Friday, March 29, 2013

Whiskey For Breakfast

I can't believe it's Good Friday, that Easter is only two days away, and that we are already 1/3rd through 2013. Time {sure does} fly when you are having fun.

Speaking of fun, I'm going to tell you about St. Patrick's Day. Obviously, Will was in training, but our friend Buck decided that we were going snowboarding.  I was apprehensive about going without Will, however, Buck is our so-called "son", which is the next best thing. I've mentioned him many times, and realize I haven't told you much about him,
so here he is:

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+ He's a Texan
+ An NCO in the Army 
+ He loves Breckenridge Whiskey and mashed potatoes
+ He only eats vegetables when I make him
+ He will be in Alaska in less than a year, so single Alaskan ladies...get READY!

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At first, I was super pumped for a holiday in the snow, but on the way up we realized that the snow wasn't going to let up. I HATE snowboarding unless it is bright and sunny, so I decided that we needed a hearty meal before braving the weather.

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Now, you know I don't drink, but as you can imagine, I ALWAYS get carded when I do partake. That is, except for this day, because as Buck put it, "They figure you are over 21 if you order whiskey with your breakfast." Don't judge me, I was trying to warm up from the inside out.

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Shots at 9AM? Why not.

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The sun never really made an appearance, but it wasn't too bad and we were shreddin'. I definitely saw some improvement and we had a great time with lots of laughs and lots of rolling down the mountain for both of us. 

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After our bodies couldn't take anymore, we went to see some friends that live in Dillon, and we all went to dinner at the Dam Brewery. It has THE BEST Buffalo burgers in the world. Hands down. When we head up there this weekend, I hope we get to go again!

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We found out the boys have Monday off, so we are taking advantage of the three day weekend. There are already plans of parties, snowboarding, yummy food, and hopefully a little relaxation {in my dreams}. Hubby is even getting work done on his side tattoo by our friend Chago. I wanted to get one too, but I think it will have to wait. His is going to take about five hours, which equals a LOT of money. Yes, I know it will still be the same amount of money whether I do it now or later, but my cheapskate side doesn't see it that way. Hehe.

Anywhoo, in spite of my tattoo probs, the weekend should be perfect. I hope the same for you all too, and Happy Easter! Let's hope the Easter Bunny sends good weather to us all ;)


  1. You look so fab in your boarding gear. I always look a hot mess! Happy Easter love!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful time, minus the lover not being there.

    Whiskey for bfast = HARDCORE CHICK!

  3. Looks like y'all had a pretty damn good day!! Happy Easter weekend!

  4. You're too funny! You look so cute!! Happy Easter!!

  5. sounds like y'all had so much fun and have even more fun planned this weekend!

  6. You are the cutest snowboarder ever! And I don't think I have ever skied sober. It's the only way! Glad you had fun- Im jealous!!

  7. You are stinkin gorgeous!! Whiskey for breakfast? Rockstar status ;) Have an amazing Easter weekend love!

  8. Your hat rocks.

    Looks like a great day even though it started with whiskey. I can't do the whiskey!

    Happy Easter to you guys. Have a great weekend!

  9. Awww looks like such a fun time! And life is always better with a Texan! And sometimes the best days start with whiskey for breakfast!

    Have a fabulous Easter weekend with your hunny bunny!

  10. Love the pictures, and your hat! Looks like you had an awesome time snowboarding!! I've always wanted to go.. but I suck at anything that requires balance (unless its riding horses).
    Hope you have an awesome Easter weekend!!

  11. You look like a pretty snow bunny! Looks like a good time. I've never been skiing or snowboarding...I'm sure I'd fall a lot! Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Okay so I ate at the Dam brewery this weekend right before this! What a funny coincidence :)

  13. Looks like you guys had a great time!

    I am getting inked TOMORROW! I am so excited!

  14. Looks like LOTS of fun!
    Enjoy your three day weekend.

  15. Snowboarding is so fun! Looks like you guys had a great time :)

    xoxo Jamie

  16. I love your jacket! Looks like a fab holiday.

  17. shots at 7am, heck yes!
    plus, snowboarding is so fun!

  18. If I drank whiskey for breakfast I would be rolling down the hill naked. That's not a pretty site!

  19. Sorry you didn't get sunshiney days, but I'm glad you still had fun! :)

  20. What a great time! Love the pictures! :)

  21. Looks like a great time. I soooo want to try that someday!

  22. When I saw these pictures on instagram it had me craving the slopes! Can you even crave that? Whatever. I was dying to go boardin'!

  23. Looked like a fun despite the lack of sun. Hope yall have had a good week!


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