Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I Ran For Lauren

Other than a 5K I did with my mom when I was five, I have never actually run a race. I'm either in a lazy stage or don't know when they are {Ahem Megan, you should have told me about the one at Garden of the Gods}, but this time... I was all in!

Kristine came up with a genius idea where we run a 5K on our own time and using our own devices and then link up our recap. It was such an inventive idea that I just has to play along. Not too mention the fact that I simply adore her ;)

I still haven't gotten back to running yet, so I knew that I was just going to have to dominate the AMT Machine.

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I don't know if it was the excitement or the Spark energy drink that Sarah sent me, but I had the best time and mileage that I have achieved since starting this machine. I know that the Slam energy shot got me through a looong day at work, so I would assume that Spark worked it's magic here too.

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I dedicate my run to Lauren, and I think this also made me push myself a little harder. I run hard because I am blessed to still have the chance to run. I love you Lolo!

Have you tried Advocare? A TON of Bloggers are participating in the 10 Day Cleanse with Raven and Sarah, So I'm thinking that tons of people are jumping on the Advocare bandwagon. Are you getting your healthy on?


If you have a spare moment, feel free to hop on over to the Hersheypark Happiness Photo Contest. Two of my favorite nuggets are pictured with their parents in the fifth picture down. Colby and Cam are by far the cutest kids, so they are easy to find. PS. BOTH of their parents are police officers in Florida, so that should get them a sympathy vote too.


  1. Good for you!! Get it girl!!!

  2. I love this idea and love that you ran for Lauren!

  3. Great job! I ran my 5k for Kyle's Krusade :)

    Definitely going to check out Advocare xo

  4. I've seen people talking about the cleanse. I'm not sure though... But I love the 5K link up idea! You're doing awesome

  5. What a great job you did and way to run for Lolo!!! xoxo

  6. Haha my bad!! We should totally find one and do one! I use www.active.com to find them in the area, there's one almost every weekend!

  7. Way to go! Maybe I need to find something to run for, and that would help me actually get out and run...rather than just running because I know I should, it's good for me, blah blah blah. Hahaha.

  8. You look awesome and ran awesome!! Love that you joined in the virtual 5K and dedicated it to Lauren :) How fun that this is your second race ever! We'll def be teaming up and doing more races together real soon!!!

  9. Running for Lauren is awesome! So, so sweet! And GAHHHHH HersheyPark is nothing short of my nightmare. I voted for your friends, but I grew up there and that place in the summer time is my own personal version of hell. So. Many. Tourists.

  10. Good job! Good luck on the cleanse. I can never stick with it. Ha

  11. Oh friend, so sweet that you are running for Lauren! Way to be!

  12. You go girl! I envy your ambition :)
    And another Kristine spelt the RIGHT way ;) love it!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!