Friday, March 8, 2013

Will Declared Himself Alpha And Omega

First off, I would like to start your Friday off with a laugh.
**This conversation did in fact happen, when a random # messaged my husband**

 photo Gawd_zpsba43dd8c.jpg

If you want to continue laughing, check out my girl, Kait.


She has a surprise in store for ya, and here are a few more surprises for some lovely ladies...

How awesome was our Thrift Edition of Fearless Fashion Fridays?! We (Janna, Kelly & Lindsey) loved seeing what you came up with and we loved that we had so many voters!
Drumroll please!

The Winners

Fearless Fashion Fridays: Thrift Edition 1st Place Winner - Mila Rose Designs

Melis won a Mini Nail Kit and Three Nail Polishes from Kelly

Fearless Fashion Fridays: Thrift Edition 2nd Place Winner - The Style House

Sam won a Vintage-Feel Necklace from Lindsey

Whitney won a Tara Lane Bracelet from Janna

Starbucks Gift Card

Our Thank You for Voting Winner: Deborah R.
Deborah won a $20 Starbucks Gift Card – Janna will contact you!


Now, I just want to make it through this day. Only a few hours stand between myself and a REAL weekend. Will is going to be training both days, but I will gladly take some relaxation and have dinner waiting for him ;) I might even bake if I can work up the motivation. I want to make these:

I also hope to see your faces linking up on Monday for:

Perception Is Everything

We don't want to add to your stress, so keep it simple. You can outline your goals, share what you've already accomplished, cry about how overwhelming this month is, or just spread the word! Whatever works for you, and I have two ladies that are going to get us motivated.

Come back Monday to see who they are, and have a productive awesome weekend!


  1. "go play in traffic and come on up." ohhhmigoshh. i`m dyingg.

  2. YAY! I won :-)

    I wanna join in more of the FFF, but I have to buy a remote, since my "photographer" is out of the country at the moment!

  3. OH em gee your husband is hilarious! Go play in traffic and come see me, I die, literally!

    Loved the link up, congrats ladies!

  4. yay for giveaways! that convo was very odd! I pinned those muffins too! so weird. haha!

  5. Bahah that conversation is hilarious! :)

  6. Ha ha Will is hilarious - I love that conversation.
    Congrats to all of the winners :D

  7. HAHAHA Will, you are too freaking funny. I hope he reads your comments because he's a real star today!! Thank you so much for the sweet shoutout!! XOX

  8. That is to funny, so did yall ever figure out who it was?

  9. Oh my goodness your husband is hilarious. The go play in traffic line had me rolling.

  10. Bhahaha! That conversation is hilarious! I'm sending a link to this post to my husband. He will get a kick out of this. ;)

  11. Nice convo :). And those muffins, where are mine?!?!

  12. That's awesome! & who says, God isn't good enough, I need a name? roflmao


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!