Monday, September 2, 2013


Welcome to the week of vacation recaps!

Okay, Okay, so I know when someone draws out their vacation at a snail's pace it can be a turnoff, but I can promise you that I'm going to be to the point and hopefully share some things that are interesting to people other than my grandmother. By the way, if you think I'm talking about you and your last vacation recap, I most definitely not.
Let's just clear that up.

Okay, so let's start where the trip really started. It was the day before my flight, and all of a sudden my dog sitter {who happened to be one of my closest friends in Colorado} went MIA. Who does that? Who begs to have your dog over to play, promises you that they will take your dog for your ten day vacation, won't take any money when you plead for them to take it, and then just disappears off the face of the Earth? A bad friend, that's who. Thankfully, I have other friends that were happy to take Weiser for the small fee of $150, so the crisis was averted.

Stress is over and it's time to PLAY!

If just jumping into Will's arms wasn't enough, he certainly made sure that his wife felt special after a month apart. In true Will style, he even blew up all the balloons by himself...

"A woman more amazing than I could have ever imagined in my dreams became my partner until eternity...I can't even put into words how happy I am to have you back, lover. You are my rock and my center, of which I could never live without. Thank the Lord I have until eternity to fully enjoy you! Your Eternal Lover, Will"

Obviously, I was most ecstatic about being reunited with my other half {swoon}, but it also gave us the opportunity to spend time with many of our East Coast friends. 

+We visited my SIL and her five chillins.
{Unfortunately, she chooses not to allow pictures of the cuteness via interweb for safety.}
+We helped throw a Birthday BBQ for the Best Man from our wedding.
Feel the love:

+I FINALLY got to meet my "Twin" in blogland, Sarah! 
She doesn't blog anymore, but we still keep in contact, and I just knew that going to Richmond meant that we had to meet. We have been friends for almost three years, and I just love'er. I also love this pub that she took us to.

+Since we were so close to Maryland, I just had to take Will to Baltimore for his first time. Although, I did have ulterior motives... my bff has a new boyfriend and things are getting serious. I needed to check this guy out.

He made it through a night of our shenanigans, so thus far he is getting my stamp of approval. Good show old chap, but mind your p's and q's. Or else.

I can't tell you how great it was to start off the trip with most of our best friends. When you live this Military lifestyle, you really cherish the time you get to spend with the people that matter most. Even if it is for such a short time.

In closing, let me say that the picture quality is much better as the trip goes on, and it's not just ten days of drunkenness and debauchery. As entertaining as that is, the trip is about to go in a totally new direction. Get ready!


  1. Aww, the surprises that your husband had for you were so sweet! And spending time with people you don't see often is really fun!

  2. So sweet that he did that for you! :)

  3. YAY for amazeball husbands! Seriously tho what a sucky friend :( Sorry you had to deal with the stress of all that before leaving, but glad you got it all straightened out! Looking forward to more! XO

  4. He's a sweetie!! Yayy for meeting Sarah!!!

  5. did you ever find the dog sitter friend?!
    Looks like you had a blast on this leg of the journey.

  6. Aww.. Will is such a sweetheart! I love when Rob writes me notes like that and we always save our notes and tuck them away. It looks like you had a great time!

  7. Will is so sweet.
    I'm sorry to hear that your friend let you down, I'm glad you managed to find someone else to play dog sitter for you. It looks and sounds like you started your vacation with a lot of fun, I look forward to heading about the rest of it.
    Oh, and you told me to let you know when I was back blogging, so I'm back ;)

  8. Sorry to hear about your friend who was suppose to watch your puppers for you, how hateful. Glad to hear the trip was off to a great start though!!!

  9. ah happy for you! and such an important lesson in cherishing the time!

  10. So glad you guys are back together! Y'all are so cute together!

  11. i have yet to met a blogging friend! that's sweet that you got to!

  12. Haha! Glad you aren't talking about my particular vacation recaps that are going strong after a week, haha! I just had SO much to share and so much I wanted to remember that I am sharing it all. Anyway, all that said, I don't mind reading recaps one bit! :) Glad you guys all had so much fun!

  13. That little note Will wrote *swooooon* You two are the CUTEST!

  14. Love that note from your man, what a sweetie!! AND DO YOU KNOW...that Sine Irish pub is like blocks away from where my hubby and I live currently!!??? So crazy that you were so close, hope you guys had a great trip!!!

    xo Dinah @ Sunshine super glam

  15. That's so sweet of your hubby! Love the pics!

  16. I live in Richmond! Spent my 21st and many nights at Sine's, love it! Wish I would've found your blog sooner, because I would have loved to have met you. You're too sweet.

    <3 xoxo.


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