Thursday, February 28, 2013

Today Is THE Day!

Link up with the one and only Thrift Edition of Fearless Fashion Fridays!

Follow your hosts and co-host.
Put the button code and links on your post
Link up your post
Vote for your favorite look! The only rule is you can't vote for yourself!
While not mandatory, get out there and mingle with the other thrifters.
Thrifters, make sure you complete all directions to be eligible to win!
This way it is fair to those who followed the directions. There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes, so don't miss out!
Non-Thrifters, the rafflecopter welcomes you to vote as well, and there will be a separate prize just for you! WhoopWhoop.

I am stuntin' and flossin' and
Savin' my money and I'm hella happy that's a bargain, b#@%$.

Mood music, please:

When I started shopping for this project, I KNEW that I wanted a Navajo inspired sweater and low and behold, it was the first thing I found! Pure dumb luck, I tell ya.

 photo FFFThrift_zpsa55d6523.jpg

My luck didn't run out, though. I also found those BRAND NEW American Eagle Jeans {that are actually sold out and not available in stores} at Plato's closet! How is that even possible?

John Wayne ain't got nothing on my fringe game, hell no...

 photo FFFThrift1_zpsf90fd209.jpg

Unmentionables are not from a Thrift store. Just to clarify.

Now link up, so I can check out all your outfits. I KNOW there are going to be some fabulous ones, and y'all embraced the challenge. Mammy Janna is so proud!

The voting is open to EVERYONE, so get in on the action:

In case you were wondering where I was yesterday, I got to "Pin" my soldier at his promotion ceremony! I will tell you all about it and share some video soon :)

PS. "Pin" means punch...just wait 'till you see the video.


  1. Can't wait to see the promotion video! When Kyle got promoted to 1LT back in 2009 it was a pain to really inflict pain because he was in his dress blues boo lol...I missed his promotion to CPT really bummed about that. The next one I will make up for his haha. :)

  2. I'm loving your Navajo sweater. Congrats to your hubby again!

  3. Ok... seriously I can't even find pants that fit great at a "regular" store for full price!! That's awesome! And LOVE the sweater! Perfect length for you! EXCITED to see the vid! XOXOOX

  4. Girl! Love me some bargin shopping!!!
    You look great!

  5. YOu look fabulous darling, I love your look. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE this linkup, such a fun idea.

    I planned to participate, but then I wussed out. *Hanging head in shame*!

    I've never "thrift shopped", but I will one day!


  6. Great finds...I love shopping at thrift stores. Maybe because I am cheap?

  7. The sweater looks great on you!

  8. loveee navajo!! you are a great thrifter!

  9. You look amazing! LOVE the outfit. U love Mila Rose's dress too - amazing.

  10. I vote for #10 - Nadine @ Back East Blonde.

    Super cute and love the shoes, and color choices. :)

    Melanie @ Van Wynsberg Nest

  11. I vote melis @ mila rose designs! She looks GORG in that vintage dress!

    <3 danielle

  12. I've heard of Plato's Closet but never been.

    So cool you got to pin Will

  13. I love sweater! SO cute!

    I will need to go to Plato's closet! I have seen all the commercials and ads but I've never been either!

  14. Finding brand new while thrifting is the best! Love the soft colors. Excited for the "punch" and ceremony recap!

  15. This post made me laugh. Loved it!! Mood music please! :)

  16. You did awesome on your outfit!!! I have a Navajo inspired sweater and I know I paid a lot more for mine then you. And brand new jeans. Score!!! I feel like I can hardly even find anything at Marshall's so I feel like my luck would be terrible at thrift shops. I'll have to come back later to check on outfits and vote.

  17. That is LUCKY you were able to find all of that when you wanted it! I can't ever find stuff when I'm searching for it, it's always when I don't have money to shop ha! You look amazing!!

  18. i love number 7 for sure. the mixing of prints rocks. also, your navajo sweater is insanely amazing. i remember all the pinnings for my husband. tehehehe.

  19. LOVE that sweater!!

  20. i love your sweater - so comfy and cute!

  21. i love that sweater!
    isn't plato's a great place. i am actually on my way there today. i know i'll find a ton of cute stuff for super cheap.

  22. Mood music hahaha that cracked me up :)

  23. That sweater is GORGEOUS! I'm obsessed!

  24. I love this Navajo sweater, so pretty!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  25. First off, you look great! Those were fabulous finds and I'm lovin' it. Thrifting is my fave!

    Secondly.... Shoot or darn or just crap! I didn't get to participate. I dressed up that morning and then failed to picture and post. Then evening came.

    Still voting :)

  26. That sweater is Ah-mazing...I am loving this pattern right now. So fun!!! And Plato's closet...I found some TRUE jewels a J.Crew sequin top for $10!!!! :)

  27. cuuute find! love the thrift stores!!!!!!!

  28. Can't wait for the video!!
    I'm voting for Whitney :D

  29. That sweater is super cute. Excellent thrift store find for sure.

    Congrats to your husband, can't wait to see the video.

  30. Oh, I love Plato's Closet! They have such great steals! And I'm looking forward to seeing the video of Will's promotion! :)

  31. I'm OBSESSED with that song! And I'm super excited because I found out they are coming to Houston in June!

  32. My vote is for you!!!

    Lovin the Navajo.

  33. congrats to your man! :)

    Another army wife here, definitely will be following your blog! Glad I found it!


I love every bit of insight, encouragement, and to hear your stories as well!