sometimes you gotta make the most out of it!

  3. OH my goodness that scarf and YOUR hair is gorgeous-gorgeous!

    Glad you were able to enjoy the hotel and dinner. Sometimes when you're in a funk it takes a bit to get out of it, but well done lovey!


  4. OMG Girl! Even though Flo was showing herself, it seems like you did your best to handle the situation. I would totally send you some of this un-holiday weather we are having. I'm sure your bro and dad are telling you all about it when you talk to them. It's PATHETIC. The food and it's surroundings look fantastic. Hang in there!

  5. As frustrating as the whole thing was good thing it ended up working out and you got to have a fun night away :)

  6. Happiness certainly is a choice. I am glad that your pipe is getting fixed. It has got to be pretty dang cold for that to happen! Good luck.

  7. Happiness certainly is a choice. I am glad that your pipe is getting fixed. It has got to be pretty dang cold for that to happen! Good luck.

  8. Frozen pipes are the worst ugh! Hugs!

  9. I don't blame you for being in a funk--I would have been, too, but I'm glad that you escaped the ickies for a while. Love the scarf (MG brought me one back from Afghanistan, and I love it!) and you look absolutely stunning. No sign of an icky day, at all! :)

  10. Love the scarf and your gorgeous long hair!!

  11. I'm glad that you were able to turn your bad day upside down! Our weather has been below freezing the past week and I've heard about a lot of frozen pipes the past few days. It's not fun at all! So fun that you guys were able to get a hotel and have a wonderful dinner together!

  12. Oh gosh, bless your heart!! At least yall find a nice & cozy get away spot!

  13. I'm such a wimp that being without shower would literally send me over the edge. I'd be miserable! At least it was a nice excuse for a romantic getaway.

  14. I LOVE fondue! We have a place near us (Melting Pot) that I convince my girlfriends to go to every couple of months. It has to be one of my favorite places to go. :) Hope your shower got fixed quickly!

  15. Some days everything is just OFF!!! Glad you were able to turn it around! The fondue place looks amazing! Yum!

  16. Our weather has been awful too-didn't get above 0 degrees for about 4 days straight. It felt downright toasty at 16 degrees this morning! hahaha. Glad you got to try a new restaurant and are getting the pipes fixed! Yahoo!

  17. Everybody has those days when you just get in a bad mood and it's so much easier to get irritated! Glad you guys were able to turn the day around and have a fun little getaway out of it! (And I know what you mean, I would be very sad without showers, too!)

  18. Glad you two were able to enjoy a couple nice nights in the hotel.

  19. Damn, I'm so sorry about the frozen pipe! That really sucks, but I love how you turned your no good, bad day around & that restaurant looks dreamy!

  20. I love this whole entire post! I hope you get to shower soon with some lovely hot water.. & hey at least the poor men tried bless their hearts hehe

  21. Yay for a night away even if it meant a frozen pipe :) Glad you enjoyed yourself and hope they fixed it all up! XO

  22. Oh girl, I'm sorry you guys were dealing with this (I hope it's "were" by now!). That's super stressful (especially with that particular time of the month) so I can't imagine how tense things were. I'm glad you guys were able to turn it around and still have a nice evening together!

  23. Our hot water was out for awhile lately, so I feel your pain! It was the pits! Glad you had a nice evening out with the hubs!


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