Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Bogerts 'Do' Chicago, Day One

Six days into the trip, we finally made it to the REAL vacation!
We loved the time with friends and family, going down memory lane was touching, and we were very thankful that everyone insisted on putting us up, but we were ready for ALONE time, if you know what I'm sayin'...and it was time to let the Chi-Town fun begin.

We made it to Chicago around noon on Tuesday and we hit the ground runnin'. We checked into our hotel early, ditched the car, and off we went. The weather was nice, so we figured that we should  head to the Skydeck while the view was guaranteed.

Let me tell ya, it's an incredible view to kick off a trip to Chicago, and it really gets you into the spirit of things. It also helped us work up an appetite, so we asked the locals where to go for a Chicago Dog. The consensus was America's Dog, and they weren't lyin'.

Then it was time to hit 'The Bean', since Millennium Park was just down the street. It was just as cool as I thought it would be, and the park around it was even more breathtaking. It is right next to the Art Institute of Chicago and the talent of the student body is spread throughout that area.

The only real predicament for the day was where to go to dinner. 
We were saving the deep dish pizza for the last night, so we just wanted something yummy and off the beaten path. We scoped out a few places on the way back to the hotel, consulted the Urbanspoon App, and then headed to Flattop Grill. Come to find out it is a chain, but it ended up blowing our minds so much that we ate there TWICE.

Great food, and I got to have this guy as my date. 
I was one happy girl.

We ended the night with a romantic walk around Buckingham Fountain

All you need to know, is that as we walked around that Fountain, I was so happy that I thought my heart was going to burst. I couldn't believe how good for the soul this trip had been already, and yet we still had two more days of this wonderful city!

 According to the Checklist, I have a lot to share tomorrow too, so let's leave off for now. If you have been to Chicago, what is your favorite pastime?

{Read Parts one and two of our 2013 Road trip too}


  1. We were just talking about Millennium Park in one of my classes today!
    What a coincidence that it would come up twice. Maybe I need to go there? ;]

  2. you are a brave girl! I would have a panic attack in that sky deck!!

  3. Looks so fun! Is it bad that I'm most excited to hear about the food!? Ha! The sky deck looks awesome, those are some great pictures! Now I want to plan a long weekend for Chicago!

  4. I just went to Millenium Park for the first time on Monday! I've been up to the Skydeck a few times, but never to those restaurants you've mentioned! Looks like fun--I know what you mean about sometimes wanting a vacation with just your man--our last day trip, weekend trip, and vacation have all been with family! I love them but I'm looking forward to a couple's trip someday....

  5. I love Chicago! I have not been in years! And you two are so cute. One lucky lady... eat some pizza for me.

  6. I have only been to chicago once and it was for work so it was so brief! can't wait to read more about your must sees!!

  7. Love love love Chicago and I'm itching to go back now thanks to your recap :)

  8. I've never been to Chicago but it's on my bucket list. :)

  9. FUN!!! I loved Chicago! Looks like you guys had a fabulous time there on day one! :)

  10. I loved Chicago. It's super clean and had excellent jazz.

  11. I've never been to Chicago before, but we definitely plan on going one day!

  12. This is all on my to do list! We really want to visit Chicago. Looks like an awesome time and as always you two are beautiful!! :)

  13. So jealous you went to Chicago... I love Chi-town!

  14. Awwww cute :) Those hot dogs are making me huuuunnnggrrryyyyy!!

  15. You are crazy for doing that on that tiny little piece of glass! Haha I'm glad you enjoyed Chicago!

  16. DD & I eat at America's Dog when we go into the city to see a show - she LOVES it!
    Glad you enjoyed. It's a GREAT city!

  17. Love the pictures of you on the Skydeck!! So neat!

  18. Love the picture and I wouldn't be able to handle the Skydeck, too crazy for me.

  19. Mom amd I stopped in Chi-town on our way home from Wisconsin last year. Amazing. I wanna go back! Looks like you guys had a great time!

  20. You two are the absolute cutest! I love looking at all your photos :)

  21. I STILL have not made it to the sky deck!! It is on my list though. Looks like a ton of fun and Chicago is the perfect place for you fun alone time

  22. I've only been to Chicago once and it was only for a day. I can't wait to go back one day and be able to spend a little more time!!!! Looks like day one was pretty great!!!!

  23. This looks and sounds like it was a blast and I have always wanted to take a river cruise!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  24. when i visit chicago, skydeck is my first destination for sure

  25. The skydeck is CRAZY! I don't know if Eric's fear of heights would be able to handle that, but I'd love to do it someday!
    No one deserved this vacation more than you and Will! So glad (and jealous) you got to do it! :)

  26. Chicago is seriously da' best!!! Looks like you had a great time and experienced all the great food and spots in Chi town!!! Thank you for sharing!

    xo Dinah @ Sunshine super glam

  27. Sounds great so far! The Skydeck is so high! I don't know if my fear of heights could conquer that! Go you! :)


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