Friday, June 14, 2013

Thankful For Zit Fighters and Firefighters

Raise your hand if you know what this is:

Source: via Janna on Pinterest

If you aren't raising your hand then you better RUN to get one.
It will change yo' life.

I actually had a cystic zit this week, but that is NOT the type that you use comedone extractor for. I used a little extra Benzoyle Peroxide, tried OTC Cortisone, and even drank a Tumeric cocktail {Tumeric, hot water, honey}. I don't know which one of these worked, but the sucker was gone in two days! Thank goodness for the internet and articles like this one: Get Rid Of A Huge Pimple

That counts as a high and low for the week, so now I'll break down the rest.


+ I saw this guy on Wednesday that had the tags still on his jersey. You know the whole, "I paid so much for this jersey that I'm going to flaunt the price tag" thing? That doesn't fly with me, so I just happened to mention, "I thought you would want to know, the tags are still on your shirt", and he ripped them right off! I have also been known to tell people that their pants are "falling off" when I see them sagging them, and I play completely dumb about it which makes it EXTRA funny.

+Girls night for a friend's going away:

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+ I finally got to run again, and I even went to get fitted for shoes. I thought it sounded silly, but now I think I will feel mucho better with the new shoes. No I did not buy any with pink on them, but yes, I did wear a dress to the running store. It is just too hot to wear anything but a dress these days.

 photo IMG_8388_zps2cc554d1.jpgUnfortunately, there were also lows this week:

+ This month is full of Field Training for Will, so he was playing soldier ALL week. We can still talk on the phone, but I hate losing time with him for silly stuff like this that he gets stuck doing. This training is pretty much a joke, and he only got sent because he's an Expert Shooter, which just proves that sometimes it does not pay to be a "top dog".

+  We have a fire blazing just North of us that is already worse than last year's Waldo Canyon Fire.

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I'm not going to go into how devastating it is, because we all know how destructive fires can be, but I just hope that everyone is keeping the people of Blackforest in their thoughts. Over 365 homes have already been lost and there is no end in sight. We just can't believe that it's happening all over again, and all we can do is put our faith in the firefighters, police force, and military that are fighting the raging giant.  Amen.

I am thankful that a few hours of work stand between me and a relaxing weekend with my hubby, so let's get it over with. Everyone have a great time celebrating Father's Day!

I'll leave you with a picture of the best daddy in the WHOLE wide world.
At least in my eyes ;)

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Love you, Daddy!


  1. I'm going to start being like you "your pants are falling off" hahaha!

    Way bummer Will has been gone, I know that is no bueno!

    YAY for new shoes, being fitted is SO important!

    Happy BIRTHDAY ARMY!!!


  2. awwww, but the time away just makes the time together that much sweeter! Don't you already love your new running shoes? Since you bought them in a dress now you need a running skirt to wear when running in them ;) Enjoy your weekend and so long sucka zit!!!

  3. Im glad your zit went away! Those things can be SO painful!!
    Hope the fires stay away! The news stories on all of these are SO scary!!
    Sending ya lots of love!

  4. Aww, Christopher has been gone for work this week too. It's no fun at all! I hope Will gets to be home with you soon!

    I love that you wore a dress to try on running shoes. I definitely wear dresses all summer long too so I definitely get it. :)

  5. I must live under a rock, I have no idea how you use that tool you talked abou! LOL wonder if google has a video tutorial on it?!

  6. I love this tool. My husband thinks I'm disgusting. Works wonders for black heads. Next time, (hopefully never bc cystic acne sucks) try making a paste with the turmeric and putting it on the spot. Turmeric makes a great mask because it has lots of anti-inflammatory properties.


  7. I have never seen that zip zapper before! Cystic acne is awful. They make you feel like you have a giant volcano on your face. Glad yours went away fast. Cut running shoes. I don't put a lot of mileage on my tennis shoes but even Mj has been telling me it's time for a new pair. I guess I'm waiting for them to fall apart.

  8. Hope you two love birds have a great time this weekend with each other!

  9. Have a wonderful weekend! :)

  10. which asics are those? i have the gel nimbus and love them. uh pimples, do we ever get old enough for them to finally go away!!!

  11. I've always wanted to get fitted for running shoes! Yours are really cute, but the last time I went to a store specifically for running shoes, the salesman kept pushing ugly shoes on me.. I'm not trying to look super cute in the gym, but I also don't want to look like a dork. Glad you get to spend the weekend with your hubby after a long week away!

  12. That pimple tool is amazing, I bought one in college and it pretty much changed my life!

    Sucks that Will has been gone all week, I hate how much training they end up going to that really isn't needed sometimes...

    Points to you for telling that guy off, I've always been a fan of being "blonde" when I need to be in order to make a point without getting flack for it!

  13. If you get bored while Will is out in the field, I'm still around until next Thursday (heading home to Texas for a week) and B is gone at NTC until July 5.

    ALSO glad you get to run again! It's amazing how much you miss it when you can't do it.

  14. My husband did that running shoe test and it was so worth it! Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  15. Hahah "your pants are falling off" too funny!

  16. I would love to be with you when you told someone their pants were falling off! haha so funny! I hope you enjoy your weekend and that you and Will get to spend more time together REAL soon! xoxo

  17. That story about the guy with with the price tags was too funny! And I pretty much wear dresses all summer--they are perfect for hot weather!

  18. Getting fitted for running shoes was the best thing I ever did! Don't you think they make the BIGGEST difference?!
    Praying for all those affected by the fire! Colorado just can't catch a break! :(

  19. Whaaaaaa? Why have I never heard of this acne tool or the Turmeric drink? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! Now, I will sat that OTC Cortisone cream is the best for zapping them fast!! I HATE cystic acne!!

  20. I have never heard of that tool thing, I didn't know they made things like that ha ha.
    I would love to get fitted for running shoes! But I probably should start running first ha ha.
    That's so scary about the fire - I hope that everyone is okay and that they are able to get it under control.
    Hope you and Will get to spend some good quality time together soon!!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!