Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Laugh With Me, Not At Me!

A'ight listen...I need your help!

I'm in a contest for some big $$$, and I have to at least try to win!

Here are your reasons to go vote for me:
1. You love me.
2. I always vote for everything y'all ask me to.
3. You really will enjoy the 10 second video.
4. You will make me feel less self conscious about making a fool of myself.
5. I only have four days to get over 300 votes!
6. Did I mention you love me?

Simply click on this link to watch my COOKIE DANCE or look up @hooterscolorado on Instagram to "like" my video. Each "like" equals one vote, and due to technical difficulties, I am about 300 behind. that means every m'effin' vote counts!

In case you'd like to watch the HILARIOUS video where we drew our inspiration, visit here. It's my boy Jesse {Prank vs. Prank} and his craziness. Just don't forget to go vote for my video.

As an added bonus, leave a comment that you voted {bonus points if you share it via other social media} and I will be giving away a Starbucks gift card AND a cash prize if I win. Who doesn't want cold hard cash?? Just remember, I will be checking!

Thanks in advance, and happy voting!


  1. I liked it on Instagram. The link didn't work for me. Good luck!!

  2. I liked it!! I love the humor of it!! @mmeredith04

  3. DONE! :) Shared it on Twitter too!!

  4. I shared it on my blog's facebook page too :) (https://www.facebook.com/lifeandlemonsmakelemonade?ref=hl)

  5. Of course I voted!!! Anything for my blog friends!

  6. Of course I will vote--
    QUESTION: can we only vote once?

  7. i voted and im tweeting about it bc i love ya!

  8. Damn lady! You rock that uniform better than anyone! I voted! XO

  9. Oh course i voted for you. I have no clue how to share it on my phone or i would

  10. Totally voted.... hope it's not too late!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!