Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's Just Country Boys And Girls Gettin' Down On The Farm...

Part two of our trip continued in Wadsworth, Ohio.
Last year while Will was deployed, I asked him where he would like to go for our vacation this year and the whole world was an option. Surprisingly, his only request was that we visit his grandfather and the place where his spent all his summers as a child. His wish was my command, so we planned this entire trip around it.

As most of you know, we eloped, and as such we still haven't met both sides of extended family. I had met Will's grandmother, Aunt Debbie, and we lived with his cousin Josh at one point, but now I would get to meet his favorite grandfather and the rest of the Ohio family.

And apparently you can't go to Wadsworth without eating at Milich's Vilage Inn.

I mean...it's not Southern Fried Chicken, but it didn't disappoint ;)

We had a family BBQ, ate some good Ohio sweet corn, and kicked it old school on the farm. I'm talking collecting eggs, feeding the horse, and eating Elderberries off the tree while we walked the old trails.

Daisy is grandma's horse, but as you can see, grandpa kinda loves her. He gives her a hard time, but he loves when she gives him hugs even if he won't admit it.

What one might be most surprised to find is that there is a huge basement under the property with all kinds of treasures. I had heard about grandpa's trains, but I had no clue how awesome his set up was. He says that he never had toys as a child, so he had to make up for lost time. There may or may not have been nudey pictures subtly hung eons ago, but we won't go there. Don't ask, don't tell.

That cutie up there in the yellow shirt is now taller than his daddy. Pictures like that and the memories that this place holds are what made it such a special trip. For everyone that asked why on Earth we would want to go to Ohio, they either haven't been or don't appreciate the simple things in life. Hardworking people, living on the land, beautiful country, good suppers, and warm hearts. Basically, it's more American than the rest of 'Ameri-cuh'.

So long, Ohio. We will be back, but now it's on to Chi-Town!


  1. I bet yall had so much fun looking around in his grandfathers basement. I love going and visiting family esp. the ones we haven't seen in so long, makes for some of the best vacays!!!

  2. WOW! Grandpa's toy basement is outta this world!

  3. i love that spider web picture! and that food looks delicious! looks like you had a great time!!

  4. Awww so cute & fun! B loves Ohio!!

  5. So cute! I'm also very disappointed you didn't send me a picture of the Wadsworth, Ohio sign... :)

  6. such a great thing when you can come back to the place of your childhood memories. sweet nostalgia. to meet the family and visit the spots. and i alway feel grateful when i get the chance to see a glimpse of his past.

    p.s : i love Will's grandpa's basement. such a treasure vault.

  7. Love all the pictures, looks like you had a great time love (:

  8. So sweet that you guys got to spend time with Wills family! Looks like you guys had a great time!

  9. This post makes me miss Ohio! I lived there until about four years ago.

  10. fun, fun! you look so cute in the last picture.
    can't wait to see the chi-town pics. can't believe we were oh-so-close, but not close enough!

  11. Awww I love spending time with family. Especially family you don't get to see too often! Sounds like you guys had a great time!!!!

  12. WOW, what an amazing trip :) To me, those are the best kind of trips. I don't need something elaborate and fancy-just give me some good ol' family time doing day to day stuff and I'm happy!

  13. Wow what an amazing place, I'm so glad you could go there.

  14. how fun! i want to eat that food! :)

  15. Looks like such a fun time with his family! I love that you are finally getting to meet them!

  16. Oh that would have been soooooo hard to leave. How fun!!

  17. This is the best! I love every bit! I love that Will chose to visit his grandparents and wanted to go back to where he spent so much of his childhood!! And his grandparents looked soo cute! I bet they loved showing you around!!! It is the simple things in life, and family that make this life and so many forget that! Glad yall had a wonderful trip!!


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