Friday, August 30, 2013

Romantical Pictures

Well, hello Friday.
While we were on vacation you kept showing up with a quickness, but this week?
You certainly took your damn time.

First off, you NEED to go check me out on my boo Tab's blog. She's on her honeymoon, which means she will be blogging about her wedding and honeymoon when she gets back. If you are like me, you are addicted to all things wedding and honeymoon, so you will want to follow her and live vicariously through her. Not only that, but she is HILARIOUS and she just happens to be a sexy soldier. Now a triple threat. On top of that, you can see pictures from our last tropical vacation that was far too long ago.

That should hold you off until next week when I hope to be in full on vacation recap mode. I worked extra this week to finagle a three day weekend for Labor Day, so some restful blogging and editing sounds quite lovely. Along with a Birthday party, finally getting a hair trim, and lots of time with the hubby, of course.

Here is a sneak peak of Wadsworth, Ohio, and the romantical pictures:

Random fact of the day...Did you know that lots of Daisies in summer means that a cold, hard winter is coming? I have heard this is going to be a rough winter, and we have TONS of Daisies this year, so it seems legit. Don't think of it as a bad thing, though. We all need the moisture and snow to prevent fires next year, kill off the pesky bugs, and I wouldn't be against a white Christmas. Just think how pretty it's going to be when the leaves start turning...Boy, oh boy! I can't wait.

Until then, Happy Labor Day to all, and to all a good weekend!


  1. Super adorable pictures girly!!

  2. Welcome back pretty! love the pictures! swoooooooooon

  3. I love the super sweet pictures!
    Supposedly we are supposed to have a cold, dry winter this year.

  4. Love the pictures! I wish we actually had a "winter" in Pensacola but you know how that goes! Enjoy your holiday!

  5. These photos are gorgeous!!!

  6. Such gorgeous pictures! You guys are so photogenic!

  7. Love the pictures! I need to get some of my husband and I done soon. We don't have any really good pics of the two of us except from our wedding. :)
    I hope you have a relaxing weekend!!!!

  8. Your hair is SO long!! Interesting about the daisies...sounds like an old farmers tale :)

  9. Aww. How romantical :) I sure hope we have a white Christmas. Maybe even in the south?

  10. I like your positive attitude on a harsh winter, that needs to rub off on me!! Meanwhile, I'm in love with all the daisies dotting every view :) Gorgeous pictures, you two are too cute!!

  11. the weather is just so crazy now a days, i expect anything and everything now.

    i'm a sucker for romance. love these photos, and i think i am due for new couple photos for myself, LOL!

  12. Awe, I love these!! Y'all are such a beautiful couple!!

  13. Awww, you guys are so adorable! Love these!

  14. These are great photos of you two, as always. That's a random fact about the daisys. I never really see them by us. Then again, we're pretty scarce on anything green.

  15. The last one is perrrrrrrfect! LOVE!

  16. Love the pictures! So sweet. :)


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