Monday, April 1, 2013

It's The Final Countdown...

My weekend is still going, but that's not stopping me today.
I am sooooo happy to be able to share my progress, and to have reached this final check-in. I never thought that being held accountable would have helped this much!

Perception Is Everything

My awesome-tastic Co-Host: Megan from Growing Up Is Actually Kind Of Fun!

Final Update:
+ Hubby promised to update my iPhone this week!
{Lezbehonest...I was never actually going to do it myself}
+ I played with my camera ALL weekend in Breck and at a baby shower.
+ I went running EVERY morning last week!
I had to make up for what  I was going to eat this weekend.
+ I am in charge of training at work, and I am finally caught up. Even better, I've scheduled a day dedicated to getting ahead and organizing all my paperwork/training files. Who knew that Hooters training could be so intense?

What does all of this mean?
I am one HAPPY and ACCOMPLISHED girl.
I'm not the only one, though.

Meet Miss {Soon to be MRS} P!nky! I met her in B'more awhile back, and she is even MORE awesome than she comes off on her blog. Plus, now she's going to have wedding stuff on her blog, and I don't know about you, but I can NEVER get enough about weddings. Kinda funny since I didn't have one...but that's neither here nor there. Just check out her goals for March Madness, and more importantly, HER!

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Beautiful Janna has allowed me to be a cohost
and I'm SOOOOO STINKIN' excited.

This week was probably my worst though,
so no judging okay?

1] Another miserable FAIL for yoga this week, boo. I did some stretching but didn't make the time to practice at all. This week was more about running and trying to get a handle on my headache situation.

2] I was better about complaining at work this week, although I do have a plan for dealing with a work bully. Now instead of complaining, I'm trying to put a plan in place to fix a situation that makes me complain.

3] I took the FUEL my body better to the extreme this past week, but I was trying anything to make the headaches go away. I ate earlier in the mornings and snacked a lot more [even bad food snacks] to make sure it wasn't a CALORIC issue. So, this was complete, but not the correct way.

4] I didn't do much on the wedding front, because I was NOT interested in the computer after work. 

I shouldn't make excuses,
but I had chronic headaches everyday and ALL I wanted to do
was make them go away.

But, I should have tried harder to accomplish all of my goals.
OH WELL, I'll get it this week.

1] Print and cut Save the Date Cards.

2] Make dress appointment and decide on wedding dress.

3] Start the spring summer/winterfall wardrobe switch

I'm keeping it simple so I can succeed, 
ain't no shame right?!?!

I have to say, this link up wasn't JUST fun,

I made a bunch of monthly goals [post tomorrow]
and being able to weekly make progress
REALLY helped me achieve the BULK
of my monthly goals.

Thank you so much Janna, LOVE YOU!


Well, y'all...we did it!
Thank you to all that have linked up, my AMAZING co-hosts this month, and especially Megan. Girl, you kept my steam going this month! I just hope that you guys got as much out of this as I did. I'll be on the slopes all day, so catch ya on the flip side ;)


  1. Awesome girl! I need to be waaaay more organized!

  2. that is awesome!!! good job Janna!

  3. Way to go girlie, I knew you would rock it out!

    I'm so glad you did this linkup, it's truly a favorite. I wouldn't have been as successful as I was without it.

  4. yep, good job girl! So awesome that you dedicated each morning to w/o'ing and running. You've motivated all of this month!

  5. Good job girlfriend! I gotta get a better grip on my camera! I am going to DC this weekend and I hope to play a little in manual mode!

    I cant wait to see Miss P!nk in her wedding photos!

  6. I wanna see pics!! Congrats on getting ahead. You're so owning your to-do(ne) list.

  7. Great job on your goals!! I definitely wish I would have participated in this, I have so much stuff I need to get done that I keep putting on the back burner. That being said.. if you kept doing a linky like this I would totally join in ;D

  8. I love this idea! Small goals toward big goals is definitely the way to go!

  9. Sounds like a really great month for you! And I love your friend's energy! She comes across as super fun. :)

  10. Congrats on your running and getting caught up - that's awesome!!

  11. So awesome you're caught up and trying to get ahead of the game!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!