Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Santa Came In February!

#1 I managed to get off to be there for Will's promotion ceremony.
#2 I'm about to show you ;)

You may not remember, but I had this on my Christmas list:

Luckily, my girl Tiffany knew how badly I wanted one, so she sent me one to review for y'all!
Yep, homegirl is my hero right now.

I was able to choose a large or small locket, gold/silver/rose gold, the type of chain I desired, and lots of fun charms to personalize my locket. Every aspect is just as I dreamed...

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I chose:
An owl, my job
A camera, my love of photography
A suitcase, my love of travel
The aqua accent stone, my favorite color
The Peridot heart, my daddy's birth stone
The Garnet heart, Will's birth stone
And the anchor, also for Will because he is the anchor for my soul
Cheesy alert!

 photo OragamiOwl1_zps477cb75f.jpg

A few really fun things about Origami Owl:
*The company was started by a 14 year old girl in 2010!
*Everything is sold a la cart so that every locket is completely personalized and unique
*Whether you want to wear one charm or all of them on any given day, you can easily switch the charms out, much like a Pandora bracelet. Only fancier. 

Tell me you don't want one:

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Now go check out Tiffany on Origami Owl. She is donating 20% of all orders in February and March to the Susan G. Komen fund, and you can check out her page for the three day Breast cancer Walk here. I know that when I need a "reason" to buy fun goodies like this, a charity contribution will always win me over! Don't forget Mother's Day is right around the corner...Seems like the perfect way to show mom that you love her!


You will probably see some pics pop up on Twitter and Instagram from my girlfriends Birthday tonight AND the ceremony tomorrow, in case you are as excited as I am. Well...I'm actually not excited about going out on a week night {Did I just say that?}, but I'll have a good time anyways. We always do!


  1. I love the necklace!!! I'm adding it to my list of wants

  2. Congrats to Will!

    I've been wanting one of those necklaces... So cute!

  3. I love it, it's so cute!!!!

  4. I love your necklace, I just looked on the website and got really excited about ordering one and looking at what I'd choose until I read the FAQ's and saw they don't deliver outside the US, gutted!!

  5. That's a really cute necklace. I love how you can customize it to fit your personality. :)

  6. SUCH a gorgeous necklace, I LOVE IT! So perfect for you xoxo

  7. I WANT ONE! Good thing payday is tomorrow!

  8. Cute! I'm going to my first Origami owl party next weekend! I think these necklaces are PERFECT to do as a gift, and I want to do one for my sisters and I that all match. Love them!

  9. Great choices. Love the owl. I'm obsessed and on my way to "check it out."

  10. It's so cute! I love it how you can make it so personal and unique to who you are.

  11. It's so pretty! I love the idea behind Pandora bracelets, but I just wouldn't wear something like that (at least not now). However, I'd totally wear it as a necklace. I love it!

  12. Thanks Janna! The locket you put together is BEAUTIFUL and your pictures in the blog post = AWESOME! Any questions about the site or the lockets at all my email is:

  13. You had me at Santa. I LOVE THIS! It looks so cute and I love that you can personalize it for all the different aspects of your life :) If I didn't tell you this yet..Tell Will congratulations from Hawaii :)

  14. I love this, I really want to get one. Maybe I will do it haha. :)

  15. Love it!! So cute, I love how personalized it is!

  16. o wow!!! that is SUPER cute!!! i think i will have to add this to my list of things i want to get! it is very cute and very unique!!!

  17. I love that necklace! I am going to have to go check out her shop :D

  18. I want an Origami necklace so bad! It would probably take me like 2 hours just to decide which charms to get. I love them all! :)

    I found your blog through Messy.Dirty.Hair!

  19. Gorgeous!!!!! I need one! Love that it can be custom! Adding to my wish list for sure! Love that you got off for Will's ceremony :) xoxoxo

  20. that's a gorgeous necklace!

  21. ahhh I love these so much - very cute! :)

  22. I love love Origami Owl!! Yours is pretty!!! Have so much fun at the ceremony, cant wait to hear about it!!

  23. Gorgeous! I especially love the anchor charm ;)

  24. This is such a neat idea! I've never seen anything like this - it's beautiful!

    The Hartungs Blog

  25. Congrats to your husband on his promotion! Please tell him thank you for his service. Thank YOU for your service too!
    I LOVE the locket - VERY cool! I may have to put that on my birthday list. Thanks for the details.
    Have a great rest of your week.

  26. So beautiful (the necklace AND you!)


  27. I love the necklace! So beautiful:)

  28. This is so cute! Love the charms that you chose!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  29. This necklace is so pretty! It would make a stunning gift.

  30. Love yours! Can't wait to get one! :)

  31. I haven't seen this necklace before! BUT I can tell you that I love it! I don't blame you for wanting one ;)
    The stuff you chose to put in it is great, too!


  32. Oh this is the cutest!! And I love the meaning behind all of your charms!

  33. what a cool necklace - i love it!


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