Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I've Got A Crush...

I am not gonna lie, I almost didn't participate today.
Obviously, if I had just quietly ignored this link up, no one would be the wiser. I could say I didn't see it, I forgot, or something came up. No harm, no foul.

And yet...I would have known.

I stressed about it for days, and just ignoring it wouldn't have eased my mind.
 Who would I say? Can I list ALL the blogs that I love? What if I leave someone out? What if I lost contact with them? Will they even notice?

Then last night, I came to a conclusion.
I will first tell you that I love EVERY blog on my sidebar, and my blogroll is straight gold. Each of those ladies have touched me in an important way, and I am honored to call them friends.

Secondly, I will share the blogger that has helped me the most and been a constant in my life for about a year now. The one that I text on the regular, that I go to for fashion advice, and my GF...


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I read her blog for her passion for life...

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She's going to be a teacher, which means that she and le beau are perfect for each other.
{I am thankful for both selfless careers.}

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And like I said, she is my fashion guru.
I solicit her advice, and she NEVER steers me wrong.

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You may know her as the creator of the Messy Project, and I can brag and say that I was part of it for the inaugural event. #ballerstatus

But seriously...

Kelly, you are my blogging soulmate, and I am so incredibly thankful to have you in my life. In case you didn't already know, YOU are my blog crush!

Who's your blog crush? Link up with Living In Yellow. Right meow.


  1. Great post! :) Have a wonderful day!

  2. love your blog crush...she's mine too ;)

    and you of course.

  3. Thanks for the sidebar shout out... You are fantastic :) Honored to be a Carson mil spouse with you!!

  4. Awww! Love the way you did this post!! Very sweet!

  5. I am so glad you decided to join! i am in love with this link up!! i love finding new great blogs!! have a fabulous day!!

  6. it's magic isn't it. when someone you know from the blog turns to be your real life friend? you ladies are amazing

  7. I think meeting new friends is my absolute favorite part of the blog world. It's awesome when you find someone who you connect with, that you may never have met otherwise!
    Like you! :)

  8. Great post! Going to check out the blogs

  9. Y'all are two peas in a pod.... so cute!


  10. I knew you were going to pick Kel! I just love her!!! And you, duh ;)

  11. Well said Janna!

  12. How did I miss this link up?! Love this idea and I love YOU :)

  13. I love this post..,and idea somuch
    Always happy with your day dear:)


  14. awww!! Kelly seems like such a sweetheart!

  15. Too cute! Kelly is definitely one of my favorites out there. So genuine and kind :)

  16. So stinkin' sweet!!! You girls are both precious and love you dearly...such genuine and sincere bloggers!!!

  17. Haha, I love Kelly too, plus we share a name!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  18. seriously I am still speechless. and then reading all these sweet comments. im blushing. i dont even know what to write i just feel so happy. love you gf!!! ill be back to write more when I can get the words hahah! im just still in did I get so lucky?!

  19. This is so cute! I love how blogging can lead to community which leads to real friendships. So sweet! :)


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!