Friday, December 6, 2013

Five For Friday

#1 It's negative-freakin-SIX-degrees right now.

#2 I'm so happy that a few have commented and emailed about a swap!
There is Christmas spirit left in the blogland! hehe

As of right now we be few, but I'll accept more until Sunday. Spread the word if you'd like. I know I was super sad that it would have been my first year not having a swap to do, so don't let anyone feel left out!

A few people have asked about Christmas card swappage, so I'll add that too. Since some people like to craft, I would partner crafters with crafters, buyers with buyers, and card swappers with card swappers. Just leave a comment like "crafter", "purchase a gift", "swap a card". I also like to card swaps for myself, and the beautiful Miss Rach is the first address I received this year!

#3 I wasn't going to decorate for the holidays with the impending move, but then I was because I thought I would be happier and more in the spirit, even so we ran out of time on Turkey day when I planned to do it, and now we are a mere three weeks away. Perhaps, that will be a good event for this weekend. Good thing I bought Egg Nog Protein Powder!

#4 If your man needs some sexy pants, go to Khol's and check out the Marc Anthony line. We ran in there before date night the other day {yes, we tend to shop for him on a need basis based on what I wear}, and I almost fainted over the sexiness when he tried them on. I bought him THREE pair I loved them so much. Just trust me. Go buy them.

#5 I have the next three days off, and I couldn't be more excited about it, for the specific reason that it will be so cold that I will be forced to stay in la casa. Poor Will won't be able to stay home, though :( He has a 24 hour duty AGAIN.  How is this possible? They do separate schedules for the week and weekend, but both start at the top of the alphabet. If I were in charge, I would start one at the top and one at the bottom, but what do I know? I'm just a dumb blonde. Yeesh.

I hope you all have a warmer weekend that I!


  1. I'll do a card swap and buy a gift :)

  2. I saw the temps in your area on the Today show this morning and I thought of you...definitely stay bundled up! I can't even imagine that cold!

    Yay for days off and sexy men in sexy pants! :)

  3. What is this swap thing? I must have missed it.

  4. I'm FAMOUS!!!!!! :D Thanks for the shout out, friend!

    Also, I am taking your word on those Marc Anthony jeans. Christopher is in need of new ones so we're going to check them out the next time we're at Kohls! :)

  5. I actually was planning on not decorating for Christmas either because I'm moving for Daniel's deployment but I'm so glad I did. It just makes it so much more magical!

  6. -22 here this morning...don't think I'll be venturing outside this weekend either!!

  7. Egg nog protein powder sounds interesting! I thought you were in Florida. How the heck is it so cold there, girl? Keep warm!

  8. Hey! I just found you from Chantal's blog :) I'm a fellow milspouse, too. I may need to buy my husband a pair of those Marc Anthony pants—I got him a MA button-up shirt for his birthday and I looove it on him! Thanks for the idea :)

  9. Hey! I would love to be added to the card swap :)

  10. We were in Grand Junction a couple weeks ago and thank goodness it wasn't cold! I forgot a coat and still survived strolling down main street :) Stay warm! Am I too late to join the swap? Also emailing you about doing the New Years resolve link up again!

  11. Yet another reason why I need to stay on top of my reading!


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